guest271314 (2019-06-07T22:19:10.000Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function


where the author should expect that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of appending
the extra arguments.

>From what have been able to gather, the arguments to a function are
processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value Does any
JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal appears to already be possible using existing JavaScript

On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 5:11 PM kai zhu <kaizhu256 at> wrote:

> it matters when you have to debug/inherit *other* people's code (and clean
> up their mess).  i wouldn't enjoy debugging unfamiliar-code that used this
> feature (admittedly, its my subjective opinion).
> the maintainability argument stands -- its counter-intuitive in javascript
> that appending extra args to a function re-arranges arg-positioning and
> invalidates existing calls.
> debuggability is subjective i agree.
> p.s. - in general, i don't see what *real* painpoint rest-operator
> actually address, that couldn't be solved with `arguments`.
> variable-arg-length functions are not javascripty -- they frequently
> require extra ux-workflow transformations like Function.p.apply or
> Array.p.flatmap to the arguments being passed.
> On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 10:07 AM Isiah Meadows <isiahmeadows at>
> wrote:
>> For your maintainability argument: adding extra arguments to those
>> functions is something I almost never do. And you'd have the same
>> exact issue with final rest parameters, just in a different position
>> (in the middle as opposed to in the end).
>> For debuggability, I don't see how it'd be a major issue unless you
>> already have an excessive number of *positional* parameters. In my
>> experience, the debuggability issues arise approximately when there's
>> just too many positional parameters, and factoring out the rest
>> parameter to an array doesn't really help this situation much. (That's
>> when object destructuring comes in handy.)
>> So not convinced either is any different than what it's like today.
>> Also, you aren't obligated to use a feature just because it exists - I
>> hardly ever use proxies, for instance, and I rarely need maps beyond
>> what objects give me, so I don't normally use them unless I need to
>> have reference types or mixed types as keys.
>> -----
>> Isiah Meadows
>> contact at
>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 2:22 PM kai zhu <kaizhu256 at> wrote:
>> >
>> > -1 for maintainability and debuggability
>> >
>> > 1. maintainability
>> > if you want to extend the function with additional args,
>> > then you'll have to retroactively modify all existing calls to avoid
>> off-by-one argcount:
>> >
>> > ```js
>> > // if extending function with additional args
>> > function pad(targetLength, ...opts, data) ->
>> > function pad(targetLength, ...opts, data, meta)
>> >
>> > // then must retroactively append null/undefined to all existing calls
>> > pad(1, opt1, opt2, "data") ->
>> > pad(1, opt1, opt2, "data", null)
>> > ```
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > 2. debuggability
>> > when debugging, it takes longer for human to figure out which arg is
>> what:
>> >
>> > ```js
>> > // function pad(targetLength, ...opts, data)
>> > pad(aa, bb, cc, dd);
>> > pad(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee);
>> >
>> > // vs
>> >
>> > // function pad(targetLength, opts, data)
>> > pad(aa, [bb, cc], dd);
>> > pad(aa, [bb, cc, dd], ee);
>> > ```
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 11:54 AM Ethan Resnick <ethan.resnick at>
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Long-time mostly-lurker on here. I deeply appreciate all the hard work
>> that folks here put into JS.
>> >>
>> >> I've run into a couple cases now where it'd be convenient to use a
>> rest operator at the beginning or middle of an array destructuring, as in:
>> >>
>> >> ```
>> >> const [...xs, y] = someArray;
>> >> ```
>> >>
>> >> Or, similarly, in function signatures:
>> >>
>> >> ```
>> >> function(...xs, y) { }
>> >> ```
>> >>
>> >> The semantics would be simple: exhaust the iterable to create the
>> array of `xs`, like a standard rest operator would do, but then slice off
>> the last item and put it in `y`.
>> >>
>> >> For example, I was working with some variable argument functions that,
>> in FP style, always take their data last. So I had a function like this:
>> >>
>> >> ```
>> >> function match(...matchersAndData) {
>> >>   const matchers = matchersAndData.slice(0, -1);
>> >>   const data = matchersAndData[matchersAndData.length - 1];
>> >>   // do matching against data
>> >> }
>> >> ```
>> >>
>> >> Under this proposal, the above could be rewritten:
>> >>
>> >> ```
>> >> function reduce(...matchers, data) { /* ... */ }
>> >> ```
>> >>
>> >> Another example: a function `pad`, which takes a target length and a
>> string to pad, with an optional padding character argument in between:
>> >>
>> >> ```
>> >> function pad(targetLength, ...paddingCharAndOrData) {
>> >>   const [paddingChar = " "] = paddingCharAndOrData.slice(0, -1);
>> >>   const data = paddingCharAndOrData[paddingCharAndOrData.length - 1];
>> >>
>> >>   // pad data with paddingChar to targetLength;
>> >> }
>> >> ```
>> >>
>> >> With this proposal, that could be rewritten:
>> >>
>> >> ```
>> >> function pad(targetLength, ...opts, data) {
>> >>   const [paddingChar = " "] = opts;
>> >>   // pad data with paddingChar to targetLength;
>> >> }
>> >> ```
>> >>
>> >> I'm curious if this has been considered before, and what people think
>> of the idea.
>> >>
>> >> Obviously, if `...a` appeared at the beginning or middle of a list,
>> there would have to be a fixed number of items following it, so a
>> subsequent rest operator in the same list would not be allowed.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks
>> >>
>> >> _______________________________________________
>> >> es-discuss mailing list
>> >> es-discuss at
>> >>
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > es-discuss mailing list
>> > es-discuss at
>> >
> _______________________________________________
> es-discuss mailing list
> es-discuss at
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guest271314 at (2019-06-08T00:37:18.358Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while (true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of "appending" the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather (if reading the below linked answer correctly) the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value (Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal is technically already possible using existing JavaScript features (default values; default parameters; ```...``` syntax 

> ```fun(a, b, ...c)```: This construct doesn't actually have a name in the spec ( But it works very similar as spread elements do: It expands an iterable into the list of arguments. It would be equivalent to ```func.apply(null, [a, b].concat(c))```.

(; generator function; ```Object.assign()```; computed property name; destructuring assignment; et al.).
guest271314 at (2019-06-08T00:32:31.946Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while (true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of "appending" the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather (if reading the below linked answer correctly) the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value (Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal is technically already possible using existing JavaScript features (default values; default parameters; ```...``` syntax; generator function; ```Object.assign()```; computed property name; destructuring assignment; et al.).
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:40:26.275Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while (true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of "appending" the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather (if reading the below linked answer correctly) the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value (Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal is technically already possible using existing JavaScript features (default values; default parameters).
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:33:22.260Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while (true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of "appending" the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather (if reading the below linked answer correctly) the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value (Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal is technically already possible using existing JavaScript features (i.e., default parameters).
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:30:26.781Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while (true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of "appending" the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather (if reading the below linked answer correctly) the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value (Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal is technically already possible using existing JavaScript features (e.g. "dynamic" default parameters).
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:30:14.301Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while (true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of "appending" the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather (if reading the linked answer correctly) the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value (Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal is technically already possible using existing JavaScript features (e.g. "dynamic" default parameters).
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:29:31.281Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while (true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of "appending" the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather, the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value (Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal is technically already possible using existing JavaScript features (e.g. "dynamic" default parameters).
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:26:59.960Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while (true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of "appending" the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather, the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value (Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal is technically already possible using existing JavaScript features.
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:25:47.024Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while (true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of "appending" the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather, the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value (Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal appears to be already possible using existing JavaScript features.
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:24:48.725Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while (true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of "appending" the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather, the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal appears to be already possible using existing JavaScript features.
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:24:15.346Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while (true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of appending the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather, the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal appears to be already possible using existing JavaScript features.
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:23:58.479Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function

```function* gen(n = 0) { while(true) { yield ++n } }```


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of appending the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather, the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal appears to be already possible using existing JavaScript features.
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:22:54.374Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function


where the author should reasonably expect (or will discover) that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of appending the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather, the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal appears to be already possible using existing JavaScript features.
guest271314 at (2019-06-07T22:21:21.996Z)
> its counter-intuitive in javascript that appending extra args to a
> function re-arranges arg-positioning and invalidates existing calls.

Appending extra arguments to a function is not an issue. A generator now be
can be passed to a function


where the author should expect that subsequent arguments could affect
previous arguments; which could, in general, be the purpose of appending
the extra arguments.

From what have been able to gather, the arguments to a function are processed from right to left; from the inner-most nested value Does any JavaScript specification define the order of function execution where the
arguments to the function are a nested array of function calls? #1397

The proposal is already be possible using existing JavaScript features.