/#!/JoePea (2018-03-29T02:20:49.000Z)
​Rob, you gave an example (I modified barely, to make it work in browser

class FunctionInheritable {
  constructor() {
    return this._constructor.apply(this, arguments);
  _constructor() {}
  static call(context, ...args) {
    return this.apply(context, args);
  static apply(context, args) {
    return this.prototype._constructor.apply(context, args) || context;

class YourActualLibraryClass extends FunctionInheritable {
  // all your inheritable classes will have to use `_constructor` instead
of `constructor`
  _constructor(firstArg) {
    // do whatever you want, there are no special requirements on what’s in
    this.something = firstArg;
  someLibraryClassFunction() {
    return this.something;

// any ES5 or earlier function-style “class” can now inherit with no changes
function SomeEs5FunctionConstructor() {
  this.somethingElse = 'whatever';
  YourActualLibraryClass.call(this, 'something');
SomeEs5FunctionConstructor.prototype =

new SomeEs5FunctionConstructor().someLibraryClassFunction() // "something"

It works, but I don't understand why. For example, if I try the following,
it fails:

class Foo {}
Foo.apply(window, ['foo'])

Why is it that the static version you implemented above can `.apply` itself
without this same error (and `new` is not being used)?

- Joe

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trusktr at gmail.com (2018-03-29T02:41:35.657Z)
​Rob, you gave an example (I modified barely, to make it work in browser

class FunctionInheritable {
  constructor() {
    return this._constructor.apply(this, arguments);
  _constructor() {}
  static call(context, ...args) {
    return this.apply(context, args);
  static apply(context, args) {
    return this.prototype._constructor.apply(context, args) || context;

class YourActualLibraryClass extends FunctionInheritable {
  // all your inheritable classes will have to use `_constructor` instead of `constructor`
  _constructor(firstArg) {
    // do whatever you want, there are no special requirements on what’s in here
    this.something = firstArg;
  someLibraryClassFunction() {
    return this.something;

// any ES5 or earlier function-style “class” can now inherit with no changes
function SomeEs5FunctionConstructor() {
  this.somethingElse = 'whatever';
  YourActualLibraryClass.call(this, 'something');
SomeEs5FunctionConstructor.prototype =

new SomeEs5FunctionConstructor().someLibraryClassFunction() // "something"

It works, but I don't understand why. For example, if I try the following,
it fails:

class Foo {}
Foo.apply(window, ['foo'])

Why is it that the static version you implemented above can `.apply` itself
without this same error (and `new` is not being used)?