Dash-case keys
is that a key called "font-size" or the subtraction of size
from font
The former as the following is equally invalid syntax errors:
const font = 1 const size = 1
const a = { font-size: 10 } const b = { font+size: 10 }
i think if i can use something unquoted in an object literal, i'd expect to
be able to use it in dot access - ie, obj.font-size
- and then that
problem arises.
That might have been the case, but the expectation that an unquoted form should equally have a quoted form or vice-versa is not an issue in practice given the presence of a similar but opposite semantic in the private sigil access notation proposal: object.#validPrivateSigil -> object[‘#invalidPrivateSigil’].
In kind, this would exploit the same grammar affordances to be born from this.
That is obj.font-size would rightly be invalid. The more common interfacing with this notation would be through iterators. That is:
for (var key in object) { style.setProperty(key, object[key]) }
The addition of which would see to improve the ergonomics with using dash-case keys common in the CSS grammar within the object literals syntax.
This is expected and by design. For example obj[‘#invalidPrivateSigil’] is also not invalid. The affordances would be the same.
There's a difference, though, between private field access - an entirely distinct and new kind of thing - and normal property access, a well-established and understood thing.
On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 7:45 AM Sultan Tarimo <thysultan at gmail.com> wrote:
That is obj.font-size would rightly be invalid.
By which I think you mean, would still be obj.font - size
with its
current meaning.
I don't think the confusion that causes is worth the benefit of not putting the name in quotes in the object initializer. Particularly not with the well-established convention of using camelCase in that situation when interoperating with objects that have (or act like they have) dash-named properties (like the CSSStyleDeclaration object on HTML elements).
-- T.J. Crowder
Is there any reason that dash-case keys are not supported in the object literal syntax.
For example:
const style = { font-size: 10 }
Compared to what one needs to do today:
const style = { 'font-size': 10 }