Negative indexes

# Lich (9 years ago)

It would be great if we could use negative indexes, -1 being the index of the last element of an Array or of an Array-like object . Also, an alias for console.log would be more than welcome.

# Jeremy Martin (9 years ago)

A similar proposal was recently brought up - please check out to browse the existing conversation on it.

# C. Scott Ananian (9 years ago)

arr.slice(-1)[0] does what you want, I think. --scott ​

# Felipe Nascimento de Moura (9 years ago)

Yes, that would do what he wants...but I like the idea of using arr[-1], though!! It just makes sense, to me! Specially if you want to use reversed loops, for example.

# Logan Smyth (9 years ago)

Felipe, this has been discussed in the other thread that was just linked: arr[-1] is not a workable solution because it could break existing code.

# Felipe Nascimento de Moura (9 years ago) are right!