T.J. Crowder (2017-08-12T07:47:36.000Z)
On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 7:14 AM, Hikaru Nakashima <oao.hikaru.oao at gmail.com>
> In addition, there is `optional catch binding` proposal, and this
> idea is less dangerous.
> Rather, this idea looks natural, because `foo = try bar` is looks
> like `foo = do { try { bar }  }` .

I think you're misunderstanding the [optional catch binding proposal][1].
It does **not** make `try { something }` valid. It makes `try { something }
catch { }` valid. It's for all those times you don't need the exception, so
the *binding* (the `(e)` part of `catch (e)`) is made optional.

If I'm wrong about your misunderstanding the proposal, my apologies; if so,
what's dangerous about optional catch bindings?

Making `catch` optional would indeed, in my view, be dangerous, which is
why I don't like the suggestion that's the topic of this thread. If you're
going to ignore exceptions on a block, for which, yes, there are valid use
cases, I much prefer that it be explicit.

-- T.J. Crowder

[1]: https://tc39.github.io/proposal-optional-catch-binding/
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tj.crowder at farsightsoftware.com (2017-08-12T08:15:12.725Z)
On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 7:14 AM, Hikaru Nakashima <oao.hikaru.oao at gmail.com> wrote:

> In addition, there is `optional catch binding` proposal, and this
> idea is less dangerous.
> Rather, this idea looks natural, because `foo = try bar` is looks
> like `foo = do { try { bar }  }` .

I think you're misunderstanding the [optional catch binding proposal][1].
It does **not** make `try { something }` valid. It makes `try { something }
catch { }` valid. It's for all those times you don't need the exception, so
the *binding* (the `(e)` part of `catch (e)`) is made optional.

If I'm wrong about your misunderstanding the proposal, my apologies; if so,
what's dangerous about optional catch bindings?

Making `catch` optional would indeed, in my view, be dangerous, which is
why I don't like the suggestion that's the topic of this thread. If you're
going to ignore exceptions on a block, for which, yes, there are valid use
cases, I much prefer that it be explicit.

-- T.J. Crowder

[1]: https://tc39.github.io/proposal-optional-catch-binding/