CMAScript feature suggestion: Streaming Array items through filter/map/reduce functions

# Gus Caplan (6 years ago)

I always forget to reply-all :)

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Gus Caplan <fluffyrobotcheese at>

Date: Fri, Jun 21, 2019, 16:34 Subject: Re: ECMAScript feature suggestion: Streaming Array items through filter/map/reduce functions To: Roma Bronstein <outsidenote at>

I'm working on a proposal that adds generalized iteration methods (most of which are lazy). tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers

I believe this would solve your problem.

# Roma Bronstein (6 years ago)

Thanks Gus.

I'm not sure I fully understand the proposal docs (first time I'm reading something like this,

OMG...) Can you please show a quick example of how would you streamline an array through filter, map and then reduce?

Thanks, Roma