Dimitrian Nine (2019-09-08T12:00:42.000Z)
Maybe i don't know something, but want to proposal idea:
We have emojis and other symbols, that have many codepoints
And 'emoji'.length > 1
My idea that we have something like
'emoji'.symbols - and get array of symbols, where symbol is array of
And maybe method SymbolAt
'emoji'.SymobolAt(0) = array of codepoints

'123456emoji789'.symbols.length = 10
'123456emoji789'.SymbolAt(6) = codepoints of emoji
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dimtimeforever at gmail.com (2019-09-08T12:09:36.015Z)
Maybe i don't know something, but want to proposal idea:
We have emojis and other symbols, that have many codepoints

And 'emoji'.length > 1

My idea that we have something like:
'emoji'.symbols - and get array of symbols, where symbol is array of

And maybe method SymbolAt 'emoji'.SymobolAt(0) = array of codepoints


'123456emoji789'.symbols.length = 10 

'123456emoji789'.SymbolAt(6) = codepoints of emoji

PS: and for textarea maybe something like text.symbolSelectionStart|End
dimtimeforever at gmail.com (2019-09-08T12:07:30.055Z)
Maybe i don't know something, but want to proposal idea:
We have emojis and other symbols, that have many codepoints

And 'emoji'.length > 1

My idea that we have something like:
'emoji'.symbols - and get array of symbols, where symbol is array of

And maybe method SymbolAt 'emoji'.SymobolAt(0) = array of codepoints


'123456emoji789'.symbols.length = 10 

'123456emoji789'.SymbolAt(6) = codepoints of emoji

PS: and for textarea maybe something like text.symbolSelectionStart
dimtimeforever at gmail.com (2019-09-08T12:04:15.219Z)
Maybe i don't know something, but want to proposal idea:
We have emojis and other symbols, that have many codepoints

And 'emoji'.length > 1

My idea that we have something like:
'emoji'.symbols - and get array of symbols, where symbol is array of

And maybe method SymbolAt 'emoji'.SymobolAt(0) = array of codepoints


'123456emoji789'.symbols.length = 10 

'123456emoji789'.SymbolAt(6) = codepoints of emoji