Comma-separated instance field definitions

# T.J. Crowder (6 years ago)

TL;DR: Comma separated instance field definitions: In or out? (Currently out, but is that decided or still up in the air?)

Verbose: In the short "Changes vs previous proposals" list at the end of the class fields proposal, it says:

Comma-separated multiple definitions: These are visible in the above example of class C, and are analogous to comma-separated definitions from var, let and const. They may be immediately useful when declaring multiple static fields, but later are useful in conjuction with decorators.

The C example above it doesn't have any comma-separated definitions, though; it looks like they were removed in Nov 2017 by this commit.

The spec text matches with the edit (no comma-separating), and Node.js v10 with --harmony-class-fields and Babel both also align with that.

So all that suggests there won't be comma-separation for instance fields, am I getting that right? Or is there something in the works? (I don't see any benefit to comma separation for instance fields other than if the static fields proposal allowed them [to avoid repeating static], which it doesn't at the moment AFAIKS, it would make sense for the syntaxes to align, I'm just curious where the syntax is headed.)

-- T.J. Crowder