Ben Aston (2017-03-22T08:15:53.000Z)
ben at (2017-03-22T08:20:55.933Z)
I am looking for a champion for a partial application operator strawman. A terse, native syntax for partial application that does not affect the target of a function will improve code consistency, clarity of intent and legibility. Assuming `arg1` is defined: Before: ```js import _ from 'lodash'; const o = { foo: _.partial(foo, arg1), bar: bar.bind(null, arg1) }; ``` After: ```js const o = { foo::arg1, bar::arg1 }; ``` I am aware of another idea entitled "this binding syntax" (, that uses similar operator syntax to this strawman. I have no doubt there is a better syntax for my strawman! Ben Aston ben at