Александр Ефремов (2018-02-12T10:28:01.000Z)
Hm, yes, you are right.
That’s https://eslint.org/docs/rules/require-await <https://eslint.org/docs/rules/require-await>
Thank you very much.
In the next I will be more dig.
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mr.efrem at gmail.com (2018-02-12T10:29:21.793Z)
Hm, yes, you are right.
That’s require-await <https://eslint.org/docs/rules/require-await>

Thank you very much.
In the next time I will be more dig.
mr.efrem at gmail.com (2018-02-12T10:29:03.387Z)
Hm, yes, you are right.
That’s require-await <https://eslint.org/docs/rules/require-await>

Thank you very much.
In the next I will be more dig.