Darien Valentine (2018-07-05T00:16:47.000Z)
> My thought was to have the following: this.foo ?= params?.foo; which can
be desugared to if (($ref = params?.foo) !== undefined) { this.foo = $ref; }

Are there any specific advantages to the new syntax you’re describing?
Initially, it appears to me like a less powerful form of an existing
syntactic feature — default initializers and binding patterns allow
expressing the same logic:

const obj = {
  demo(params={}) {
    ({ foo: this.foo=this.foo } = params);

      `params was ${ JSON.stringify(params) }; ` +
      `this.foo is now ${ JSON.stringify(this.foo) }`

obj.demo({ foo: 1 });
obj.demo({ foo: 2 });
obj.demo({ foo: 3 });
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valentinium at gmail.com (2018-07-05T00:18:41.481Z)
> My thought was to have the following: this.foo ?= params?.foo; which can be desugared to if (($ref = params?.foo) !== undefined) { this.foo = $ref; }

Are there any specific advantages to the new syntax you’re describing? Initially, it appears to me like a less powerful form of an existing syntactic feature — default initializers and binding patterns allow expressing the same logic:

const obj = {
  demo(params={}) {
    ({ foo: this.foo=this.foo } = params);

      `params was ${ JSON.stringify(params) }; ` +
      `this.foo is now ${ JSON.stringify(this.foo) }`

obj.demo({ foo: 1 });
obj.demo({ foo: 2 });
obj.demo({ foo: 3 });