Isiah Meadows (2016-12-27T16:25:11.000Z)
In [this GH issue in the async iteration proposal][1], I found that
the async iteration concept itself could theoretically be used for
resource management, such as in this example (copy/pasted from my
initial issue):

const fsp = require("fs-promise")

async function *open(file, opts) {
    const fd = await, opts)
    try { yield fd } finally { await fsp.close(fd) }

for await (const fd of open("/path/to/file", {mode: "r+"})) {
    const bit = await
    // do other things...

// descriptor automatically closed, so no resource leaks!

It's neat and all, but we *really* should have something much better
than that. Maybe something like this?

// Strict mode only
with (const fd = await open("/path/to/file", {mode: "r+"})) {
    const bit = await
    // do other things...

(I'm not totally sure about what methods the closeable/etc. API or
protocol should use.)



Isiah Meadows
me at
forbes at (2017-01-08T05:35:46.641Z)
In [this GH issue in the async iteration proposal][1], I found that
the async iteration concept itself could theoretically be used for
resource management, such as in this example (copy/pasted from my
initial issue):

const fsp = require("fs-promise")

async function *open(file, opts) {
    const fd = await, opts)
    try { yield fd } finally { await fsp.close(fd) }

for await (const fd of open("/path/to/file", {mode: "r+"})) {
    const bit = await
    // do other things...

// descriptor automatically closed, so no resource leaks!

It's neat and all, but we *really* should have something much better
than that. Maybe something like this?

// Strict mode only
with (const fd = await open("/path/to/file", {mode: "r+"})) {
    const bit = await
    // do other things...

(I'm not totally sure about what methods the closeable/etc. API or
protocol should use.)
