Dimitrian Nine (2019-08-27T04:42:02.000Z)
>Not a bad idea, but I'd strongly prefer the promise to be returned from
new >AsyncClass(...) itself instead
This about wrapper? He is just example of how functional can work right now.

>I do have a preference: async should decorate the constructor, not the
How i say before: both variants fine for me.
But how discussed [here][1] - not all think same.
For me Class is just wrapper on constructor
And Async Class is same only for async constructor.
[1]: https://gist.github.com/goloroden/c976971e5f42c859f64be3ad7fc6f4ed
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dimtimeforever at gmail.com (2019-08-27T04:51:16.234Z)
>Not a bad idea, but I'd strongly prefer the promise to be returned from new 
>AsyncClass(...) itself instead

This about wrapper? He is just example of how functional can work right now.

>I do have a preference: async should decorate the constructor, not the

How i say before: both variants fine for me.
But how discussed [here][1] - not all think same.
For me Class is just wrapper on constructor.
And Async Class is same only for async constructor.

[1]: https://gist.github.com/goloroden/c976971e5f42c859f64be3ad7fc6f4ed
dimtimeforever at gmail.com (2019-08-27T04:44:14.807Z)
>Not a bad idea, but I'd strongly prefer the promise to be returned from new 
>AsyncClass(...) itself instead

This about wrapper? He is just example of how functional can work right now.

>I do have a preference: async should decorate the constructor, not the

How i say before: both variants fine for me.
But how discussed [here][1] - not all think same.
For me Class is just wrapper on constructor
And Async Class is same only for async constructor.

[1]: https://gist.github.com/goloroden/c976971e5f42c859f64be3ad7fc6f4ed