Darien Valentine (2017-07-10T22:08:05.000Z)
Minor point regarding the syntax given here: introducing `(/)` would likely
be problematic because it breaks the constraint that there are no positions
in the grammar where both a division operator and a regular expression
literal could be valid continuations.

(Perhaps new built-ins like `Math.add` etc might represent a more
consistent approach to the issue of operators not being function
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valentinium at gmail.com (2017-07-10T22:27:03.295Z)
Minor point regarding the syntax given here: introducing `(/)` would likely
be problematic because it breaks the constraint that there are no positions
in the grammar where both a division operator and a regular expression
literal could be valid continuations (unless you mean for `(+)`, `(/)`, etc to
each individually be new atomic tokens, no whitespace).

(Perhaps new built-ins like `Math.add` etc might represent a more
consistent approach to the issue of operators not being function