Harry Manchanda (2018-12-07T13:59:53.000Z)
Heya, I tried before to write this but seems like I wasn't subscribed. Now
seems like I subscribed so posting it again...

So here we go,

I am posting this after an aftermath of a Github Issue. See =>

I would like the JavaScript (ECMAScript) Spec to include built-in
`deepCopy/deepClone` feature.

Please note that based on the response at Github Issue and also considering
that the top 3 npm packages for cloning have over 100k weekly downloads I
am very positive on this and should be really considered.

I think we have two approaches to consider for same

1. Object Oriented approach

// Object.prototype.deepCopy(), Array.prototype.deepCopy(), etc

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = harry.deepCopy();
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

2. Functional Programming approach

// Object.deepCopy(value)
// Value expects array, objects and primitives

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = Object.deepCopy(harry);
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

Reason why I think so strongly that everyone in javascript community needs
this is this

=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy
=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy&type=Repositories
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone&type=Repositories


*Harman Singh Manchanda ( Harry )*
*Open Source Team Member - Zurb Foundation
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
URL: <http://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/attachments/20181207/a6e377f4/attachment.html>
harmanmanchanda182 at gmail.com (2018-12-07T15:38:26.865Z)
Heya, I tried before to write this but seems like I wasn't subscribed. Now
seems like I subscribed so posting it again...

So here we go,

I am posting this after an aftermath of a Github Issue. See =>


I would like the JavaScript (ECMAScript) Spec to include built-in
`deepCopy/deepClone` feature.

Codepen Example Link: https://codepen.io/IamManchanda/pen/XYpVPY?editors=0012

Please note that based on the response at Github Issue and also considering
that the top 3 npm packages for cloning have over 100k weekly downloads I
am very positive on this and should be really considered.

I think we have two approaches to consider for same

1. Object Oriented approach

// Object.prototype.deepCopy(), Array.prototype.deepCopy(), etc

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = harry.deepCopy();
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

2. Functional Programming approach

// Object.deepCopy(value)
// Value expects array, objects and primitives

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = Object.deepCopy(harry);
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

Reason why I think so strongly that everyone in javascript community needs
this is this

=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy
=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy&type=Repositories
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone&type=Repositories


*Harman Singh Manchanda ( Harry )*
*Open Source Team Member - Zurb Foundation
harmanmanchanda182 at gmail.com (2018-12-07T15:37:41.933Z)
Heya, I tried before to write this but seems like I wasn't subscribed. Now
seems like I subscribed so posting it again...

So here we go,

I am posting this after an aftermath of a Github Issue. See =>


I would like the JavaScript (ECMAScript) Spec to include built-in
`deepCopy/deepClone` feature.

Codepen Link: https://codepen.io/IamManchanda/pen/XYpVPY?editors=0012

Please note that based on the response at Github Issue and also considering
that the top 3 npm packages for cloning have over 100k weekly downloads I
am very positive on this and should be really considered.

I think we have two approaches to consider for same

1. Object Oriented approach

// Object.prototype.deepCopy(), Array.prototype.deepCopy(), etc

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = harry.deepCopy();
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

2. Functional Programming approach

// Object.deepCopy(value)
// Value expects array, objects and primitives

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = Object.deepCopy(harry);
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

Reason why I think so strongly that everyone in javascript community needs
this is this

=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy
=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy&type=Repositories
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone&type=Repositories


*Harman Singh Manchanda ( Harry )*
*Open Source Team Member - Zurb Foundation
harmanmanchanda182 at gmail.com (2018-12-07T15:36:54.761Z)
Heya, I tried before to write this but seems like I wasn't subscribed. Now
seems like I subscribed so posting it again...

So here we go,

I am posting this after an aftermath of a Github Issue. See =>


I would like the JavaScript (ECMAScript) Spec to include built-in
`deepCopy/deepClone` feature.

Codepen Link: https://codepen.io/IamManchanda/pen/XYpVPY?editors=0012

![deepCopy Example](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4970624/42676892-7ee0d6c6-8697-11e8-9d8d-f0dac16ab8d7.png)

Please note that based on the response at Github Issue and also considering
that the top 3 npm packages for cloning have over 100k weekly downloads I
am very positive on this and should be really considered.

I think we have two approaches to consider for same

1. Object Oriented approach

// Object.prototype.deepCopy(), Array.prototype.deepCopy(), etc

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = harry.deepCopy();
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

2. Functional Programming approach

// Object.deepCopy(value)
// Value expects array, objects and primitives

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = Object.deepCopy(harry);
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

Reason why I think so strongly that everyone in javascript community needs
this is this

=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy
=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy&type=Repositories
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone&type=Repositories


*Harman Singh Manchanda ( Harry )*
*Open Source Team Member - Zurb Foundation
harmanmanchanda182 at gmail.com (2018-12-07T15:35:45.622Z)
Heya, I tried before to write this but seems like I wasn't subscribed. Now
seems like I subscribed so posting it again...

So here we go,

I am posting this after an aftermath of a Github Issue. See =>


I would like the JavaScript (ECMAScript) Spec to include built-in
`deepCopy/deepClone` feature.

Codepen Link: https://codepen.io/IamManchanda/pen/XYpVPY?editors=0012

Please note that based on the response at Github Issue and also considering
that the top 3 npm packages for cloning have over 100k weekly downloads I
am very positive on this and should be really considered.

I think we have two approaches to consider for same

1. Object Oriented approach

// Object.prototype.deepCopy(), Array.prototype.deepCopy(), etc

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = harry.deepCopy();
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

2. Functional Programming approach

// Object.deepCopy(value)
// Value expects array, objects and primitives

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = Object.deepCopy(harry);
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

Reason why I think so strongly that everyone in javascript community needs
this is this

=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy
=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy&type=Repositories
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone&type=Repositories


*Harman Singh Manchanda ( Harry )*
*Open Source Team Member - Zurb Foundation
harmanmanchanda182 at gmail.com (2018-12-07T15:35:29.102Z)
Heya, I tried before to write this but seems like I wasn't subscribed. Now
seems like I subscribed so posting it again...

So here we go,

I am posting this after an aftermath of a Github Issue. See =>


I would like the JavaScript (ECMAScript) Spec to include built-in
`deepCopy/deepClone` feature.

Codepen Link: https://codepen.io/IamManchanda/pen/XYpVPY?editors=0012

<img width="1377" alt="screen shot 2018-07-13 at 12 22 25 pm" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4970624/42676892-7ee0d6c6-8697-11e8-9d8d-f0dac16ab8d7.png">

Please note that based on the response at Github Issue and also considering
that the top 3 npm packages for cloning have over 100k weekly downloads I
am very positive on this and should be really considered.

I think we have two approaches to consider for same

1. Object Oriented approach

// Object.prototype.deepCopy(), Array.prototype.deepCopy(), etc

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = harry.deepCopy();
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

2. Functional Programming approach

// Object.deepCopy(value)
// Value expects array, objects and primitives

const harry = {
  name: 'Harry Manchanda',
  age: 25,
  social: [
      website: 'twitter',
      username: '@harmanmanchanda',
      website: 'facebook',
      username: 'IamManchanda',

const dev = Object.deepCopy(harry);
dev.social[1].website = 'github';

Reason why I think so strongly that everyone in javascript community needs
this is this

=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy
=> https://gist.github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepcopy&type=Repositories
=> https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=deepclone&type=Repositories


*Harman Singh Manchanda ( Harry )*
*Open Source Team Member - Zurb Foundation