Sounds like a job for decorators.
lit-element provides something very close to at least part of what you
seem to want (the getters and setters that is, not the indexing or
"distinct" functionality).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Sounds like a job for decorators.
`lit-element` provides something very close to at least part of what you
seem to want (the getters and setters that is, not the indexing or
"distinct" functionality).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Randy Buchholz <work at>
> To: "es-discuss at" <es-discuss at>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 17:07:01 +0000
> Subject: Indexing HTML Attributes and Unique Indexes
> I’ve been working with `Custom Elements` and I’m writing a lot of code
> against tag attributes. In some cases, I want the attribute values to be
> unique on a page (like `id`). It got me wondering about how the engines
> handle attribute based searches, and if indexing (with unique/distinct
> options) would provide value. I also find myself writing a lot of
> boilerplate getters/setters for attributes in the elements. Attribute
> handling could be improved by adding some additional support with something
> like an `attrib` feature. This would be similar to `get` or `set` in use.
> ```
> class MyElement extends HTMLElement{
> attrib myAttrib(‘my-attribute’) index distinct;
> }
> ```
> This would create the attribute `my-attribute` on the tag and element, and
> also generate a getter and setter
> ```
> get myAttrib() { return this.getAttribute(‘my-attribute’); }
> set myAttrib(v) { this.setAttribute(‘my-attribute’, v); }
> ```
> The `index` flag it would tell the engine it should create a map/hash to
> improve search optimization for heavily searched attributes.
> The `distinct` flag would indicate that all values for that attribute
> within context (e.g., document) should be unique. This might be used
> primarily by IDE’s to generate warnings.
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Sounds like a job for decorators.
provides something very close to at least part of what you seem to want (the getters and setters that is, not the indexing or "distinct" functionality).Bob
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