T.J. Crowder (2017-11-10T13:38:04.000Z)
On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 1:11 PM, Laurentiu Taschina
<source.spider at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to propose the standard allow for shorthand form for
> the normal "function" keyword.
> ...
> Advantages & Motivation
> only regular functions can have names, but being so clunky people
> are discouraged from using the syntax in favor of short but
> anonymous arrow functions; this is detrimental for stack traces
> and debugging

That's a myth. The following function has the name `foo`, every bit as much
as `function foo() { ... }` would:

const foo = () => {
    throw new Error();
console.log(foo.name); // "foo"
foo();                 // Stack trace will show the name "foo"

[Try it here][1] on any vaguely-recent version of Chrome or Firefox.

This was first defined in ES2015, the same spec that defined arrow
functions; search [the spec][2] for SetFunctionName to see all the various
places it applies. The short version is: If it's assigned to just about
anything but a property on a preexisting object and the name of the thing
it's being assigned to can reasonably be used as a name, that becomes the
name of the function. So `obj.foo = () => { }` doesn't assign a name (due
to [information leak concerns][3]), but assigning to a constant, variable,
property within an object initializer, parameter as default value, etc.,
all do on compliant implementations.

I think the only thing missing is hoisted declarations for non-`function`
functions (arrow functions have no declaration form), which doesn't
immediately seem like sufficient cause for a new keyword (but that's not my

-- T.J. Crowder

[1]: https://jsfiddle.net/dfpdn0cj/
[2]: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/
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tj.crowder at farsightsoftware.com (2017-11-10T13:42:29.409Z)
On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 1:11 PM, Laurentiu Taschina
<source.spider at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to propose the standard allow for shorthand form for
> the normal "function" keyword.
> ...
> Advantages & Motivation
> only regular functions can have names, but being so clunky people
> are discouraged from using the syntax in favor of short but
> anonymous arrow functions; this is detrimental for stack traces
> and debugging

That's a myth. The following function has the name `foo`, every bit as much
as `function foo() { ... }` would:

const foo = () => {
    throw new Error();
console.log(foo.name); // "foo"
foo();                 // Stack trace will show the name "foo"

[Try it here][1] on any vaguely-recent version of Chrome or Firefox.

This was first defined in ES2015, the same spec that defined arrow
functions; search [the spec][2] for SetFunctionName to see all the various
places it applies. The short version is: If it's assigned to just about
anything but a property on a preexisting object and the name of the thing
it's being assigned to can reasonably be used as a name, that becomes the
name of the function. So `obj.foo = () => { }` doesn't assign a name (due
to [information leak concerns][3]), but assigning to a constant, variable,
property within an object initializer, parameter as default value, etc.,
all do on compliant implementations.

I think the only thing missing is hoisted declarations for non-`function`
functions (arrow functions have no declaration form), which doesn't
immediately seem like sufficient cause for a new keyword (but that's not my

-- T.J. Crowder

[1]: https://jsfiddle.net/dfpdn0cj/
[2]: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/
[3]: https://esdiscuss.org/topic/name-anonymous-functions-on-property-assignments#content-20