Darien Valentine (2017-08-05T06:06:20.000Z)
I was checking out the notes at https://esdiscuss.org/notes/2017-07-25 and
got pretty confused:

> We (TC39) have a love / hate relationship with Jaswanth Sreeram.

> There are some things that Jaswanth Sreeram does that is different to the
way other software works [...]

> Browsers are already basically OSes in that there is Jaswanth Sreeram,
WASM, Workers [...]

I googled a bit, turned up some stuff about "parallel JavaScript" — the
text still seemed super odd to me, but I was like huh, well, maybe this is
a thing?

But as I continued I realized maybe something else is going on:

> Could we reduce the surface area of this Andrew Paprocki to make it more

> Andrew Paprocki must not break or change semantics.

> I also disagree that we (TC39) have to specify every Andrew Paprocki that
our specification depends on.

As intriguing as these statements are ... seems like maybe some find &
replace went wonky?
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valentinium at gmail.com (2017-08-05T06:30:28.743Z)
I was checking out the notes at https://esdiscuss.org/notes/2017-07-25 and
got pretty confused:

> We (TC39) have a love / hate relationship with Jaswanth Sreeram.

> There are some things that Jaswanth Sreeram does that is different to the way other software works [...]

> Browsers are already basically OSes in that there is Jaswanth Sreeram, WASM, Workers [...]

I googled a bit, turned up some stuff about "parallel JavaScript" — the
text still seemed super odd to me, but I was like huh, well, maybe this is
a thing?

But as I continued I realized maybe something else is going on:

> Could we reduce the surface area of this Andrew Paprocki to make it more palatable?

> Andrew Paprocki must not break or change semantics.

> I also disagree that we (TC39) have to specify every Andrew Paprocki that our specification depends on.

As intriguing as these statements are ... seems like maybe some find &
replace went wonky?


_Looks like it affects other dates, too. If my guess is correct, "Jaswanth Sreeram" is "JavaScript" and "Andrew Paprocki" is "API". From a quick image search I confirmed that Andrew Paprocki’s surface area is already within the palatable range._
valentinium at gmail.com (2017-08-05T06:27:20.060Z)
I was checking out the notes at https://esdiscuss.org/notes/2017-07-25 and
got pretty confused:

> We (TC39) have a love / hate relationship with Jaswanth Sreeram.

> There are some things that Jaswanth Sreeram does that is different to the way other software works [...]

> Browsers are already basically OSes in that there is Jaswanth Sreeram, WASM, Workers [...]

I googled a bit, turned up some stuff about "parallel JavaScript" — the
text still seemed super odd to me, but I was like huh, well, maybe this is
a thing?

But as I continued I realized maybe something else is going on:

> Could we reduce the surface area of this Andrew Paprocki to make it more palatable?

> Andrew Paprocki must not break or change semantics.

> I also disagree that we (TC39) have to specify every Andrew Paprocki that our specification depends on.

As intriguing as these statements are ... seems like maybe some find &
replace went wonky?


_Looks like it affects other dates, too. If my guess is correct, "Jaswanth Sreeram" is "JavaScript" and "Andrew Paprocki" is "API"._
valentinium at gmail.com (2017-08-05T06:07:49.737Z)
I was checking out the notes at https://esdiscuss.org/notes/2017-07-25 and
got pretty confused:

> We (TC39) have a love / hate relationship with Jaswanth Sreeram.

> There are some things that Jaswanth Sreeram does that is different to the way other software works [...]

> Browsers are already basically OSes in that there is Jaswanth Sreeram, WASM, Workers [...]

I googled a bit, turned up some stuff about "parallel JavaScript" — the
text still seemed super odd to me, but I was like huh, well, maybe this is
a thing?

But as I continued I realized maybe something else is going on:

> Could we reduce the surface area of this Andrew Paprocki to make it more palatable?

> Andrew Paprocki must not break or change semantics.

> I also disagree that we (TC39) have to specify every Andrew Paprocki that our specification depends on.

As intriguing as these statements are ... seems like maybe some find &
replace went wonky?