Is there a way to run test262 in a browser (and especially in web workers)?
I use:
The current website needs an update. If it makes less painful to run the tests on a shell, you can try bterlson/eshost
On 3/17/16 11:42 AM, Leo Balter wrote:
The current website needs an update. If it makes less painful to run the tests on a shell, you can try bterlson/eshost
I'm specifically looking for a harness that will run the tests in a web worker, so I'm not sure that this helps me... ;)
I have a little bash script that might help.
Let's say you have the folder ~/tests
... you can prepare the fodler as
# go into the folder
cd ~/tests
# prepare 2 dirs
mkdir tmp262
mkdir utils
# will take forever ...
git clone
Now, while it's bringing in test262
you can create a file in
... let's call it worker
, and you can copy and paste the
following in it:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ "${CURRENT:${#CURRENT}-6}" = "/utils" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
mkdir -p $TMP262
# avoid trailing comma
echo "[{name:'',test:Object}" > ${TEST262}
python2 ${DIR}test262/tools/packaging/ --command "$0" --tests
"${DIR}test262/" $@
echo "].forEach(function(o){console.log(
);try{o.test()}catch(e){console.error(,e)}});" >> ${TEST262}
echo ",{name:'$1',test:function(){" >> ${TEST262}
cat $1 >> ${TEST262}
echo "}}" >> ${TEST262}
At this point you can chmod +x ~/tests/utils/worker
and once the git
clone is complete, you can try with:
./utils/worker built-ins/Array/prototype/reduceRight/
# or to have a full spec
./utils/worker RegExp
In few words you can pass any argument you could pass to the deprecated console runner.
The result is a file in ~/tests/tmp262/test262.js
which is basically an
array of tests. You can run these with pretty much any engine you want,
hoping it's compatible with the test262 suite.
I know it's not perfect (also the only info it gets about the test at runtime is the tmp file name) but it does the job in some case.
It looks like there used to be a but it's gone.
There also used to be a (linked from various places on the wiki) but that's gone too.
Does anyone know whether this test is still available to be run outside of a shell, and especially in web workers, somewhere?