guest271314 (2019-03-10T17:26:03.000Z)
> So this would help with precision?

To an appreciable degree, yes, without the scope of JavaScript
floating-point number implementation.

The gist of the proposal is to formalize, standardize, or whatever term
specification writers want to use, the *naming* of each method or operation
which can get and set each discrete digit of a number - without using
String methods.

For input


Each digit has a formal name which developers can get and set, whether in
an array, object or number format.

On Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 5:17 PM Michael Theriot <
michael.lee.theriot at> wrote:

> So this would help with precision?
> On Sunday, March 10, 2019, guest271314 <guest271314 at> wrote:
>> (If you really wanted this as an integer, it's not well-founded; .567
>>> isn't exactly representable as a double, so JS doesn't know that you
>>> "meant" it to have only three digits after the decimal point, and thus
>>> want 567 as the answer. You'll instead get some very very large
>>> integer that *starts with* 567, followed by a bunch of zeros, followed
>>> by some randomish digits at the end.)
>> The code at the first post solves that problem.
>> But the question is still "what would someone use this information for?"
>> That question has been answered several times in the posts above. This
>> users' motivation was and is the ability to manipulate JavaScript
>> floating-point numbers  (which could be considered "broken", as you
>> described above) in order to solve mathematical problems (in this case,
>> directly calculating the *n*th lexicographic permutation) with the
>> number or decimal being represented as an array, without having to be
>> concerned with not getting the same value when the array is converted back
>> to a number.
>> Felipe Nascimento de Moura mentioned several other applications.
>> The work has already been done. This proposal is essentially to
>> standardize the naming conventions. Whether a Number method is used
>>     i.getTensMethod
>> or an array is used
>>    arr["integer"] // 1234
>> or an object where values are arrays is used
>>     o["fraction"] // .567
>> Having mentioned Intl.NumberFormat earlier in the thread, if the issue
>> devoting resources to a *new *proposal, Intl.NumberFormate can be
>> extended; e.g. a rough draft in code
>>     function formatNumberParts(args) {
>>       return Object.assign({sign:0, fraction:[0], integer:[0]},
>> ...args.filter(({type}) => type === "integer" || type === "fraction" ||
>> type === "minusSign").map(({type, value}) => ({[type === "minusSign" ?
>> "sign" : type]: type !== "minusSign" ? [...value].map(Number) : -1})));
>>     }
>>     let number = -123;
>>     let formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US');
>>     let res = formatter.formatToParts(number);
>>     formatNumberParts(res);
>> If the concern is that the proposal would not be useful, consider what
>> you would *name* various uses of Math.trunc and remainder operator used
>> at your message?
>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 3:58 PM Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalmage at>
>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Mar 9, 2019 at 11:10 AM Felipe Nascimento de Moura
>>> <felipenmoura at> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Personally, I don't think it would be THAT useful...
>>> > but...I think there is something behind this proposal that makes sense.
>>> >
>>> > I do believe it could be useful for developers to have an easier
>>> access to number parts or characteristics.
>>> > Perhaps something like:
>>> >
>>> > const i = 1234.567;
>>> Can you provide a scenario in which these would do something useful,
>>> such that it would be worth adding them over just using the math
>>> operations that already exist?
>>> > console.log( i.float ); // 567
>>> i % 1
>>> (If you really wanted this as an integer, it's not well-founded; .567
>>> isn't exactly representable as a double, so JS doesn't know that you
>>> "meant" it to have only three digits after the decimal point, and thus
>>> want 567 as the answer. You'll instead get some very very large
>>> integer that *starts with* 567, followed by a bunch of zeros, followed
>>> by some randomish digits at the end.)
>>> > console.log( i.abs ); // 1234
>>> Math.trunc(i)
>>> > console.log( i.thousands ); // 1
>>> Math.trunc(i / 1000)
>>> > console.log( i.million ); // 0
>>> Math.trunc(i / 1e6)
>>> > console.log( i.hundred ); // 2
>>> Math.trunc(i / 100) % 10
>>> > console.log( i.hundreds ); // 12
>>> Math.trunc(i / 100)
>>> > console.log( i.ten ); // 2
>>> Math.trunc(i / 10) % 10
>>> > console.log( i.tens ); // 123
>>> Math.trunc(i / 10)
>>> > console.log( i.tenth ); // 5
>>> Math.trunc(i % 1 * 10) % 10
>>> > console.log( i.tenths ); // 5
>>> Math.trunc(i % 1 * 10)
>>> > console.log( i.hundredth ); // 6
>>> Math.trunc(i % 1 * 100) % 10
>>> > console.log( i.hundredths ); // 56
>>> Math.trunc(i % 1 * 100)
>>> Some of these are easy to remember and use; others take some thinking
>>> to deploy. But the question is still "what would someone use this
>>> information for?", such that the benefit to developers is worth the
>>> cost to all parties involved (spec writers, implementors, testers, and
>>> then developers having to navigate a larger stdlib).
>>> ~TJ
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>>> es-discuss mailing list
>>> es-discuss at
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guest271314 at (2019-03-10T17:39:32.820Z)
> So this would help with precision?

To an appreciable degree, yes, within the scope of JavaScript
floating-point number implementation.

The gist of the proposal is to formalize, standardize, or whatever term
specification writers want to use, the *naming* of each method or operation
which can get and set each discrete digit of a number - without using
String methods.

For input

    const i = 1234.567

Each digit has a formal name which developers can get and set, whether in
an array, object or number format.

Developers expect 

    i % 1 // .567


    i % 1 // 0.5670000000000073

Where the initial number of digits following decimal, if any, is calculated, 0.5670000000000073 should not ever be output, as the code stops when 3 digits are calculated.

Represented as an array 


any digit can be set, then converted back to a number. 

    arr[4] = arr[4] + .2 // [1,2,3,4,0.7,6,7]

Taking the procedure a step further, if arr[4] result is greater than 1 the calculation can be "carried" to then next digit in the fraction or integer part, which can then be converted back to a number with the "assurance" that the values in the array will be the precise values in the resulting number.

guest271314 at (2019-03-10T17:34:57.292Z)
> So this would help with precision?

To an appreciable degree, yes, within the scope of JavaScript
floating-point number implementation.

The gist of the proposal is to formalize, standardize, or whatever term
specification writers want to use, the *naming* of each method or operation
which can get and set each discrete digit of a number - without using
String methods.

For input

    const i = 1234.567

Each digit has a formal name which developers can get and set, whether in
an array, object or number format.

Developers expect 

    i % 1 // .567


    i % 1 // 0.5670000000000073

Where the initial number of digits following decimal, if any, is calculated, 0.5670000000000073 should not ever be output, as the code stops when 3 digits are calculated.

Represented as an array 


any digit can be set, then converted back to a number. 

    arr[4] = arr[4] + .2 // [1,2,3,4,0.7,6,7]

Taking the procedure a step further, if arr[4] result is greater than 1 the calculation can be "carried" to then next digit in the fraction part, which can then be converted back to a number with the "assurance" that the values in the array will be the precise values in the resulting number.

guest271314 at (2019-03-10T17:27:09.673Z)
> So this would help with precision?

To an appreciable degree, yes, within the scope of JavaScript
floating-point number implementation.

The gist of the proposal is to formalize, standardize, or whatever term
specification writers want to use, the *naming* of each method or operation
which can get and set each discrete digit of a number - without using
String methods.

For input


Each digit has a formal name which developers can get and set, whether in
an array, object or number format.