Do settled promise chain handlers fire in the same turn?

# /#!/JoePea (7 years ago)

I'm not sure what's the best way to phrase the subject (please advise on the terminology), but for example, if we have a promise chain

const p = new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100))

.then(() => Promise.resolve(console.log('A')))
.then(() => Promise.resolve(console.log('B')))
.then(() => Promise.resolve(console.log('C')))

, will the console.logs fire in the same turn when promise p settles, or will they fire in three separate turns?

# Raul-Sebastian Mihăilă (7 years ago)

In your example there are 7 promises.

  1. p
  2. Promise.resolve(console.log('A'))
  3. the promise returned by the first then call
  4. Promise.resolve(console.log('B'))
  5. the promise returned by the second then call
  6. Promise.resolve(console.log('C'))
  7. the promise returned by the third then call

They are settled in that order. Their reactions are triggered in different turns. So, the console.log calls happen in different turns.

Even if there was a single promise with three reactions:

p.then(() => console.log('A'));

p.then(() => console.log('B'));

p.then(() => console.log('C'));

the reactions (the callbacks passed to the then method) would still be triggered in different turns.

As you can see in that link, the reactions are iterated and there's a different job for each reaction.

# T.J. Crowder (7 years ago)

On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 7:22 PM, /#!/JoePea <joe at> wrote:

I'm not sure what's the best way to phrase the subject (please advise on the terminology)

Re terminology: I think you mean, will they all fire in the same job? (More on jobs and job queues: queues)

...but for example, if we have a promise chain

First, before we get to the question of "turns," just a note on that code: Remember that the result of then is always a promise. So writing:

.then(() => Promise.resolve(someValue))

is adding an extra promise with no benefit; just use:

.then(() => value)

and you'll still get a promise resolved with value. So no need for those Promise.resolve calls (unless I'm missing a subtlety, which has been known to happen).

const p = new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100))

.then(() => Promise.resolve(console.log('A')))
.then(() => Promise.resolve(console.log('B')))
.then(() => Promise.resolve(console.log('C')))

, will the console.logs fire in the same turn when promise p settles, or will they fire in three separate turns?

No, they're all queued as separate jobs -- but they're jobs that jump the queue a bit (more on that in a minute). We can see this in FulfillPromise which calls TriggerPromiseReactions which uses EnqueueJob to add each reaction, as a separate job, to the "PromiseJobs" queue.

Note that not all job queues are equal. In browsers, for instance, there are macrotasks (or just tasks) and microtasks (where the JavaScript spec uses the term "job," the HTML5 spec uses the term "task"). Macrotasks are the big things you think of in browsers: DOM event handlers, setTimeout callbacks, that kind of thing. Microtasks are things like promise resolutions: The microtasks scheduled by a macrotask run just after the macrotask completes, before the next macrotask runs (even if the next macrotask was added to the macrotask queue before the microtasks were added to the microtask queue).

E.g., microtasks like promise completions get priority over macrotasks like setTimeout and DOM event handlers. That's part of why the spec differentiates between the "PromiseJobs" queue and the "ScriptJobs" queue (

Here's an example (

new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 0);
    setTimeout(() => console.log("Next"), 0);
.then(() => console.log("A"))
.then(() => console.log("B"))
.then(() => console.log("C"));

We're resolving in a macrotask, and the very next scheduled macrotask is to log "Next". And yet, the result of the above is:


Note how the promise resolutions (microtasks) queued by the macrotask that resolved the promise (the first setTimeout) were performed before the next macrotask (the setTimeout logging "Next").

-- T.J.

# /#!/JoePea (7 years ago)

Thanks T.J., that explains it well.

I asked because I'm working with synchronous tests, so I'm wondering how to resolve ES6 Promises with fake network data synchronously, and fire all the handlers synchronously, all within the synchronous test function.

Any recommendation on that?

# T.J. Crowder (7 years ago)

On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 7:49 PM, /#!/JoePea <joe at> wrote:

Thanks T.J., that explains it well.

Glad that helped!

I asked because I'm working with synchronous tests, so I'm wondering how to resolve ES6 Promises with fake network data synchronously, and fire all the handlers synchronously, all within the synchronous test function.

Any recommendation on that?

Only way I know is to use an asynchronous test function instead. Mocha, Jasmine, etc., all have handling for asynchronous tests.

-- T.J.