Cyril Auburtin (2018-07-17T15:44:13.000Z)
It would be great to have
JSON.stringify({x: 5n, y: BigInt('6')}) === '{"x":5n,"y":6n}'
JSON.parse('{"x": 3n}') // {x: 3n}
I don't know how feasable it would be, maybe have a new JSON5 object if
JSON can't be changed for some reasons
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cyril.auburtin at (2018-07-17T15:49:11.159Z)
It would be great to have
JSON.stringify({x: 5n, y: BigInt('6')}) === '{"x":5n,"y":6n}'
JSON.parse('{"x": 3n}') // {x: 3n}
I don't know how feasible it would be, maybe have a new JSON5 object if
JSON can't be changed for some reasons
cyril.auburtin at (2018-07-17T15:47:29.703Z)
It would be great to have
JSON.stringify({x: 5n, y: BigInt('6')}) === '{"x":5n,"y":6n}'
JSON.parse('{"x": 3n}') // {x: 3n}
I don't know how doable it would be, maybe have a new JSON5 object if
JSON can't be changed for some reasons