guest271314 (2019-05-10T14:35:58.000Z)
Still not gathering the significance or purpose of using ```in``` to
generate a boolean output. What appears to be the requirement can be
achieved by using ```Set``` or ```Map```

let m = new Map([[0, "a"],[ 1, 1], [2, {}]);
m.has(0); // true
m.get(2) // {}

On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 1:41 PM Tom Barrasso <tom at> wrote:

> There are obvious limitations given the masking/ overwriting of the
> default implementation, but are these limitations not also true for other
> symbols like `Symbol.hasInstance`? If overwritten (including in a
> prototype chain), it then masks the original behavior of the `instanceof`
> operator. Symbols are one way to do this more explicitly and without the
> caveats of needing to use a Proxy everywhere.
> Any symbol that allows for reconfiguring/ overloading an operator risks
> breaking the assumptions about how that operator is supposed to behave.
> Perhaps I’m not understanding some way this is different/ more significant
> for overloading the `in` operator than say `instanceof` or the spread
> operator?
> Perhaps a more reasonable use case than prototyping String would be a
> user-defined, iterable data structure like an unrolled linked list?
> Even with `Proxy` this is not possible unless we wrapped all constructor
> calls.
> ```js
> class UnrolledLinkedList {
>   constructor(nodeCapacity = 8) {
>     // ...
>   }
>   [Symbol.inObject](index) {
>     return (index >= 0 && index <= this.length)
>  }
> let list = new UnrolledLinkedList();
> list.add(1);
> list.add(2);
> list.add(3);
> if (1 in list) {
>   // ...
> }
> ```
> A developer may want to mimic the behavior of `Array`, but using a `Proxy`
> would require wrapping all constructor calls or calls to the `in` operator.
> The other alternative is to set numeric properties on the list, but doing
> so isn't always possible for every data structure.
> Tom
> On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 1:23 AM Claude Pache <claude.pache at>
> wrote:
>> Le 9 mai 2019 à 23:17, Tom Barrasso <tom at> a écrit :
>> If this Symbol were seriously considered I believe it would expand the
>> meaning of the in operator as you’re correct, this is definitely not it’s
>> current intention.
>> The `in` operator has a well-defined meaning, that *by design* you can’t
>> ignore even with the fanciest proxy. (And no, there is no hope for
>> introducing a new mechanism that allows to overcome those limitations,
>> since they are by design.)
>> Consider for example the following proxy around a String object:
>> ```js
>> function conflateInAndIncludes(str) {
>>     return new Proxy(Object(str), {
>>         has(target, key) { return str.includes(key) }
>>     })
>> }
>> var FrankensteinFood = conflateInAndIncludes("food");
>> "foo" in FrankensteinFood // true, yeah!
>> "bar" in FrankensteinFood // false, yeah!
>> "length" in FrankensteinFood // TypeError: proxy can't report a
>> non-configurable own property '"length"' as non-existent
>> ```
>> —Claude
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guest271314 at (2019-05-10T14:41:12.568Z)
Still not gathering the significance or purpose of using ```in``` to
generate a boolean output. What appears to be the requirement can be
achieved by using ```Set``` or ```Map```

let m = new Map([[0, "a"],[ 1, 1], [2, {}]]);
m.has(0); // true
m.get(2) // {}