Could we add the missing Regexp features from perl?

# Brian Jemilo II (8 years ago)

Javascript regexp is based on a subset of perl's regexp engine, but its missing a lot of features that would make javascript more powerful. Wondering if we can put it into spec to add the missing features. Regexp is very powerful and currently, Javascript is being held by by the missing features.

# Sebastian Zartner (8 years ago)

There are already a few regexp features in the pipeline, see goyakin/es-regexp (listed in the Stage 0 proposals at tc39/proposals/blob/master/

The list of proposed features is not complete yet[1], though they already cover some main itches ECMAScript's implementation is currently missing.


[1] Some missing features are listed at

# Mathias Bynens (8 years ago)

On 18 Jun 2016, at 00:01, Sebastian Zartner <sebastianzartner at> wrote:

There are already a few regexp features in the pipeline, see goyakin/es-regexp (listed in the Stage 0 proposals at tc39/proposals/blob/master/

Another one would be the proposal to add Unicode property escapes of the form \p{…} and \P{…} to ECMAScript regular expressions: mathiasbynens/es-regexp-unicode-property-escapes This is scheduled to be presented at the next TC39 meeting.