Generic Bundling

# Jonathan Bond-Caron (11 years ago)

About Generic Bundling in: rwaldron/tc39-notes/blob/master/es6/2013-09/modules.pdf

<script src="$/lib/main.js"></script>

It could be reworked as:

<link rel="loader" type="application/zip" href=""> <script src="lib/main.js"></script>

Simple pattern for packaging web apps where '' might be already available.

For remote fetching, I imagine it would block waiting for to be available. Could be solved with something like:

<script src="lib/main.js" ref=""></script>

Which would lookup <link rel="loader"> and match to

Either way, I'm curious where the discussion is taking place, w3c? How does this fit with Ecmascript, System.loader?

# Jeremy Darling (11 years ago)

Personally, I love the concept of <script src="lib/main.js" ref=””></script> since it allows backwards compatibility if the

client's browser doesn't support packaging. Older browsers would simply make the request for lib/main.js while newer browsers would await and then load lib/main.js

The part I would be concerned about (maybe without reason) is compression algo utilized. There are enough API's in place that allowed browser vendors to simply pick their favorite and move forward as is. The last thing I want to have to do is embed my cab, zip, lz, 7z, ... file into my header to support everyone's flavor of compression.

# David Bruant (11 years ago)

HTTP 2 is coming with a feature called server-push [1] which seems more appropriate for this type of bundling. In essence, when being asked for a webpage, the server sends the HTML page as well as a bunch of resources (CSS, JS, image, whatever) in the same HTTP response. These are individually decompressed and cached and available handy when the HTML parsing requires fetching resources (lots of that can happen in parallel I imagine, depending on the bundling). Best of all, this is all seamless. Just keep writing HTML as you've always had, no need for new "$/lib/main.js" syntax. It keeps the HTML decoupled from the "how" of resource delivery.

Among other benefits [1]: "pushed resources are cached individually by the browser and can be reused across many pages" => It's not clear this can happen with an

"by the time the browser discovers the script tag in the HTML response the |main.js| file is already in cache, and no extra network roundtrips are incurred!" => Not even a need to load an additional

We can discuss the deployment aspects of HTTP 2 and whether Generic Bundling as proposed can provide benefits before HTTP 2 is fully deployed, but I feel the bottleneck will be the server-side engineering to bundle the resources and this work is equivalent for both HTTP 2 and the proposed Generic Bundling. So HTTP 2 wins?



Le 10/10/2013 19:30, Jonathan Bond-Caron a écrit :

# Kevin Smith (11 years ago)

Side note (sorry): I missed that PDF the first time around, but from what I read it looks like good progress is being made. It feels like it's coming together. : )

# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

You are confining the problem in HTTP only scenarios while the solution provided by

<script src="lib/main.js" ref=””></script>

can be handy/reused in offline packaged applications too so HTTP 2 might win on HTTP but it's not a general HTML App packaging option.

I think FirefoxOS Apps might have something similar without even bothering the network stack, but then there apps are already packaged in a similar way so here would be the common bundle/package within the bundled FFOS App but others might reuse same logic too.

@Jeremy, it does not matter much what browser prefers when the de-facto standard is to accept and support either deflate or g(un)zip so anything compatible with these two (basically same) algo woul dbe acceptable and easy to implement for everyone, am I correct?

Back to the HTTP support, I would go for the possibility to bundle through CDN too which might penalize minor used libraries (like few of mines) but boost up most common scenario across websites or apps (thinking about Angular bundle, Ember bundle, jQueryUI bundle or ExtJS bundle, etc)

Last personal thought: this is way nicer than any AMD solution I've seen, giving a real alternative to async modules too via script defer/async attributes without requiring boiler plates all over to include on demand.

+10000 for that -1000 is worth my opinion ^_^

# Jeremy Darling (11 years ago)

I understand g(un)zip is the de-facto standard, I would just hate to see such a small detail overlooked at the end of the day when a one liner pretty much covers it.

Oh, and I'll 2nd the "way nicer than any AMD solution". This also keeps readability in mind along with forcing declaration instead of allowing you to loose track of dependencies accidentally. I prefer to have page bloat in dev form and compile down for production use only if necessary.

Course, that's two cents from a guy who usually hides in the corners on this type of discussion.

# Brendan Eich (11 years ago)

Jeremy Darling wrote:

I understand g(un)zip is the de-facto standard, I would just hate to see such a small detail overlooked at the end of the day when a one liner pretty much covers it.

Oh, and I'll 2nd the "way nicer than any AMD solution". This also keeps readability in mind along with forcing declaration instead of allowing you to loose track of dependencies accidentally. I prefer to have page bloat in dev form and compile down for production use only if necessary.

Course, that's two cents from a guy who usually hides in the corners on this type of discussion.

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea.giammarchi at <mailto:andrea.giammarchi at>> wrote:

You are confining the problem in HTTP only scenarios while the
solution provided by

<script src="lib/main.js" ref=””></script>

No, you're right -- agree with you and Andrea, this is sweet.

HTML nerd nit: is "ref" the right name? I thought it was used as an attribute name somewhere in HTML or nearby, but I can't find it. Cc'ing Anne.

# Anne van Kesteren (11 years ago)

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 3:53 AM, Brendan Eich <brendan at> wrote:

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea.giammarchi at <mailto:andrea.giammarchi at>> wrote:

You are confining the problem in HTTP only scenarios while the
solution provided by

<script src="lib/main.js" ref=””></script>

No, you're right -- agree with you and Andrea, this is sweet.

It would require each end point that wants to support this to have new syntax. A solution from will not require updating all the end points.

HTML nerd nit: is "ref" the right name? I thought it was used as an attribute name somewhere in HTML or nearby, but I can't find it. Cc'ing Anne.

You might be thinking of "rev" (which is obsolete now in favor of using "rel" everywhere).

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 11/10/2013, at 03:10, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

Last personal thought: this is way nicer than any AMD solution I've seen, giving a real alternative to async modules too via script defer/async attributes without requiring boiler plates all over to include on demand.

Because all the files in the .zip would appear to be 'local', a synchronous require() can be built

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 11/10/2013, at 03:53, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea.giammarchi at <mailto:andrea.giammarchi at>> wrote:

You are confining the problem in HTTP only scenarios while the solution provided by

<script src="lib/main.js" ref=””></script>

No, you're right -- agree with you and Andrea, this is sweet.

Are main.js and two separate files, or is main.js expected to come from into I think the latter would be best because it would guarantee that the assets are there by the time main.js runs, as if they were local files, ready to be require()d synchronously.

# David Bruant (11 years ago)

Le 11/10/2013 03:10, Andrea Giammarchi a écrit :

You are confining the problem in HTTP only scenarios while the solution provided by

<script src="lib/main.js" ref=””></script>

can be handy/reused in offline packaged applications too so HTTP 2 might win on HTTP but it's not a general HTML App packaging option.

Packaged apps have other options to preload resources. For instance resources to be preloaded could be listed individually in the manifest file. Arguably, we already have link at rel="prefetch" for that purpose too. Providing a zip in the manifest file could work, but I'm not sure I see the benefit over individual files. Disk fragmentation issues maybe?

Back to the HTTP support, I would go for the possibility to bundle through CDN too which might penalize minor used libraries (like few of mines) but boost up most common scenario across websites or apps (thinking about Angular bundle, Ember bundle, jQueryUI bundle or ExtJS bundle, etc)

Except for geographical distribution, CDNs are rendered irrelevant in HTTP 2.0, because HTTP 2.0 solves all the parallelism issues HTTP 1.1 has. Hopefully CDN will evolve to propose to deliver your full app with server push (so no need for library bundles since the bundle is part of your application).

Back to the deployment question, when HTTP 2.0 is out with server push (SPDY is already in Firefox, Chrome and IE11), will there still be a use for @ref? Will browser with support for @ref and no support for server push exist at all?

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 11/10/2013, at 12:02, David Bruant wrote:

Providing a zip in the manifest file could work, but I'm not sure I see the benefit over individual files. Disk fragmentation issues maybe?

One benefit is that a single .zip can fetch a bunch of files in a single network round trip.

Another is than once the .zip has been unzipped, its files can be accessed synchronously.

# David Bruant (11 years ago)

Le 11/10/2013 12:46, Jorge Chamorro a écrit :

On 11/10/2013, at 12:02, David Bruant wrote:

Providing a zip in the manifest file could work, but I'm not sure I see the benefit over individual files. Disk fragmentation issues maybe? One benefit is that a single .zip can fetch a bunch of files in a single network round trip.

The manifest file was in response to Andrea's point about packaged app (where he pointed that network requests aren't the only use case), so network round trips don't apply.

Another is than once the .zip has been unzipped, its files can be accessed synchronously.

If we're back on the network use case, server push has the same benefits (resource bundling and in-memory availability)... and saves a network round-trip since the resources come along!

I highly recommend reading (which is the best resource I've found on server push so far). If you prefer video form: (start at 9'00'' for HTTP 2.0 and 11'00'' for server push)

# Russell Leggett (11 years ago)

Just wanted to point out a couple of previous attempts at something similar to generic bundling and the reactions it got, because so far it hasn't panned out.

Way back in 2008, it was my one and only real contribution to the whatwg list before getting a little frustrated and moving on:

Then a year later, Alex Limi independently came up with a very similar proposal: and actually got a version of it working in some branch of firefox: And here's a couple of discussions on that proposal:!topic/,

As you can see the resource packages attempt got dropped. Perhaps this proposal will go through because it is tied to the module loader?

Not sure if this changes anything, carry on.

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 11/10/2013, at 13:23, David Bruant wrote:

Le 11/10/2013 12:46, Jorge Chamorro a écrit :

On 11/10/2013, at 12:02, David Bruant wrote:

Providing a zip in the manifest file could work, but I'm not sure I see the benefit over individual files. Disk fragmentation issues maybe? One benefit is that a single .zip can fetch a bunch of files in a single network round trip. The manifest file was in response to Andrea's point about packaged app (where he pointed that network requests aren't the only use case), so network round trips don't apply.

Another is than once the .zip has been unzipped, its files can be accessed synchronously. If we're back on the network use case, server push has the same benefits (resource bundling and in-memory availability)... and saves a network round-trip since the resources come along!

I've read/seen the links you've posted now, thank you.

HTTP2.0 is awesome, but it requires resource planning a priori, and the cooperation of the server, and a server HTTP2.0 capable. Not sure if the client's http stack does need to be updated too, does it?

OTOH the <script src='main.js' ref=''> is a 100% client-side solution, so it would be compatible with any server of any http version. It requires a browser that implements it though, and preferably a way to feature-detect the capability, of course, so it's not perfect either.

But the ability to use synchronous require()s, á la node, in a browser would be a big big big win. imho. The ref='', it seems to me, is an easier proposition.

# David Bruant (11 years ago)

Le 11/10/2013 15:15, Russell Leggett a écrit :

Just wanted to point out a couple of previous attempts at something similar to generic bundling and the reactions it got, because so far it hasn't panned out.

Way back in 2008, it was my one and only real contribution to the whatwg list before getting a little frustrated and moving on:

Then a year later, Alex Limi independently came up with a very similar proposal:

The "Be entirely transparent to browsers that do not support it." goal can't be achieved with @ref (but maybe polyfilled) specifically because it makes @src relative to the archive root.

and actually got a version of it working in some branch of firefox:

Conclusion of the bug: "We've pretty clearly decided to spend our resources on SPDY and HTTP pipelining, rather than this approach."

And here's a couple of discussions on that proposal:!topic/,!topic/,

As you can see the resource packages attempt got dropped. Perhaps this proposal will go through because it is tied to the module loader?

Server push is happening regardless. For all I know it's already agreed upon, it's not an "if", it's a "when" (happy to hear if some have fresher infos)

Not sure if this changes anything, carry on.

Server push is happening as part of HTTP 2.0. Do you have a use case in which it's insufficient?

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 11/10/2013, at 15:15, Russell Leggett wrote:

Just wanted to point out a couple of previous attempts at something similar to generic bundling and the reactions it got, because so far it hasn't panned out.

Way back in 2008, it was my one and only real contribution to the whatwg list before getting a little frustrated and moving on:

Brilliant, Yes! That's it!

"if all js,css,and even images and other files could be zipped up or tarred, that would only require a single HTTP request. This could basically just add the files to the browser cache or other local storage mechanism so that requests for the resources would not need to make an extra trip"

2008? That's 5 looong years ago.

Then a year later, Alex Limi independently came up with a very similar proposal: and actually got a version of it working in some branch of firefox: And here's a couple of discussions on that proposal:!topic/,

As you can see the resource packages attempt got dropped. Perhaps this proposal will go through because it is tied to the module loader?

It's sad. What happened? Why was it ditched? Was it, perhaps, too ahead of its time?

Let's try again :-)

# Russell Leggett (11 years ago)

Not sure if this changes anything, carry on.

Server push is happening as part of HTTP 2.0. Do you have a use case in which it's insufficient?

Not sure if this was directed at me or Jorge, but in case it was directed at me, I wasn't actually advocating for this anymore, simply acting as a historian. I have a solution that works fine for me right now, and I'm content to wait HTTP 2.0 or whatever the next step is.

# Russell Leggett (11 years ago)

As you can see the resource packages attempt got dropped. Perhaps this proposal will go through because it is tied to the module loader?

It's sad. What happened? Why was it ditched? Was it, perhaps, too ahead of its time?

Let's try again :-)

As you can see, it basically fell to the same conclusion as you are trying to fight right now - SPDY and html pipelining. The idea that this can be transparently handled better with http rather than a bundling approach.

# Jeremy Darling (11 years ago)

HTTP 2.0 will require changes to servers for it to work properly, it will also require that developers learn a bit more about the pipeline or rely on some vendor to implement the "smarts" for them.

Asset Bundling on the other hand will provide a quick and easy transition for most development communities. Compress everything, update your ref's and wait for the browsers to catch up, or for your server dev team to work out push.

You could still push your asset bundle with HTTP 2.0 and achieve basically the same results as if you bundled all the assets and sent them down the pipe with HTTP 2.0.

I don't see them as foe's or alternatives to one another. Quite to the opposite, they seem to compliment each other quite well.

# Russell Leggett (11 years ago)

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Jeremy Darling <jeremy.darling at>wrote:

HTTP 2.0 will require changes to servers for it to work properly, it will also require that developers learn a bit more about the pipeline or rely on some vendor to implement the "smarts" for them.

Asset Bundling on the other hand will provide a quick and easy transition for most development communities. Compress everything, update your ref's and wait for the browsers to catch up, or for your server dev team to work out push.

You could still push your asset bundle with HTTP 2.0 and achieve basically the same results as if you bundled all the assets and sent them down the pipe with HTTP 2.0.

I don't see them as foe's or alternatives to one another. Quite to the opposite, they seem to compliment each other quite well.

Well, just so I understand - let's say you have 100 JavaScript files you want in your bundle. Can you explain to me the strategy for handling the fallback unsupported case? Does the bundle contain module based code assuming es6 and the fallback is all es5 code using traceur or something? Just trying to get a vision for this.

# David Bruant (11 years ago)

Le 11/10/2013 15:39, Jorge Chamorro a écrit :

On 11/10/2013, at 13:23, David Bruant wrote:

Le 11/10/2013 12:46, Jorge Chamorro a écrit :

On 11/10/2013, at 12:02, David Bruant wrote:

Providing a zip in the manifest file could work, but I'm not sure I see the benefit over individual files. Disk fragmentation issues maybe? One benefit is that a single .zip can fetch a bunch of files in a single network round trip. The manifest file was in response to Andrea's point about packaged app (where he pointed that network requests aren't the only use case), so network round trips don't apply.

Another is than once the .zip has been unzipped, its files can be accessed synchronously. If we're back on the network use case, server push has the same benefits (resource bundling and in-memory availability)... and saves a network round-trip since the resources come along! I've read/seen the links you've posted now, thank you.

HTTP2.0 is awesome, but it requires resource planning a priori, and the cooperation of the server

So does The 2 approaches are equivalent in that regard.

and a server HTTP2.0 capable. Not sure if the client's http stack does need to be updated too, does it?

It appears so. I don't know how much work that it, though. But open source is happening. For Node, there is indutny/node-spdy and molnarg/node-http2 (both decently mature from what I see)

People have other incentives to move to HTTP 2.0 (multiplexing by default, header compression, encryption by default for instance). Every major websites (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) already support SPDY and it's been some time now.

The good news is that there is a good fallback strategy for those who're not ready to upgrade their server. I'm not too worried about that aspect.

OTOH the <script src='main.js' ref=''> is a 100% client-side solution

Besides deciding which resources should go in ;-)

so it would be compatible with any server of any http version. It requires a browser that implements it though, and preferably a way to feature-detect the capability, of course, so it's not perfect either.

But the ability to use synchronous require()s, á la node, in a browser would be a big big big win. imho.

Not sure why if we have the import syntax from modules. The import syntax allows to fetch dependencies while keep parsing. This is not possible with require(). What's the benefit of require() over import syntax?

Once we have ES6 modules, not sure we'll need commonJS or AMD anymore (except for backward compat for some time).

It's time to throw away what we built to work around the language limitations! When HTTP2.0 is deployed, we can also throw away our "concatenation" and "sprite" so called "good practices" (which existed only for the purpose of working around HTTP 1.1 limitations).

... it'll be soon time to move on and laugh of how hard front-end engineering used to be.

# Jeremy Darling (11 years ago)

The way I read the proposal (and I could be wrong here), you would have copies on your server in the appropriate locations. So I may have a /js/ folder with all my core JS inside it, and a /vendor/*/ with each vendor package inside of it. I could have multiple asset package's (one for my core, one for each vendor code, or maybe one for all vendor code), or I could simply have a single asset package referenced. If the browser knows what to do with it all it will pull down the package files, extract it/them and use the code from the package. If not it would call back to the server for each file that it needed on the page.

Basically, here is my understanding in pseudo code (there may be typos below);

<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js" ref="/pkg/"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vendor/skeleton/css/base.css" ref="/pkg/" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vendor/skeleton/css/skeleton.css" ref="/pkg/" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vendor/skeleton/css/layout.css" ref="/pkg/" /> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/myLoader.js" ref="/pkg/"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mySupportScript.js" ref="/pkg/"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/app.js" ref="/pkg/"></script> </body> </html>

My thoughts, after reading, are that there would be three requests or pushes back for /pkg/, /pgk/, and /pkg/ when the browser supported packaging. If the browser didn't then you would see 7 requests to get the assets.

Course, I could be wrong :)

# Jeremy Darling (11 years ago)

Oh, and server side support for asset bundling could be eased if your in any language with an HTML pre-processor readily available. Simply scan all your script and link tags, add a ref tag to each, and spit out a zip in the appropriate location. Course it could also be part of your build tools if your using them.

# David Bruant (11 years ago)

Le 11/10/2013 15:51, Russell Leggett a écrit :

Not sure if this changes anything, carry on.
Server push is happening as part of HTTP 2.0. Do you have a use
case in which it's insufficient?

Not sure if this was directed at me or Jorge

To anyone really, trying to understand if people are doing things that aren't solved by HTTP 2.0 server push.

# Kevin Smith (11 years ago)

Clearly, the end-game is to solve delivery efficiency issues at the application protocol layer. Any solution placed in the application itself is going to be a stopgap. Inline-modules were one such stopgap. If you're going to argue for the need for a stopgap, then you have to answer a couple of questions:

  • Why is the stopgap needed, given that we have a proper solution in the works? (HTTP 2 won't be fully available for X years, SPDY in practice requires SSL certificates, etc.) Numbers are good : )

  • What is the cost of having to support the stopgap far into the future?

I'm not arguing either side, just commenting on the debate.

# Russell Leggett (11 years ago)

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 10:19 AM, Jeremy Darling <jeremy.darling at>wrote:

Oh, and server side support for asset bundling could be eased if your in any language with an HTML pre-processor readily available. Simply scan all your script and link tags, add a ref tag to each, and spit out a zip in the appropriate location. Course it could also be part of your build tools if your using them.

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 9:17 AM, Jeremy Darling <jeremy.darling at>wrote:

The way I read the proposal (and I could be wrong here), you would have copies on your server in the appropriate locations. So I may have a /js/ folder with all my core JS inside it, and a /vendor/*/ with each vendor package inside of it. I could have multiple asset package's (one for my core, one for each vendor code, or maybe one for all vendor code), or I could simply have a single asset package referenced. If the browser knows what to do with it all it will pull down the package files, extract it/them and use the code from the package. If not it would call back to the server for each file that it needed on the page.

Basically, here is my understanding in pseudo code (there may be typos below);

<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js" ref="/pkg/"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vendor/skeleton/css/base.css" ref="/pkg/" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vendor/skeleton/css/skeleton.css" ref="/pkg/" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vendor/skeleton/css/layout.css" ref="/pkg/" /> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/myLoader.js" ref="/pkg/"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mySupportScript.js" ref="/pkg/"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/app.js" ref="/pkg/"></script> </body> </html>

My thoughts, after reading, are that there would be three requests or pushes back for /pkg/, /pgk/, and /pkg/ when the browser supported packaging. If the browser didn't then you would see 7 requests to get the assets.

Course, I could be wrong :)

Ah, ok, a little different than the way I read it, but I think you're right. I've got to be honest. I wouldn't use this. The fallback case on a large app would be such a tremendous http request fail (assuming HTTP 2.0 not in place). For it to be something I would really want to use, I guess I would probably want to load two different sets of files - one for browsers with module/bundling support and one for everyone else (fallback). The fallback would have to be ES5 compatible code and would probably use concatenation or an ES5 compatible loader.

So I guess, thinking about it, I think the major flaw with HTTP 2.0 server push for me is not the technology itself, but how hard it would be to use it with an acceptable fallback. Right now the code I write has a ton of smaller files that uses a smart build to make a dependency graph and smartly concat into optimal chunks, an ideal case for ES6 modules as its already basically divided that way and already has fake import statements. I could change the build so that it used server push instead, but the fallback case would go horribly awry. I don't know, I guess I'll just have to think about a way to make that work. There's probably a relatively easy strategy.

Out of curiosity - does anyone have a good solution in to fallbacks for modules? Using traceur and serving ES5/ES6 versions is what immediately comes to mind.

# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

As I've said, you keep confining the problem and the solution over HTTP and servers while I see this approach, maybe slightly revisited, a good generic bundling solution even without a server and easily adoptable now plus this will not mean HTTP 2 won't be handy to help with this case too.

The proposal could be revisited to tell browsers to look for automagically once opened so we'll have a bundle that can work over HTTP and over Bluetooth exchange too.

So, my counter question would be: do we have a standard generic bundle option that works same way every other programming language has ? (war files, python distributable with self extracting archive and execution, .NET apps, etc etc etc)

If such thing exists plus HTTP2 will solve all other problems then I agree it's not a good idea to implement this now.

If such thing does not exist I would like to keep thinking the combination JS + HTML + CSS can offer a lot even without a webserver behind or any protocol ... there is a database that does not need a connection and all tools needed to offer great applications.

You guys know this better than me with FirefoxOS.

My 2 cents

# Jonathan Bond-Caron (11 years ago)

On Thu Oct 10 02:22 PM, David Bruant wrote:

Among other benefits [1]: "pushed resources are cached individually by the browser and can be reused across many pages" => It's not clear this can happen with an

Opposite benefit of using, only a single cache entry to lookup. You should be able to re-use across pages.

Imagine having 20 images that never change in 1 year. The browser will lookup 20 cache entries, why? Use sprites? A common use case would be bundle resources that rarely change in a single file.

We can discuss the deployment aspects of HTTP 2 and whether Generic Bundling as proposed can provide benefits before HTTP 2 is fully deployed, but I feel the bottleneck will be the server-side engineering to bundle the resources and this work is equivalent for both HTTP 2 and the proposed Generic Bundling. So HTTP 2 wins?

It will be useful, I think of it as a win for files that change frequently.

Another benefit of bundles not solved by HTTP 2: theming.,

It would make distribution of themes much simpler. If developers point to the same 'cached' bundle from a cdn, that's a win for less internet traffic.

The pattern could be: <link rel="loader" type="application/zip" href="" ref="theme"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="buttons.css" ref="theme">

For backwards compatibility, you would have buttons.css available on your own the server.

I think of bundling as better way of distributing applications (www or packaged), not only the performance benefits of pipelining stuff in a single request.

# David Bruant (11 years ago)

Le 11/10/2013 19:01, Andrea Giammarchi a écrit :

As I've said, you keep confining the problem and the solution over HTTP and servers while I see this approach, maybe slightly revisited, a good generic bundling solution even without a server and easily adoptable now plus this will not mean HTTP 2 won't be handy to help with this case too.

We seem to differ in what we think of the solution, because we don't seem to address the same problem. For me, "bundling" is a way to prevent round-trips (whether it is to the network or to disk). You seem to want what is (by me at least) usually referred to as "packaging".

Dave Herman or others will disconfirm if I'm wrong, but I think "generic" here was in opposition with previous proposals were JS/module-only bundling was proposed. In that context, "generic bundling" just means "bundle heterogeneous resources" which is different from packaging.

On saving network round-trips, server push seems to be the way forward. On saving disk round-trips, various app manifest formats (at least the two I know from FirefoxOS and Tizen) can be easily extended to declare which resource should be put in-memory as soon as the app starts.

Now, let's talk about packaging.

The proposal could be revisited to tell browsers to look for automagically once opened so we'll have a bundle that can work over HTTP and over Bluetooth exchange too.

Both FirefoxOS and Tizen (if someone have infos on other OSes with "web apps"...) took a different approach, that is having a stable manifest file location in the package and this manifest file points to the main HTML file ("launch_path" property on FirefoxOS, content at src for Tizen)

Interestingly, this has all been working well without having to change HTML even a little; without having to add a new HTML attribute or new @src value semantics, specifically!

So, my counter question would be: do we have a standard generic bundle option that works same way every other programming language has ? (war files, python distributable with self extracting archive and execution, .NET apps, etc etc etc)

We do not (not as far as I know at least). There is the widget spec [1] which is as mature as being a W3C Recommandation. That's what Tizen is based on, but FirefoxOS chose a different path (hopefully, it's not only because it's XML based :-p)

If such thing exists plus HTTP2 will solve all other problems then I agree it's not a good idea to implement this now.

If such thing does not exist I would like to keep thinking the combination JS + HTML + CSS can offer a lot even without a webserver behind or any protocol ... there is a database that does not need a connection and all tools needed to offer great applications.

Yes. I think we should continue this discussion in a more appropriate place though; public-webapps at certainly.



# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

I think not only me used the term bundle thinking about packaging, I cannot think about anything else that would need a .zip file ;-)

Agreed that this might be the wrong place but also it's surprising that there was a W3C recommendation and Mozilla, the most standards promoter I know, ignored it.

In my dreams there is a packaging solution simple to implement, polyfill, fallback, and interoperate between platforms so while the discussion should continue somewhere else, would you mind concluding this thread explaining why FirefoxOS went for a non standard approach? Is the FirefoxOS approach proposed as standard alternative? I prefer the manifest too, for what is worth it, but if not standard, I would not consider it.


# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 11/10/2013, at 15:53, Russell Leggett wrote:

As you can see the resource packages attempt got dropped. Perhaps this proposal will go through because it is tied to the module loader?

It's sad. What happened? Why was it ditched? Was it, perhaps, too ahead of its time?

Let's try again :-)

As you can see, it basically fell to the same conclusion as you are trying to fight right now - SPDY and html pipelining. The idea that this can be transparently handled better with http rather than a bundling approach.

I appreciate the beauty in 'speedy' and http2.0, but it requires an upgrade of both ends to http2.0, all the servers and browsers in the world.

We could have the .zip prefetch ref attribute operative tomorrow in the next browser update, an update which we are going to do anyway. No need to touch any server.

There are many more client than server side developers, and to grasp the idea behind an prefetch ref attribute takes just a few seconds, or perhaps a minute, no more. The word spreads, and in less than a year we'd have the web served zipped, but servers are much more complicated than that, and no two servers are programmed nor configured equal.

And http2.0 and 'speedy' and all their beauty too, in the future. Why does it have to be one or the other?

# Brendan Eich (11 years ago)

Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

Agreed that this might be the wrong place but also it's surprising that there was a W3C recommendation and Mozilla, the most standards promoter I know, ignored it.

Yes, we went with JSON over XML. Sorry.

# Brendan Eich (11 years ago)

I agree with your approach that values ease of content-only (in the HTML, via script src= ref=) migration. I think David and others pointing to HTTP 2 undervalue that.

However, Russell's counter-argument that fallback in older browsers to loading lots of little files, request by request, from the server directory hierarchy, may be too painful, reducing the value as a migration technique.

Is there a way for old browsers that avoids a request storm, and which can be expressed entirely in the hosted content (no protocol stack update problem)?

# David Bruant (11 years ago)

Le 12/10/2013 21:07, Brendan Eich a écrit :

I agree with your approach that values ease of content-only (in the HTML, via script src= ref=) migration. I think David and others pointing to HTTP 2 undervalue that.

I probably underestimate the importance of content-only websites indeed. Do we have numbers? trends?

However, Russell's counter-argument that fallback in older browsers to loading lots of little files, request by request, from the server directory hierarchy, may be too painful, reducing the value as a migration technique.

Is there a way for old browsers that avoids a request storm, and which can be expressed entirely in the hosted content (no protocol stack update problem)?

concatenation and sprites? He doesn't use the word "bundling", but in his talks and article, Ilya Grigorik suggests that inlining resources is the equivalent of server push (and bundling in our discussion). It works really well with lots of small files. To a large extent, the problem we have doesn't really exists since resources can be inlined. It just requires annoying engineering (especially with script execution ordering issues).

# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 12:07 PM, Brendan Eich <brendan at> wrote:

However, Russell's counter-argument that fallback in older browsers to loading lots of little files, request by request, from the server directory hierarchy, may be too painful, reducing the value as a migration technique.

this is what happens today with external CDN scripts and/or AMD like solutions regardless ... if these are not bundled all together, isn't it?

Is there a way for old browsers that avoids a request storm, and which can

be expressed entirely in the hosted content (no protocol stack update problem)?

hacking HTML SCRIPT prototype upfront, it's possible to improve the behavior but hard to make it fully able to ignore network requests.

However, this is not usually the main concern for new/recent proposals so I wonder why it is in such specific case?


# Brian Kardell (11 years ago)

On Oct 13, 2013 4:40 AM, "Andrea Giammarchi" <andrea.giammarchi at>


On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 12:07 PM, Brendan Eich <brendan at>


However, Russell's counter-argument that fallback in older browsers to

loading lots of little files, request by request, from the server directory hierarchy, may be too painful, reducing the value as a migration technique.

this is what happens today with external CDN scripts and/or AMD like

solutions regardless ... if these are not bundled all together, isn't it?

To me at least, the primary difference there is that in that case it is in the authors hand whereas native feature support is in the hands of the user agent, creating a potentially huge and unmanageable perf delta in the short/medium term.

# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

I see and I agree, this might cause huge different resulting in a feature detection mess.

Another possibility mentioned in the first post might be to have a unique link such

<link rel="package" name="my-assets" type="application/zip" href ="">

reusable later on through script tags, as well as images, css, svg, anything that requires that bundle and not only scripts.

<script src="my-assets/js/myfile.js"></script> <img src="my-assets/images/img.png">

good "packaging" practices will be the same but when there is a link rel package with a name (title?) the UA might decide to fetch from that instead of the url and ignore such file otherwise ?

Not such huge win for JS only but more generic packaging/bundling-together solution (that I agreed shouldn't have been discussed here since here we talk about ECMAScript only :D)

Ph well, it was good to dream for few hours :-)

# Brendan Eich (11 years ago)

Anne van Kesteren <mailto:annevk at> October 11, 2013 12:34 AM On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 3:53 AM, Brendan Eich<brendan at> wrote:

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea.giammarchi at<mailto:andrea.giammarchi at>> wrote:

 You are confining the problem in HTTP only scenarios while the
 solution provided by

 <script src="lib/main.js" ref=””></script>

No, you're right -- agree with you and Andrea, this is sweet.

It would require each end point that wants to support this to have new syntax. A solution from will not require updating all the end points.

That doc is a bit cryptic.

Can you explain how new URL syntax to address a ZIP member (I like, we had it in the ancient days with JAR files [ZIPs of course] using '!') avoids updating both end points? The content on the server starts using

<script src="!lib/main.js"></script>

How do old browsers cope?

HTML nerd nit: is "ref" the right name? I thought it was used as an attribute name somewhere in HTML or nearby, but I can't find it. Cc'ing Anne.

You might be thinking of "rev" (which is obsolete now in favor of using "rel" everywhere).

That's it,

# Brendan Eich (11 years ago)

Jorge Chamorro wrote:

On 11/10/2013, at 03:53, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Andrea Giammarchi<andrea.giammarchi at <mailto:andrea.giammarchi at>> wrote:

 You are confining the problem in HTTP only scenarios while the
 solution provided by

 <script src="lib/main.js" ref=””></script>

No, you're right -- agree with you and Andrea, this is sweet.

Are main.js and two separate files, or is main.js expected to come from into

The latter.

I think the latter would be best because it would guarantee that the assets are there by the time main.js runs, as if they were local files, ready to be require()d synchronously.

How would old browsers cope, though? They would load only lib/main.js (and possibly make a request storm, as Russell brought out elsewhere in this thread), so (synchronous) require of another member of might or might not work.

A prefetching <link> element might not suffice in old browsers, I'm

pretty sure it won't.

If the only way to cope with downrev browsers is to use Traceur, so be it. We just need to be sure we're not missing some clever alternative.

# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

my latest message was about this situation

www/ my-assets/ js/ my-bundle.js css/ some.css image/ some.png

where latter contains the equivalent of the my-assets folder.

The prefetching link won't do a thing in old browsers, might be a directive for modern suggesting a file to use instead of the folder name.

Old browsers will do everything as they do today, new browsers have the ability to use one single package instead of requiring the file.

As result:

<link rel="package" name="my-assets" type="application/zip" href =""> <script src="my-assets/js/my-bundle.js"></script>

will simply request that file through HTTP in old browsers, it will use the aliased zip file through my-assets if capable.

It's actually very similar to initial proposal also creating a precedent for network aliases independent from mod_rewrite and friends (client/UA only mod_rewrite like approach)

# Anne van Kesteren (11 years ago)

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 8:30 PM, Brendan Eich <brendan at> wrote:

Anne van Kesteren <mailto:annevk at>

It would require each end point that wants to support this to have new syntax. A solution from will not require updating all the end points.

That doc is a bit cryptic.

Can you explain how new URL syntax to address a ZIP member (I like, we had it in the ancient days with JAR files [ZIPs of course] using '!') avoids updating both end points? The content on the server starts using

<script src="!lib/main.js"></script>

How do old browsers cope?

The idea is to use a somewhat more unique separator, e.g. "$sub/". Old browsers would simply fetch the URL from the server and if the server is written with legacy in mind would serve up the file from there. New browsers would realize it's a separator and fetch the URL up to the separator and then do addressing within the zip archive once its retrieved. has a more complete summary of our current thinking. (Not entirely up to date.)

# Brendan Eich (11 years ago)

Anne van Kesteren <mailto:annevk at> October 14, 2013 6:16 AM

The idea is to use a somewhat more unique separator, e.g. "$sub/". Old browsers would simply fetch the URL from the server and if the server is written with legacy in mind would serve up the file from there. New browsers would realize it's a separator and fetch the URL up to the separator and then do addressing within the zip archive once its retrieved.

Ok, so to be super-clear, this still has the problem of old browsers creating request storms.

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 13/10/2013, at 21:34, Brendan Eich wrote:

Jorge Chamorro wrote:

Are main.js and two separate files, or is main.js expected to come from into

The latter.

I think the latter would be best because it would guarantee that the assets are there by the time main.js runs, as if they were local files, ready to be require()d synchronously.

How would old browsers cope, though? They would load only lib/main.js (and possibly make a request storm, as Russell brought out elsewhere in this thread), so (synchronous) require of another member of might or might not work.


The only 'fix' that I can think of is to use sync XHRs (I know, I know...). For example this code would run fine in any browser, with or without .zip packages:

function require (modulo) {
  if (!require.modulos) {
    require.modulos= Object.create(null);
  if (!(modulo in require.modulos)) {
    var xhr= new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', modulo, false);
    require.modulos[modulo]= Function('require', xhr.responseText)(require);
  return require.modulos[modulo];


Only much slower in old browsers, but lightning fast with .zip packages (if you choose wisely what you put into the .zip package).

A prefetching <link> element might not suffice in old browsers, I'm pretty sure it won't.

If the only way to cope with downrev browsers is to use Traceur, so be it. We just need to be sure we're not missing some clever alternative.

I for one don't have any better ideas, sorry.

Thank you,

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 12/10/2013, at 21:07, Brendan Eich wrote:

Is there a way for old browsers that avoids a request storm, and which can be expressed entirely in the hosted content (no protocol stack update problem)?

Perhaps something could be hacked with this:


# David Bruant (11 years ago)

Le 14/10/2013 15:16, Anne van Kesteren a écrit :

The idea is to use a somewhat more unique separator, e.g. "$sub/". Old browsers would simply fetch the URL from the server and if the server is written with legacy in mind would serve up the file from there. New browsers would realize it's a separator and fetch the URL up to the separator and then do addressing within the zip archive once its retrieved. has a more complete summary of our current thinking. (Not entirely up to date.)

I feel this document lacks a "use case/problem/rationale" section. It'd also be interesting to explore how people solve the same problem today (inlining mostly) and explain why this proposal is significantly (!) better (I doubt it is, but I'm always open to being proven wrong).

From what I understand, the problem being solved by bundling is faster initial load times (feel free to correct me at this point).

Back to something Brendan said:

I agree with your approach that values ease of content-only (in the HTML, via script src= ref=) migration. I think David and others pointing to HTTP 2 undervalue that.

Recently, a friend of mine had a performance problem on his blog. It's a Wordpress blog on an average hosting service, nothing fancy. The landing page was loading in 14sec. He applied a few tricks (he's not a web dev, so nothing too fancy), got a CDN wordpress plugin, async-loaded facebook and other social widgets and now the page loads in 4.5 secs and has something on screen within about 2sec. There are 68 requests, 1.2Mb (!) of content downloaded, but it works. There are also lots of inline scripts in the middle of the page and that creeps me out and makes me want to murder a couple of people who work on Wordpress themes... but it works. The web works. And that's a already semi-complex site. I imagine things to only be better with content-only websites. How much are we trying to save with the bundling proposal? 200ms? 300ms? Is it really worth it? I feels like we're trying to solve a first-world problem.

I feel that before adding new syntax and complexifying yet again the platform, a thorough performance study should be made to be sure it'll be significantly better than what we do today with inlining.

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 14/10/2013, at 17:20, David Bruant wrote:

How much are we trying to save with the bundling proposal? 200ms? 300ms? Is it really worth it? I feels like we're trying to solve a first-world problem.

I think that the savings depend very much on the latency. For example from where I am to Brazil the latency (round-trip) is almost 500 ms, so if I could bundle 60 files in a .zip instead of requesting them in series (say at max 6 in parallel), the page would load in a little more than 500 ms instead of in 10 seconds.

You can also think about it this way: the price per request with 500 ms of latency, is 500kB on a 1 megabyte per second ADSL, or 1 megabyte in a 2 megabyte/s ADSL, etc. So for 60 requests it's 30 or 60 megabytes.

Yes a server could perhaps fix that for me almost transparently, but with this I could as well fix it all by myself.

# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

IIRC roundtrip happens once per domain so your math is a bit off. However, I've solved that using a single js Object with all modules packed as strings and parsed at require time once to avoid huge overhead by parsing everything at once. The name is require-client and once gzipped gives similar advantages. However, few adopted such approach for some reason i dont know

Sent from my Windows Phone From: Jorge Chamorro Sent: 10/14/2013 9:21 AM To: David Bruant Cc: Brendan Eich; es-discuss at Subject: Re: Generic Bundling On 14/10/2013, at 17:20, David Bruant wrote:

How much are we trying to save with the bundling proposal? 200ms? 300ms? Is it really worth it? I feels like we're trying to solve a first-world problem.

I think that the savings depend very much on the latency. For example from where I am to Brazil the latency (round-trip) is almost 500 ms, so if I could bundle 60 files in a .zip instead of requesting them in series (say at max 6 in parallel), the page would load in a little more than 500 ms instead of in 10 seconds.

You can also think about it this way: the price per request with 500 ms of latency, is 500kB on a 1 megabyte per second ADSL, or 1 megabyte in a 2 megabyte/s ADSL, etc. So for 60 requests it's 30 or 60 megabytes.

Yes a server could perhaps fix that for me almost transparently, but with this I could as well fix it all by myself.

# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

the module, if interested: WebReflection/require_client#require_client


# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 14/10/2013, at 18:47, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

IIRC roundtrip happens once per domain so your math is a bit off.

Can you elaborate? I don't quite understand...

Thank you,

# David Bruant (11 years ago)

Le 14/10/2013 18:21, Jorge Chamorro a écrit :

On 14/10/2013, at 17:20, David Bruant wrote:

How much are we trying to save with the bundling proposal? 200ms? 300ms? Is it really worth it? I feels like we're trying to solve a first-world problem. I think that the savings depend very much on the latency. For example from where I am to Brazil the latency (round-trip) is almost 500 ms, so if I could bundle 60 files in a .zip instead of requesting them in series (say at max 6 in parallel), the page would load in a little more than 500 ms instead of in 10 seconds.

You can also think about it this way: the price per request with 500 ms of latency, is 500kB on a 1 megabyte per second ADSL, or 1 megabyte in a 2 megabyte/s ADSL, etc. So for 60 requests it's 30 or 60 megabytes.

Yes a server could perhaps fix that for me almost transparently, but with this I could as well fix it all by myself.

You already can with inlining, can't you?

# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

AFAIK you have those 500ms delay per roundtrip, as you said, but not per domain.

I am talking about mobile and "radio" behavior where fetching from multiple sources will result in a roundtrip mess/hell but fetching all resources from a single domain should result in a roundtrip delay only for the first file.

Accordingly, avoiding multiple CDN for different external scripts might help to speed up "first-contact" too.

I don't remember (I might look for it) who brought all these facts on the table but I remember this was practical/concrete situation 3+ years ago and I don't expect to be different today.

As summary: if you have 500ms delay and 10 files, you won't have 500 * 10 ,s delay but 500 plus common network delay accordingly with your host "situation" so 500 + (100 * 10) considering a regular 100 ms delay

I mean, still some delay, but it's not multiplied 500 ... that's what I've meant :-)

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 14/10/2013, at 22:11, David Bruant wrote:

You already can with inlining, can't you?

Yes and no:

-It's much more complicated than pre zipping a bunch of files and adding a ref attribute. -It requires additional logic at the server side, and more programming. -It's not trivial always: often you can't simply concatenate and expect it to work as-is (e.g. module scripts). -You might be forcing the server to build and/or gzip (á la PHP) on the fly => much more load per request. -Inlined source isn't always semantically === non-inlined source => bugs. -Etc.

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 14/10/2013, at 22:27, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

AFAIK you have those 500ms delay per roundtrip, as you said, but not per domain.

I am talking about mobile and "radio" behavior where fetching from multiple sources will result in a roundtrip mess/hell but fetching all resources from a single domain should result in a roundtrip delay only for the first file.

Accordingly, avoiding multiple CDN for different external scripts might help to speed up "first-contact" too.

I don't remember (I might look for it) who brought all these facts on the table but I remember this was practical/concrete situation 3+ years ago and I don't expect to be different today.

As summary: if you have 500ms delay and 10 files, you won't have 500 * 10 ,s delay but 500 plus common network delay accordingly with your host "situation" so 500 + (100 * 10) considering a regular 100 ms delay

I mean, still some delay, but it's not multiplied 500 ... that's what I've meant :-)

You are sitting in the moon with a lamp sending signals to the earth and no matter what you do it takes more than 1 second for the light of your lamp to arrive to the earth. There is a mirror in the earth reflecting the light back to you, the round-trip will be more than 2 seconds and there's no way to fix that.

What I meant with round-trip latency is: once the connection has been established, a network packet takes almost 250 ms to go from the ethernet port of my computer the the ethernet port of a server in Brazil, and another 250 ms for the response packet to come back.

The only work around for that is making as few requests as possible.

# Brendan Eich (11 years ago)

Jorge Chamorro wrote:

The only work around for that is making as few requests as possible.

+∞, +§, and beyond.

This is deeply true, and a hot topic with browser/network-stack engineers right now.

# Russell Leggett (11 years ago)

This is probably the wrong place to ask the question, but I was just thinking about the whole HTTP 2 server push thing. In a way, it surely wins in the # of requests camp if it works as described - you request index.html and the server intelligently starts pushing you not only index.html, but also everything index.html needs. Even in the case of bundling, you at least need to wait for index.html to come back before you can ask for the bundle. And even better, because it sends everything in original granular form, surely the caching story must be better, you won't wind up overbundling or having overlapping bundles. Then I realized a major (potential) flaw. If the server always pushes the dependencies for index.html without being asked - doesn't that completely wreck the browser cache? Browser caching relies on knowing when - and when not to ask. If server push starts sending things without being asked, isn't that potentially sending down a lot of unnecessary data?

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 14/10/2013, at 23:32, Russell Leggett wrote:

This is probably the wrong place to ask the question, but I was just thinking about the whole HTTP 2 server push thing. In a way, it surely wins in the # of requests camp if it works as described - you request index.html and the server intelligently starts pushing you not only index.html, but also everything index.html needs. Even in the case of bundling, you at least need to wait for index.html to come back before you can ask for the bundle. And even better, because it sends everything in original granular form, surely the caching story must be better, you won't wind up overbundling or having overlapping bundles. Then I realized a major (potential) flaw. If the server always pushes the dependencies for index.html without being asked - doesn't that completely wreck the browser cache? Browser caching relies on knowing when - and when not to ask. If server push starts sending things without being asked, isn't that potentially sending down a lot of unnecessary data?

I think I've read somewhere that it sends the resources in separate 'streams' that can be cancelled if not needed.

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 14/10/2013, at 22:11, David Bruant wrote:

You already can with inlining, can't you?

It would also be very interesting to know if you had .zip packing, would you be inlining?

# Russell Leggett (11 years ago)

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 5:35 PM, Jorge Chamorro <jorge at>wrote:

On 14/10/2013, at 23:32, Russell Leggett wrote:

This is probably the wrong place to ask the question, but I was just thinking about the whole HTTP 2 server push thing. In a way, it surely wins in the # of requests camp if it works as described - you request index.html and the server intelligently starts pushing you not only index.html, but also everything index.html needs. Even in the case of bundling, you at least need to wait for index.html to come back before you can ask for the bundle. And even better, because it sends everything in original granular form, surely the caching story must be better, you won't wind up overbundling or having overlapping bundles. Then I realized a major (potential) flaw. If the server always pushes the dependencies for index.html without being asked - doesn't that completely wreck the browser cache? Browser caching relies on knowing when - and when not to ask. If server push starts sending things without being asked, isn't that potentially sending down a lot of unnecessary data?

I think I've read somewhere that it sends the resources in separate 'streams' that can be cancelled if not needed.

Ah, ok, that makes sense. I would hate to think anyone would have overlooked that aspect.

# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

Inline, from the Moon

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Jorge Chamorro <jorge at>wrote:

What I meant with round-trip latency is: once the connection has been established

I was talking about this latency, those 500ms in my example

, a network packet takes almost 250 ms to go

while my 100ms per request were the equivalent of the 250 you are talking about here.

So we are saying the same thing, I just defined, probably wrongly, the roundtrip, only the "first-contact" one.

The only work around for that is making as few requests as possible.

never said the opposite, and if you read the repo I've pointed out you'll realize I've already done this pragmatically but nobody seemed to be interested at that time.

I have an inline require that uses Function over modules on demand but all modules are packed in a single minzipped JSON object

// the equivalent of your in my case
  "module1":"content as string 1",
  "module-N":"other content"

The object does, inline, a similar require so that

if (!modules[name])

and you have inline require that does in development the synchronous Ajax call.

Compared with the zip solution, if targeting only javascript, it gives you modules behavior, you still need to pack them all together, you will still use minifiers before packing to save as many bytes as possible so debug is hard in any case and bugs introduced by minifiers could still be there but, as it would be for the JS zip solution, you could just inline as text he whole script without minifier ^_^

the extra plus is given by the ability to use an initialization inside the script so that

<script src="package.js" exec>

or something similar. In few words create a pre-minzipped package file is kinda possible but I am with you about having this standardize and simplified without the need for HTTP2.


# David Bruant (11 years ago)

Le 14/10/2013 23:25, Brendan Eich a écrit :

Jorge Chamorro wrote:

The only work around for that is making as few requests as possible.

+∞, +§, and beyond.

This is deeply true, and a hot topic with browser/network-stack engineers right now.

It ought to be with software engineers as well and it's one of the reason why promise pipelining [1] is so appealing.



# David Bruant (11 years ago)

Le 14/10/2013 23:20, Jorge Chamorro a écrit :

On 14/10/2013, at 22:11, David Bruant wrote:

You already can with inlining, can't you? Yes and no:

-It's much more complicated than pre zipping a bunch of files and adding a ref attribute. -It requires additional logic at the server side, and more programming.

Not really. If there was a need for lots of people, people would have come up with an open source grunt task already (or any other open source tooling). The fact that people haven't tried too hard may also be an indication that bundling isn't such a pressing need.

With the appropriate tooling, it could be as simple to inline in an HTML as it is to gzip (2 clicks for each).

With tooling being such a hot topic these days (so many talks on tooling and automation in confs!) and the MIT-licence culture around it, I feel we, web devs, should start considering asking less from the platform and more from the tooling.

-It's not trivial always: often you can't simply concatenate and expect it to work as-is (e.g. module scripts). -You might be forcing the server to build and/or gzip (á la PHP) on the fly => much more load per request.

This is equally true from zip-bundling, no?

-Inlined source isn't always semantically === non-inlined source => bugs.

True. It's admittedly easy to escape with decent discipline.

It would also be very interesting to know if you had .zip packing, would you be inlining? ... yeah ... good point, I probably wouldn't :-)

# Ilya Grigorik (11 years ago)

Hey all. Late to the discussion here, but after scanning the thread, figured it might be worth sharing a few observations...

The fact that we have to "bundle" files at the application layer is an unfortunate limitation of HTTP 1.x protocol. Specifically, because HTTP 1.x forces us to serializes responses (actually, in practice it also forces us to serializes requests on the client since pipelining adoption has effectively failed), it means we can have up to 6 parallel transfers per origin * number of origins (aka, domain sharding). This sucks at multiple levels.. it adds unnecessary complexity to our build/deploy steps (e.g. try explaining sprites to any designer...), and it also hurts performance in many cases.

For details on cost/benefits of pipelining, sharding, concatenation:

As noted in last link, concatenating large bundles is actually the opposite of what you want to do for performance: a) we want to deliver small, granular resources, such that they can be cached, invalidated, and updated individually b) small resources allow incremental processing and execution c) small resources map to modular code and better prioritization (e.g. I need this submodule only after X operation or in Y view, etc)

In practice, (a) is a serious problem for many large sites already.. every rev of their JS / CSS bundle results in a massive (and mostly unnecessary update) - case in point, GMail team has spent an enormous amount of cycles trying to figure out how to scale this process without running a self-imposed DoS attack every time their JS asset is rev'ed (plus doing so in an efficient way for users on slow connections). Similarly, in our Google PageSpeed libraries we've dropped the "concatenate all things" strategy several years ago after we realized that it hurts perceived performance: instead we merge small files into large bundles (up to 30-50kb in size) -- even this is annoying and ideally unnecessary, and we recommend disabling all spriting / concat logic when running over SPDY.

Long story short: we don't want large bundles.

Also, large bundles break prioritization! To deliver good performance we want modular assets with different priority levels. This is exactly why we're working on ResourcePriorities spec: Merging multiple files into a single blob, or a zip, breaks this model and makes the situation even worse:

a) a single byte update on any part of the bundle would force downloading the entire blob ($$$, slow for clients on slower connections, low cache hit rates) b) streaming sub-resources from a bundle is at best complicated, and in the worst case completely broken, which only makes the performance story even worse c) the entire bundle is delivered with a single priority level

In short, pitching "zip bundling" as a performance optimization is a complete misnomer. If anything, it will only make things worse, even for HTTP 1.x clients. And with HTTP 2.0 on near horizon, the limitation in number of requests is completely removed: we have full multiplexing, prioritization, flow control.. which is exactly where we want to go if we want to accelerate page load times.


P.S. HTTP 2 recommendations:

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 24/10/2013, at 04:17, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

Hey all. Late to the discussion here, but after scanning the thread, figured it might be worth sharing a few observations...

The fact that we have to "bundle" files at the application layer is an unfortunate limitation of HTTP 1.x protocol. Specifically, because HTTP 1.x forces us to serializes responses (actually, in practice it also forces us to serializes requests on the client since pipelining adoption has effectively failed), it means we can have up to 6 parallel transfers per origin * number of origins (aka, domain sharding). This sucks at multiple levels.. it adds unnecessary complexity to our build/deploy steps (e.g. try explaining sprites to any designer...), and it also hurts performance in many cases.

For details on cost/benefits of pipelining, sharding, concatenation:

As noted in last link, concatenating large bundles is actually the opposite of what you want to do for performance: a) we want to deliver small, granular resources, such that they can be cached, invalidated, and updated individually b) small resources allow incremental processing and execution c) small resources map to modular code and better prioritization (e.g. I need this submodule only after X operation or in Y view, etc)

In practice, (a) is a serious problem for many large sites already.. every rev of their JS / CSS bundle results in a massive (and mostly unnecessary update) - case in point, GMail team has spent an enormous amount of cycles trying to figure out how to scale this process without running a self-imposed DoS attack every time their JS asset is rev'ed (plus doing so in an efficient way for users on slow connections). Similarly, in our Google PageSpeed libraries we've dropped the "concatenate all things" strategy several years ago after we realized that it hurts perceived performance: instead we merge small files into large bundles (up to 30-50kb in size) -- even this is annoying and ideally unnecessary, and we recommend disabling all spriting / concat logic when running over SPDY.

Long story short: we don't want large bundles.

Also, large bundles break prioritization! To deliver good performance we want modular assets with different priority levels. This is exactly why we're working on ResourcePriorities spec: Merging multiple files into a single blob, or a zip, breaks this model and makes the situation even worse:

a) a single byte update on any part of the bundle would force downloading the entire blob ($$$, slow for clients on slower connections, low cache hit rates) b) streaming sub-resources from a bundle is at best complicated, and in the worst case completely broken, which only makes the performance story even worse c) the entire bundle is delivered with a single priority level

In short, pitching "zip bundling" as a performance optimization is a complete misnomer. If anything, it will only make things worse, even for HTTP 1.x clients. And with HTTP 2.0 on near horizon, the limitation in number of requests is completely removed: we have full multiplexing, prioritization, flow control.. which is exactly where we want to go if we want to accelerate page load times.


P.S. HTTP 2 recommendations:


You're not saying that gzipping and wise pre-fetching and parallel download of scripts don't improve page load times. Or are you?

In the equation you paint above something important is missing: the fact that there's a round-trip delay per request (even with http2.0), and that the only way to avoid it is to bundle things, as in .zip bundling, to minimize the (number of requests and thus the) impact of latencies.

And there's something else I think .zip bundling can provide that http2.0 can't: the guarantee that a set of files are cached by the time your script runs: with such a guarantee you could do synchronous module require()s, à la node.js.

# François REMY (11 years ago)

± You're not saying that gzipping and wise pre-fetching and parallel download ± of scripts don't improve page load times. Or are you?

All servers serve GZIPPED version of text files. You don't need a ZIP for that.

HTTP 2.0 can send you multiple files in parallel on the same connection: that way you don't pay (1) the TCP's Slow Start cost, (2) the HTTPS handshake and (3) the cookie/useragent/... headers cost.

Under HTTP 2.0, you can also ask for the next files while you receive the current one (or send them by batch), and that reduces the RTT cost to 0. Also, the server can decide to send you a list of files you didn't request (à la ZIP), making totally unnecessary for your site to ask for the files to preload them.

The priority of downloads is negotiated between the browser and the server, and not dependent on the 6 connections and the client.

The big advantage of the HTTP2 solution over the ZIP is that your site could already load with only the most important files downloaded while if you use a ZIP you've to wait until all files have been downloaded. >From a performance point of view, this is an issue. Also, since you can only start analyzing the resources at that time, you will overload the CPU at that time. If you can unzip the files one by one, you can spread the load over a much longer time.

± In the equation you paint above something important is missing: the fact that ± there's a round-trip delay per request (even with http2.0), and that the only ± way to avoid it is to bundle things, as in .zip bundling, to minimize the ± (number of requests and thus the) impact of latencies.

Go find some HTTP2 presentation, you'll learn things ;-)

# Ilya Grigorik (11 years ago)
  • 1 to François's comments.

You're not saying that gzipping and wise pre-fetching and parallel download

of scripts don't improve page load times. Or are you?

  • We already have transfer-encoding in HTTP, and yes, you should definitely use it!
  • Prefetching is also an important optimization, but in the context of this discussion (bundling), it's an orthogonal concern.

In the equation you paint above something important is missing: the fact that there's a round-trip delay per request (even with http2.0), and that the only way to avoid it is to bundle things, as in .zip bundling, to minimize the (number of requests and thus the) impact of latencies.

With HTTP 1.x (and without sharding) you can fetch up to six resources in parallel. With HTTP 2.0, you can fetch as many resources as you wish in parallel. The only reason bundling exists as an "optimization" is to work around the limit of six parallel requests. The moment you remove that limitation, bundling is unnecessary and only hurts performance.

And there's something else I think .zip bundling can provide that http2.0 can't: the guarantee that a set of files are cached by the time your script runs: with such a guarantee you could do synchronous module require()s, à la node.js.

This is completely orthogonal... if you need to express dependencies between multiple resources, use a loader script, or better.. look into using upcoming promise API's. As I mentioned previously, bundling breaks streaming / incremental execution / prioritization.


# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

Ilya ... just to re-clarify what was the discussion about: Generic Bundling ... not HTTP Bundling.

I don't know why many keep coupling and confining HTML5 over HTTP and nothing else.

Bundling as you do with executables or apps, bundling as you send a single file update for your customer to replace instead of unzipping, overwriting each file, etcetera.

Why is in your opinion bundling bad for non HTTP, offline, apps created using these technologies ?

Every programming language I know have some bundle support that works as single package/file ... C has the executable, then we have phar, war, jar, python has many ... what about JS ? Won't work without HTTP ? Why ?

Thanks for your thoughts on this and also thanks for the story and the material about HTTP2 goodness.

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 24/10/2013, at 17:06, François REMY wrote:

HTTP 2.0 can send you multiple files in parallel on the same connection: that way you don't pay (1) the TCP's Slow Start cost, (2) the HTTPS handshake and (3) the cookie/useragent/... headers cost.

Doesn't connection:keep-alive deal with (1) and (2) nicely?

Under HTTP 2.0, you can also ask for the next files while you receive the current one (or send them by batch), and that reduces the RTT cost to 0.

Http2.0 doesn't (and can't) fix the 1 RTT per request cost: it's just like http1.1.

If http2.0 lets me ask for n files in a single request then yes, the RTT would be ˜ 1, or 1/n per request if you will, which is just like asking for a .zip in http1.1

Also, the server can decide to send you a list of files you didn't request (à la ZIP), making totally unnecessary for your site to ask for the files to preload them.

Can a server always know what the page is going to need next... beforehand? Easily?

The priority of downloads is negotiated between the browser and the server, and not dependent on the 6 connections and the client.

Yes, that sounds great!

The big advantage of the HTTP2 solution over the ZIP is that your site could already load with only the most important files downloaded while if you use a ZIP you've to wait until all files have been downloaded.

1.- Bundle wisely 2.- n gzipped files multiplexed in a single http2.0 connection don't necessarily arrive faster than the same files .zipped through a non-multiplexed http1.1 connection: multiplexing has an overhead (at both ends) that http1.1 hasn't. 3.- Yes, you can't (you can, but shouldn't until you've got the index which comes last) unzip a .zip as it arrives, but knowing for sure that all its files are cached (after unzipping) is a plus, imo. 4.- It's not http2.0 or .zip bundling. We could have both. Why not?

From a performance point of view, this is an issue. Also, since you can only start analyzing the resources at that time, you will overload the CPU at that time. If you can unzip the files one by one, you can spread the load over a much longer time.

Overload the cpu? :-P

± In the equation you paint above something important is missing: the fact that ± there's a round-trip delay per request (even with http2.0), and that the only ± way to avoid it is to bundle things, as in .zip bundling, to minimize the ± (number of requests and thus the) impact of latencies.

Go find some HTTP2 presentation, you'll learn things ;-)

Look, I've done it, I♥it, it's awesome, and I keep thinking that .zip bundling would be a nice thing to have too.

# François REMY (11 years ago)

± > HTTP 2.0 can send you multiple files in parallel on the same connection: that ± way you don't pay (1) the TCP's Slow Start cost, (2) the HTTPS handshake and ± (3) the cookie/useragent/... headers cost. ± ± Doesn't connection:keep-alive deal with (1) and (2) nicely?

You still have to pay it 6 times, since you open 6 connections.

± > Under HTTP 2.0, you can also ask for the next files while you receive the ± current one (or send them by batch), and that reduces the RTT cost to 0. ± ± Http2.0 doesn't (and can't) fix the 1 RTT per request cost: it's just like http1.1.

Yes it can. Because the channel is now bidirectional, you don't have to wait to receive FILE1 to ask for FILE2. You can therefore ask for all files you need at once, even at the same time you are still downloading your "index.html" file. And, as noted, the server can even push files to you if he thinks you'll need them, removing the necessity to ask for them.

± If http2.0 lets me ask for n files in a single request then yes, the RTT would be ± ˜ 1, or 1/n per request if you will, which is just like asking for a .zip in http1.1

Of course, you still loose a first RTT when you ask for the first file. As you point out, it's also the case if you were to download a ZIP. The difference being that the files are stored independtly in the cache and can be updated indepently. If only one of them changed, you're not forced to redownload all of them.

± > Also, the server can decide to send you a list of files you didn't request (à la ± ZIP), making totally unnecessary for your site to ask for the files to preload ± them. ± ± Can a server always know what the page is going to need next... ± beforehand? Easily?

Yes and no. It can learn from past experiences. It can know that people asking for "index.html" and not having it in cache ended up requiring "main.css", "index.css", "lib.js" and "index.js". This is a no-config experience, and it learns over time. It can also know that people asking "index.html" with an outdated eTag ended up having the latest version of "main.css" and "lib.js" in cache already and it can therefore send 304 replies for those files immediately, with their respective eTags.

± 4.- It's not http2.0 or .zip bundling. We could have both. Why not?

Because using a ZIP file is a bad practice we certainly should not allow. As stated before, it will make the website slow (because you need to download everything before you can start extracting the files, process them (JPEG, JS, CSS...) and start displaying anything. Basically you leave the client idle for nothing, then you give him a whole lot of things to do, which will make it unresponsive.

This also prevents independent caching (if you change one file of the ZIP, the client has to redownload everything), and proper GIT/FS management on the server side, as well as per-file content negotiation (like sending a 2x image to a phone, and a 1x to a desktop).

If you really want to use this kind of technique, and understand the tradeoffs, you will still be allowed in the near future to use a Network Domain Controller (I think "Event Worker" is the new name of this thing) and define your own network logic. Then you can decide to use ZIP as a transfer & caching protocol if you so want (by downloading the ZIP in the init procedure of the controller, putting it in the cache, and by unzipping its files as needed to reply to the requests, instead of letting them go through the network).

But I remain dubious about making this a part of the platform. It has no clear advantage (at best it offers no performance gain over HTTP2), and people will certainly misuse it (at worse, the performance is much worse than even HTTP1).

As for the general use case of Web App packages (aka "Generic Bundling not over HTTP") - which is a great idea by the way, - this is called an App Package and this mailing list isn't the best place to discuss it. I would recommend trying to find the WG that works over this and try to follow the discussions there (is that really linked to ECMAScript?).

I think the problem here is not really the package format itself, but more the "authorizations" required to run the app (access to filesystem, camera, location, ...) whose granularity depends on the platform, which explains why each platform requires its own bundling even if the app itself is identical.

There's room for improvement there.

# Jason Orendorff (11 years ago)

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 3:53 AM, François REMY < at> wrote:

± 4.- It's not http2.0 or .zip bundling. We could have both. Why not?

Because using a ZIP file is a bad practice we certainly should not allow. As stated before, it will make the website slow [...]

It seems what you're saying is that there are already superior ways to bundle JS modules and we don't need W3C to define another one. Perhaps—but this definitely has nothing to do with the ES module loaders proposal before TC39, which is bunding-system agnostic.

We'll be working with the HTML standards folks to decide how the browser's default loader will work, but basically I expect it'll just fetch URLs. That means it'll support HTTP2 out of the box, if the server supports it, and "zip urls" if W3C decides to spec such a thing. Apps can of course customize the loader if they need some custom bundling scheme. So your beef is not with us or with the HTML WG but with the TAG—or wherever the work on "zip urls" is taking place these days (I really don't know).

The folks on this list are by and large not networking or Internet architecture experts.

# Ilya Grigorik (11 years ago)

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Andrea Giammarchi < andrea.giammarchi at> wrote:

Ilya ... just to re-clarify what was the discussion about: Generic Bundling ... not HTTP Bundling. I don't know why many keep coupling and confining HTML5 over HTTP and nothing else. Bundling as you do with executables or apps, bundling as you send a single file update for your customer to replace instead of unzipping, overwriting each file, etcetera. Why is in your opinion bundling bad for non HTTP, offline, apps created using these technologies ? Every programming language I know have some bundle support that works as single package/file ... C has the executable, then we have phar, war, jar, python has many ... what about JS ? Won't work without HTTP ? Why ?

I'm not saying it won't work. I'm saying there are many downsides to distributing large blobs of data. Case in point, once you start distributing large blobs, you'll soon realize that it sucks that you have to download the entire blob every time a single byte has changed. As a result, you end up developing binary-diff formats.. like Courgette [1] that we use to update Chrome. A much simpler solution for web apps is to do exactly what AppCache did, create a manifest which lists all the resources, and let HTTP do the rest: each file can be downloaded and updated individually, etc.



# Ilya Grigorik (11 years ago)

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 6:24 AM, Jonathan Bond-Caron < jbondc at> wrote:

On Wed Oct 23 10:17 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

In short, pitching "zip bundling" as a performance optimization is a complete misnomer. If anything, it will only make things worse, even for HTTP 1.x clients.

I disagree, if you want to treat this as an "optimization problem", let's look at it:

  1. x number of resources/files
  2. x number of network connections

What is the optimal way of loading the resources/files? I don't have a proof but I'm pretty sure that's NP-complete.

I assure you it is not NP-complete. We know what the critical resources are for the page (i.e. their priorities), and we know the properties of TCP connections (like slow-start). The optimal number of connection is 1 (with exception of few edge cases where TCP window scaling is disabled and BDP is high).

Are you saying that HTTP 2.0 loading is the best known algorithm in all cases? That's bogus. It's certainly a better algorithm but there's a wide range of strategies that will result in faster load times (it involves bundling in some cases).

Bundling does not achieve anything that a good multiplexing solution can't -- bundling is multiplexing at the application layer. HTTP 2.0 provides the necessary tools to achieve same performance as bundling, but with additional benefits of granular downloads, incremental execution, etc. (I feel like I'm stuck in a loop ;-))

The way I look at it, this isn't about zipping a whole application vs. HTTP 2.0, it's actually a combination of both strategies that will yield better load times.

No. You don't need bundling with HTTP 2.0.

I agree that "large bundles break prioritization", but why wouldn't you for example zip 20 image files that never change during the year and choose that method of delivery?

Because you can load 20 images individually, which means you can display each of them sooner, and you have a more granular cache - if you're under pressure, you can evict one or more images without evicting all of them. Similarly, you don't need to read the entire zip to get just one image, etc.


# François REMY (11 years ago)

± > Because using a ZIP file is a bad practice we certainly should not ± > allow. As stated before, it will make the website slow [...] ± ± It seems what you're saying is that there are already superior ways to bundle ± JS modules and we don't need W3C to define another one. ± Perhaps—but this definitely has nothing to do with the ES module loaders ± proposal before TC39, which is bunding-system agnostic. ± ± We'll be working with the HTML standards folks to decide how the browser's ± default loader will work, but basically I expect it'll just fetch URLs. That means ± it'll support HTTP2 out of the box, if the server supports it, and "zip urls" if ± W3C decides to spec such a thing. Apps can of course customize the loader if ± they need some custom bundling scheme. So your beef is not with us or with ± the HTML WG but with the TAG—or wherever the work on "zip urls" is taking ± place these days (I really don't know).

I agree with you here. I think the word "allow" is an overstatement I didn't really intend. As I said further in the mail, a platform should always be flexible enough to make sure you can do something if you so want (i.e. with a Domain Controller). What I meant is indeed that the ZIP bundling is a measurably suboptimal practice overall and should not be promoted (i.e. made simpler than the state-of-art approach and/or mentioned as an acceptable solution).

If ZIP URLs are found necessary for other use cases and are added to the platform, there's no reason to ban them from the Module Loader spec. But it remains that it's not a good practice in most cases.

Bundling in general is not going to be a valid approach for any purpose related to efficiency soon (except maybe archive-level compression where grouping similar files may improve compression rate slightly). My point is that I'm not sure it's worth exploring bundling in the case of new standards that are going to be used in a future that someone can expect to come after HTTP2 birth.

My intuition is that by the time every browser supports ES6, they will most likely support HTTP2 too - most of the already support drafts of it. It's not sure that most servers will support HTTP2 at that time, though. Therefore, I don't say this approach isn't worth exploring at all, but it's a temporary solution at best.

# Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (11 years ago)

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 9:05 AM, François REMY < at> wrote:

Bundling in general is not going to be a valid approach for any purpose related to efficiency soon (except maybe archive-level compression where grouping similar files may improve compression rate slightly). My point is that I'm not sure it's worth exploring bundling in the case of new standards that are going to be used in a future that someone can expect to come after HTTP2 birth.

This is a very narrow perspective. Bundling may not necessarily serve the use cases that it currently serves once HTTP2 is deployed. However, we should consider why real game engines use sprites, why Java uses JAR files, and why native applications are constantly reconsidering tradeoffs around single vs multiple dynamically-loaded shared libraries -- all on local file systems. I/O isn't free, multiple I/O requests are not free, and there will always be tradeoffs in this space.

# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

Is it possible to not put HTTP in the middle of your thoughts?

Why is non HTTP bundling a no go?

Don't you donwload a single blob to install chrome and then eventually have incremental updates?

Why that single blob at the beginning should not be possible only in JS since every other programming langauge has one and working without HTTP in the middle? Without servers? Without an internet connection ?

# François REMY (11 years ago)

I can’t help but repeat, what you describe is called an app package format. Windows 8 has one, Chrome has one, Firefox OS has one; others may have one, too. There are discussions about a standardized app package format going on, but they are not happening on es-discuss.

Why do you think this discussion belongs to es-discuss? Did I miss something?

De : Andrea Giammarchi Envoyé : ‎samedi‎ ‎26‎ ‎octobre‎ ‎2013 ‎22‎:‎15 À : 'Ilya Grigorik' Cc : es-discuss

Is it possible to not put HTTP in the middle of your thoughts?

Why is non HTTP bundling a no go?

Don't you donwload a single blob to install chrome and then eventually have incremental updates?

Why that single blob at the beginning should not be possible only in JS since every other programming langauge has one and working without HTTP in the middle? Without servers? Without an internet connection ?


On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Ilya Grigorik <igrigorik at> wrote:

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea.giammarchi at> wrote:

Ilya ... just to re-clarify what was the discussion about: Generic Bundling ... not HTTP Bundling. I don't know why many keep coupling and confining HTML5 over HTTP and nothing else.

Bundling as you do with executables or apps, bundling as you send a single file update for your customer to replace instead of unzipping, overwriting each file, etcetera.

Why is in your opinion bundling bad for non HTTP, offline, apps created using these technologies ?

Every programming language I know have some bundle support that works as single package/file ... C has the executable, then we have phar, war, jar, python has many ... what about JS ? Won't work without HTTP ? Why ?

I'm not saying it won't work. I'm saying there are many downsides to distributing large blobs of data. Case in point, once you start distributing large blobs, you'll soon realize that it sucks that you have to download the entire blob every time a single byte has changed. As a result, you end up developing binary-diff formats.. like Courgette [1] that we use to update Chrome. A much simpler solution for web apps is to do exactly what AppCache did, create a manifest which lists all the resources, and let HTTP do the rest: each file can be downloaded and updated individually, etc.



On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Ilya Grigorik <igrigorik at> wrote:

  • 1 to François's comments.

You're not saying that gzipping and wise pre-fetching and parallel download of scripts don't improve page load times. Or are you?

  • We already have transfer-encoding in HTTP, and yes, you should definitely use it!

  • Prefetching is also an important optimization, but in the context of this discussion (bundling), it's an orthogonal concern.

In the equation you paint above something important is missing: the fact that there's a round-trip delay per request (even with http2.0), and that the only way to avoid it is to bundle things, as in .zip bundling, to minimize the (number of requests and thus the) impact of latencies.

With HTTP 1.x (and without sharding) you can fetch up to six resources in parallel. With HTTP 2.0, you can fetch as many resources as you wish in parallel. The only reason bundling exists as an "optimization" is to work around the limit of six parallel requests. The moment you remove that limitation, bundling is unnecessary and only hurts performance.

And there's something else I think .zip bundling can provide that http2.0 can't: the guarantee that a set of files are cached by the time your script runs: with such a guarantee you could do synchronous module require()s, à la node.js.

This is completely orthogonal... if you need to express dependencies between multiple resources, use a loader script, or better.. look into using upcoming promise API's. As I mentioned previously, bundling breaks streaming / incremental execution / prioritization.


# Andrea Giammarchi (11 years ago)

Apologies, I just answered what Ilya answered but I'd like to see this discussion ... where is this happening? Thanks a lot and send even off thread if you can.

# François REMY (11 years ago)

I think it was once discussed at public-webapps at

At some point there was also a community group but I’m not sure it’s still active; it published some interesting format comparisons:

There are a lot of links you can follow from there.

De : Andrea Giammarchi Envoyé : ‎samedi‎ ‎26‎ ‎octobre‎ ‎2013 ‎23‎:‎29 À : François REMY Cc : 'Ilya Grigorik', es-discuss

Apologies, I just answered what Ilya answered but I'd like to see this discussion ... where is this happening? Thanks a lot and send even off thread if you can.

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 2:10 PM, François REMY < at> wrote:

I can’t help but repeat, what you describe is called an app package format. Windows 8 has one, Chrome has one, Firefox OS has one; others may have one, too. There are discussions about a standardized app package format going on, but they are not happening on es-discuss.

Why do you think this discussion belongs to es-discuss? Did I miss something?

De : Andrea Giammarchi Envoyé : samedi 26 octobre 2013 22:15 À : 'Ilya Grigorik' Cc : es-discuss

Is it possible to not put HTTP in the middle of your thoughts?

Why is non HTTP bundling a no go?

Don't you donwload a single blob to install chrome and then eventually have incremental updates?

Why that single blob at the beginning should not be possible only in JS since every other programming langauge has one and working without HTTP in the middle? Without servers? Without an internet connection ?


On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Ilya Grigorik <igrigorik at> wrote:

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea.giammarchi at> wrote:

Ilya ... just to re-clarify what was the discussion about: Generic Bundling ... not HTTP Bundling. I don't know why many keep coupling and confining HTML5 over HTTP and nothing else.

Bundling as you do with executables or apps, bundling as you send a single file update for your customer to replace instead of unzipping, overwriting each file, etcetera.

Why is in your opinion bundling bad for non HTTP, offline, apps created using these technologies ?

Every programming language I know have some bundle support that works as single package/file ... C has the executable, then we have phar, war, jar, python has many ... what about JS ? Won't work without HTTP ? Why ?

I'm not saying it won't work. I'm saying there are many downsides to distributing large blobs of data. Case in point, once you start distributing large blobs, you'll soon realize that it sucks that you have to download the entire blob every time a single byte has changed. As a result, you end up developing binary-diff formats.. like Courgette [1] that we use to update Chrome. A much simpler solution for web apps is to do exactly what AppCache did, create a manifest which lists all the resources, and let HTTP do the rest: each file can be downloaded and updated individually, etc.



On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Ilya Grigorik <igrigorik at> wrote:

  • 1 to François's comments.

You're not saying that gzipping and wise pre-fetching and parallel download of scripts don't improve page load times. Or are you?

  • We already have transfer-encoding in HTTP, and yes, you should definitely use it!

  • Prefetching is also an important optimization, but in the context of this discussion (bundling), it's an orthogonal concern.

In the equation you paint above something important is missing: the fact that there's a round-trip delay per request (even with http2.0), and that the only way to avoid it is to bundle things, as in .zip bundling, to minimize the (number of requests and thus the) impact of latencies.

With HTTP 1.x (and without sharding) you can fetch up to six resources in parallel. With HTTP 2.0, you can fetch as many resources as you wish in parallel. The only reason bundling exists as an "optimization" is to work around the limit of six parallel requests. The moment you remove that limitation, bundling is unnecessary and only hurts performance.

And there's something else I think .zip bundling can provide that http2.0 can't: the guarantee that a set of files are cached by the time your script runs: with such a guarantee you could do synchronous module require()s, à la node.js.

This is completely orthogonal... if you need to express dependencies between multiple resources, use a loader script, or better.. look into using upcoming promise API's. As I mentioned previously, bundling breaks streaming / incremental execution / prioritization.


# Jonathan Bond-Caron (11 years ago)

On Fri Oct 25 11:48 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 6:24 AM, Jonathan Bond-Caron <jbondc at <mailto:jbondc at> > wrote: I disagree, if you want to treat this as an "optimization problem", let's look at it:

  1. x number of resources/files
  2. x number of network connections

What is the optimal way of loading the resources/files? I don't have a proof but I'm pretty sure that's NP-complete.

I assure you it is not NP-complete. We know what the critical resources are for the page (i.e. their priorities), and we know the properties of TCP connections (like slow-start). The optimal number of connection is 1 (with exception of few edge cases where TCP window scaling is disabled and BDP is high).

Let's look at use a case: 200mb application I want to distribute over internet. The optimal number of connections is 1?

You wouldn't get faster delivery with a P2P-like algorithm? e.g.: Server sends a header: Cache-clients:,

Some security considerations for sure but your claim that 1 connection is optimal is bogus at best.

Are you saying that HTTP 2.0 loading is the best known algorithm in all cases? That's bogus. It's certainly a better algorithm but there's a wide range of strategies that will result in faster load times (it involves bundling in some cases).

Bundling does not achieve anything that a good multiplexing solution can't -- bundling is multiplexing at the application layer. HTTP 2.0 provides the necessary tools to achieve same performance as bundling, but with additional benefits of granular downloads, incremental execution, etc. (I feel like I'm stuck in a loop ;-))

That's interesting, marketing will usually say "but that's just an engineering problem", engineering will say "but that's just marketing".

In this case, "that's just at the application layer", so I'll answer "that's just at the network layer".

How would you suggest to deliver an application over internet (e.g. Isn't that a bundle already?

I agree that delivering a makes the user wait vs. delivering images etc.. progressively. But in some cases that might be ok:

  • ios app (splashscreen, user waits)
  • android app (splashcreen, user waits)
  • windows 8, ...
  • flash, ...

It depends on the use cases, bundling certainly has its advantages at the application layer.

# François REMY (11 years ago)

± How would you suggest to deliver an application over internet (e.g. ± Isn't that a bundle already?

This claim is bogus. In all the cases I know, the packages are unzipped by the OS before running the application, and the application itself has no need to know anything about the package. The proof is that you can package the very same HTML app in multiple formats, and it will work for all of them.

In other terms, the application layer (ECMAScript code) is unaware of the packaging layer (ZIP-based format).

± Let's look at use a case: 200mb application I want to distribute over internet. ± The optimal number of connections is 1? ± ± You wouldn't get faster delivery with a P2P-like algorithm?

This is a different problem. The optimal number is one connection per server. Given servers generally can't send you files as fast as you can receive them, connecting to multiple servers may actually help in some cases, especially if the servers you connect to (peers) are closer to you than the original source, actually acting like a CDN.

But you cannot possibly win anything by connecting to the same server multiple times, which is what we were trying to say anyway (well, technically, it may happen you can: if the server balances its output bandwidth between clients because connecting twice make you count twice in the distribution algorithm; but then every client would connect multiple times and create some congestion without any bandwidth progress).

# Jonathan Bond-Caron (11 years ago)

On Sun Oct 27 09:35 AM, François REMY wrote:

± How would you suggest to deliver an application over internet (e.g. ± Isn't that a bundle already?

This claim is bogus. In all the cases I know, the packages are unzipped by the OS before running the application, and the application itself has no need to know anything about the package. The proof is that you can package the very same HTML app in multiple formats, and it will work for all of them.

In other terms, the application layer (ECMAScript code) is unaware of the packaging layer (ZIP-based format).

I don't think I'm making any bogus claim here, those are questions?

My point is that distributing applications implies some level(s) of bundling. An application update could be a 'bundle' of files that has changed or single files (that change frequently).

My interest is at the application layer and how this can fit with System.Loader & modules. Again, I don't see why bundling and HTTP 2.0 can't co-exist.

Is it possible that HTTP 2.0 just happens to optimize for the use cases that we are seeing today? Do you know what application use cases are going to occur 5 years from today? This propaganda that HTTP 2.0 is optimal for all those use cases is just wrong. If you have data or some objective proof, then please share.

# Ilya Grigorik (11 years ago)

On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 6:22 AM, Jonathan Bond-Caron < jbondc at> wrote:

You wouldn't get faster delivery with a P2P-like algorithm? e.g.: Server sends a header: Cache-clients:,

Some security considerations for sure but your claim that 1 connection is optimal is bogus at best.

We're deviating way off the intended topic, but quick comment on this: more TCP connections does not magically raise your bandwidth throughput. If there is sufficient capacity between client and server, and no bottlenecks in between, then yes, 1 connection is indeed optimal - it'll ramp up to full bandwidth of your pipe and occupy all of it. With that said, back to regularly scheduled programming.. :)

My actual point, as I stated it in my first post: bundling is a performance anti-pattern in the context of regular web apps. That's all.

# Jorge Chamorro (11 years ago)

On 25/10/2013, at 08:17, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

With HTTP 1.x (and without sharding) you can fetch up to six resources in parallel. With HTTP 2.0, you can fetch as many resources as you wish in parallel. The only reason bundling exists as an "optimization" is to work around the limit of six parallel requests. The moment you remove that limitation, bundling is unnecessary and only hurts performance.

The ability to ask for n files in a single request is key, yes.