森建 (2017-06-27T20:07:51.000Z)
PHP, Ruby, Groovy have spaceship operator `<=>`. In short, this operator compares values and returns `1`, `-1`, `0`.

ECMAScript spec's `TypedArray#sort` has the default comparison part like following code, so I think it's useful that appending spaceship operator to ECMAScript like it.

function isPlusZero(val) {
     return val === 0 && 1 / val === Infinity;

function defaultCompare(x, y) {
     const [isNaN_x, isNaN_y] = [Number.isNaN(x), Number.isNaN(y)];

     if(isNaN_x && isNaN_y)
         return 0;

         return 1;

         return -1;

     if(x < y)
         return -1;

     if(x > y)
         return 1;

     if(x === 0 && y === 0) {
         const [isPlusZero_x, isPlusZero_y] = [isPlusZero(x), isPlusZero(y)];

         if(!isPlusZero_x && isPlusZero_y)
             return -1;

         if(isPlusZero_x && !isPlusZero_y)
             return 1;

     return 0;

// NaN behave like the biggest number
NaN <=> NaN // 0
NaN <=> 42 // 1
42 <=> NaN // -1
Infinity <=> NaN // -1

// finite
10 <=> 10 // 0
-1 <=> 10 // -1
10 <=> -1 // 1

// 0, -0 are not the same
-0 <=> 0 // -1
0 <=> -0 // 1

## Use cases

// Array#sort can use TypedArray#sort default comparison part
[10, 5, NaN, -1].sort((a, b) => a <=> b); // [-1, 5, 10, NaN]

// desc order
new Float64Array([10, 5, NaN, -1]).sort((a, b) => -(a <=> b)); // [NaN, 10, 5, -1]

## Problems

`TypedArray#sort` default comparison part has no `string` order function.

"abc" <=> "def" // same as "abc".localeCompare("def") ?
"abc" <=> 42 // same as "abc".localeCompare("42") ?

I found the reference to spaceship operator in ES Discuss. It has Already discussed in TC39 meeting?
moriken at kimamass.com (2017-06-27T20:12:55.664Z)
PHP, Ruby, Groovy have spaceship operator `<=>`. In short, this operator compares values and returns `1`, `-1`, `0`.

ECMAScript spec's `TypedArray#sort` has the default comparison part like following code, so I think it's useful that appending spaceship operator to ECMAScript like it.  

function isPlusZero(val) {
     return val === 0 && 1 / val === Infinity;

function defaultCompare(x, y) {
     const [isNaN_x, isNaN_y] = [Number.isNaN(x), Number.isNaN(y)];

     if(isNaN_x && isNaN_y)
         return 0;

         return 1;

         return -1;

     if(x < y)
         return -1;

     if(x > y)
         return 1;

     if(x === 0 && y === 0) {
         const [isPlusZero_x, isPlusZero_y] = [isPlusZero(x), isPlusZero(y)];

         if(!isPlusZero_x && isPlusZero_y)
             return -1;

         if(isPlusZero_x && !isPlusZero_y)
             return 1;

     return 0;

// NaN behave like the biggest number
NaN <=> NaN // 0
NaN <=> 42 // 1
42 <=> NaN // -1
Infinity <=> NaN // -1

// finite
10 <=> 10 // 0
-1 <=> 10 // -1
10 <=> -1 // 1

// 0, -0 are not the same
-0 <=> 0 // -1
0 <=> -0 // 1

## Use cases

// Array#sort can use TypedArray#sort default comparison part
[10, 5, NaN, -1].sort((a, b) => a <=> b); // [-1, 5, 10, NaN]

// desc order
new Float64Array([10, 5, NaN, -1]).sort((a, b) => -(a <=> b)); // [NaN, 10, 5, -1]

## Problems

`TypedArray#sort` default comparison part has no `string` order function.

"abc" <=> "def" // same as "abc".localeCompare("def") ?
"abc" <=> 42 // same as "abc".localeCompare("42") ?

I found the reference to spaceship operator in ES Discuss. It has Already discussed in TC39 meeting?  
moriken at kimamass.com (2017-06-27T20:12:33.537Z)
PHP, Ruby, Groovy have spaceship operator `<=>`. In short, this operator compares values and returns `1`, `-1`, `0`.

ECMAScript spec's `TypedArray#sort` has the default comparison part like following code, so I think it's useful that appending spaceship operator to ECMAScript like it.

function isPlusZero(val) {
     return val === 0 && 1 / val === Infinity;

function defaultCompare(x, y) {
     const [isNaN_x, isNaN_y] = [Number.isNaN(x), Number.isNaN(y)];

     if(isNaN_x && isNaN_y)
         return 0;

         return 1;

         return -1;

     if(x < y)
         return -1;

     if(x > y)
         return 1;

     if(x === 0 && y === 0) {
         const [isPlusZero_x, isPlusZero_y] = [isPlusZero(x), isPlusZero(y)];

         if(!isPlusZero_x && isPlusZero_y)
             return -1;

         if(isPlusZero_x && !isPlusZero_y)
             return 1;

     return 0;

// NaN behave like the biggest number
NaN <=> NaN // 0
NaN <=> 42 // 1
42 <=> NaN // -1
Infinity <=> NaN // -1

// finite
10 <=> 10 // 0
-1 <=> 10 // -1
10 <=> -1 // 1

// 0, -0 are not the same
-0 <=> 0 // -1
0 <=> -0 // 1

## Use cases

// Array#sort can use TypedArray#sort default comparison part
[10, 5, NaN, -1].sort((a, b) => a <=> b); // [-1, 5, 10, NaN]

// desc order
new Float64Array([10, 5, NaN, -1]).sort((a, b) => -(a <=> b)); // [NaN, 10, 5, -1]

## Problems

`TypedArray#sort` default comparison part has no `string` order function.

"abc" <=> "def" // same as "abc".localeCompare("def") ?
"abc" <=> 42 // same as "abc".localeCompare("42") ?

I found the reference to spaceship operator in ES Discuss. It has Already discussed in TC39 meeting?