Don't test promise results on their thenability multiple times

# a.d.bergi at (10 years ago)

Hello, while working on the promise memory-leak problem promises-aplus/promises-spec#179 I noticed the following in the current ES6 spec:

var count = 0,
    nonThenable = {get then() { count++; return undefined; }};

function GetResult(n) {
    if (n <= 0)
        return nonThenable;
    return Promise.resolve().then(()=> // just for a little delay
GetResult(5).then((res) => {
    assert(res == nonThenable);
    assert(count == 1); // !!!

Since we only resolved a promise once with nonThenable (the promise that is returned from GetResult(1)), I expect that .then is only accessed once. The other 4 promises are fulfilled with it, and we know that [[PromiseResult]]s are never thenables. Or should not be, if it didn't change in the meantime.

I suggest to change the spec so that a Promise Resolve Function ( is not called multiple times, even if multiple promises (that adopt each other) are fulfilled with it. This would pave the road to allow fixing memory leaks from long recursive adoption chains, so that "intermediate" promises are no longer considered and can be garbage-collected before the eventual resolution.

A possible change could be made by amending the sections CreateResolvingFunctions and Promise.prototype.then like so:

  • A promise resolve function is an anonymous built-in function that has [[Promise]], [[AlreadyResolved]] and [[fulfillAdopter]] internal slots.

  • CreateResolvingFunctions would set the [[fulfillAdopter]] slot of resolve to a function like function fulfiller(resul) { if (! F.[[AlreadyResolved]]) { F.[[AlreadyResolve]] = true Return FulfillPromise(F.[[Promise]], result) } }

  • Insert a step 5.5 in PerformPromiseThen, like If onFulfilled has a [[fulfillAdopter]] internal slot, set fulfillReaction.[[handler]] to onFulfilled.[[fulfillAdopter]]

So when a promise is adopted, and its .then() method is called, a fulfill handler is installed not a resolve handler. Which works as long as the invariant holds that result values are not thenable.

I haven't thought through the implications that this had on subclassing, but this is supposed to work even if .then was overwritten as long as it calls super.then() with the original resolve handler. (If it wrapped the resolve handler, we should resolve the value again indeed).

, Bergi

# Bergi (10 years ago)

Another, maybe simpler way to put this:

Promise.resolve needs to become idempotent, i.e. for all values x the expression


must behave exactly as the expression


where it accesses x.then only exactly once. The current spec would test for it twice, which even gives way to fulfilling promises with thenables - if only the then method is attached to your object after you have resolved your promise with it. Which could cause some quite unexpected results.
