Dimitrian Nine (2018-02-16T08:44:17.000Z)
"It gets ugly(ier) when you want to extend that. :-) "

Ok, i get it, but yes i prefer some more sugar like as i suggested before.
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dimtimeforever at gmail.com (2018-02-16T09:27:04.586Z)
"It gets ugly(ier) when you want to extend that. :-) "

Ok, i get it, but yes i prefer some more sugar like as i suggested before.

async class Files{
this.blob = await get_file(path);

async class ExtFiles extends Files{
await super(path);
this.path = path;

[file1,file2,file3] = await Promise.all([
new ExtFiles(path1),
new ExtFiles(path2),
new ExtFiles(path3)