guest271314 (2019-06-28T00:30:02.000Z)
How can the Selector/Select Expression be used with
`Array.prototype.find()`? What happens when the property is not defined?

For example using the same code for more than one browser

const stream = [canvasStream, videoTrack].find(({requestFrame: _}) => _);

the property `requestFrame` is either defined or not defined at
```canvasStream``` or ```videoTrack``` depending on the implementation.
Although the assigned variable can be reduced to 1 character at
destructuring assignment, there is still the redundancy of writing ```_```
again on the right side of ```=>```.

If the property is not found, is the result ```undefined```?

What is the least amount characters necessary using Selector/Select
Expression with ```find()```?

const stream = [canvasStream, videoTrack].find(=.requestFrame);


On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 8:48 PM Bob Myers <rtm at> wrote:

> Not exactly, since the optional chaining operator is `?.` with no space in
> between.
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 1:37 PM Simon Farrugia <simonfarrugia26 at>
> wrote:
>> Also, without a leading token, a selector expr with the optional chaining
>> operator inside a ternary operator would be ambiguous.
>> ```
>> const contactSelector = true ? :;
>> ```
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guest271314 at (2019-06-28T00:35:26.291Z)
How can the Selector/Select Expression be used with
`Array.prototype.find()`? What happens when the property is not defined?

For example using the same code for more than one browser

const stream = [canvasStream, videoTrack].find(({requestFrame: _}) => _);

the property `requestFrame` is either defined or not defined at
```canvasStream``` or ```videoTrack``` depending on the implementation.
Although the assigned variable can be reduced to 1 character at
destructuring assignment, there is still the redundancy of writing ```_```
again on the right side of ```=>```.

If the property is not found, is the result ```undefined```?

What is the least amount characters necessary using Selector/Select
Expression with ```find()```?

const stream = [canvasStream, videoTrack].find(.requestFrame);


How is the oppsosite written

const stream = [canvasStream, videoTrack].find(!.requestFrame);
