guest271314 (2019-04-05T23:18:45.000Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `Object.freeze()` and/or `WeakMap` might be useful for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types re wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues

Determining if a value is an Object is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it stop `Object = 1;
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?
-------------- next part --------------
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guest271314 at (2019-04-06T00:44:39.385Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `const` with `Object.freeze()` and possibly `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues
encountered relevant to types (see also

Determining if a value is an (JavaScript plain) Object (which leads to the question "Why is `null` an `"object"` in JavaScript"?) is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it halt/stop any, all or only some usage of the assignment operator (even for "built-ins" `Object = 1; // should a TypeError be thrown here?
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`
guest271314 at (2019-04-06T00:43:12.040Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `const` with `Object.freeze()` and possibly `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues
encountered relevant to types (see also

Determining if a value is an (JavaScript plain) Object (which leads to the question "Why is `null` an `"object"` in JavaScript"?) is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it halt/stop any, all or only some usage of the assignment operator (even for "built-ins" `Object = 1; // should a TypeError be thrown here?
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?
guest271314 at (2019-04-06T00:37:42.872Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `const` with `Object.freeze()` and possibly `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues
encountered relevant to types.

Determining if a value is an (JavaScript plain) Object (which leads to the question "Why is `null` an `"object"` in JavaScript"?) is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it halt/stop any, all or only some usage of the assignment operator (even for "built-ins" `Object = 1; // should a TypeError be thrown here?
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?
guest271314 at (2019-04-05T23:42:26.056Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `const` with `Object.freeze()` and possibly `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues
encountered relevant to types.

Determining if a value is an (JavaScript plain) Object (which leads to the question "Why is `null` an `"object"` in JavaScript"?) is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it halt/stop any, all or only some usage of the assignment operator (even for "built-ins") `Object = 1; // should a TypeError be thrown here? (
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?
guest271314 at (2019-04-05T23:40:54.171Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `const` with `Object.freeze()` and possibly `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues
encountered relevant to types.

Determining if a value is an (JavaScript plain) Object is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it halt/stop any, all or only some usage of the assignment operator (even for "built-ins") `Object = 1; // should a TypeError be thrown here? (
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?
guest271314 at (2019-04-05T23:38:34.449Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `const` with `Object.freeze()` and possibly `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues
encountered relevant to types.

Determining if a value is an (JavaScript plain) Object is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it halt/stop any, all or only some usage of the assignment operator which could lead to unexpected (or expected results) `Object = 1; // should a TypeError be thrown here? (
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?
guest271314 at (2019-04-05T23:35:53.259Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `const` with `Object.freeze()` and possibly `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues
encountered relevant to types.

Determining if a value is an (JavaScript plain) Object is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it stop `Object = 1; // should a TypeError be thrown here? (
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?
guest271314 at (2019-04-05T23:34:54.662Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `const` with `Object.freeze()` and possibly `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types re wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues

Determining if a value is an (JavaScript plain) Object is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it stop `Object = 1; // should a TypeError be thrown here? (
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?
guest271314 at (2019-04-05T23:33:07.267Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `Object.freeze()` and/or `Object.freeze()` and `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types re wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues

Determining if a value is an (JavaScript plain) Object is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it stop `Object = 1; // should a TypeError be thrown here? (
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?
guest271314 at (2019-04-05T23:31:32.374Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `Object.freeze()` and/or `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types re wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues

Determining if a value is an (JavaScript plain) Object is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it stop `Object = 1; // should a TypeError be thrown here?
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?
guest271314 at (2019-04-05T23:25:06.007Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `Object.freeze()` and/or `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types re wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues

Determining if a value is an Object is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it stop `Object = 1;
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?
guest271314 at (2019-04-05T23:23:21.566Z)
Yes, the `[[PromiseValue]]` could theoretically be changed, given adequate
effort.  Is it impossible to get the [[PromiseValue]] from a Promise object
without using the Promise object's then method? [duplicate] The example of using
`Object.freeze()` could also be extended to the value passed to

Using `Object.freeze()` and/or `WeakMap` could be utilized for the use cases
described. rustwasm is an active
repository for "Facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules
and JavaScript" and have several issues addressing types re wasm and
JavaScript, which might be helpful for specific and general issues

Determining if a value is an Object is a task in itself
How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?;
Why is there not a built-in method in JavaScript to check if an object is a
plain object?, and even if this
proposal were implemented would/could it stop `Object = 1;
Object.entries([]) // Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function`?