Object.assign and inherited properties

# Andri Möll (10 years ago)


Why does Object.assign ignore inherited enumerable properties? What is the problem to which ignoring inherited properties is the solution to?

All I can see is that it prevents a useful use of inheritance. The Liskov substitution principle was mentioned 27 years ago in ’87. Why is Object.assign breaking it?

  • Everyone who’s messing with Object.prototype has to do it an non-enumerable style anyway.
  • Most uses of Object.assign will likely be for objects with a finite number of keys. Those form specific and implicit types from which people are likely to read with the dot-operator. That takes inheritance into account anyway.

I don’t get the agenda to mess with object inheritance. If one wants methods to only be in the parent and data on the child (so Object.assign would only copy data), use a classical language. In a delegation-prototypal language one should be able to inherit freely because of LSP.


# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

You are talking about "flatting" all properties, which is an undesired overhead.

var b = Object.create(

Object.assign(b, a);

But what's bugging me every time more, is that somebody had a very bad idea to spread Object.assign as something good for inheritance or object cloning.

Where does this come from? Object.assign retrieves properties and ignore getters and setters, is the last tool you want to use as substitution principle because it breaks.

Object.assign is good only to define enumerable, writable, and configurable properties, like configuration or setup objects.

Are you dealing with prototypes and Object.assign ? You gonna have way more problems than a missed flattered structure.

Can you explain what is your goal ? Wouldn't this work?

var a = {}; // or anything else

var b = Object.create(

Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a).forEach(function (k) {
  Object.defineProperty(b, k, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, k));


# Andri Möll (10 years ago)

You are talking about "flatting" all properties, which is an undesired overhead.

Umm, Object.assign is as it is because of performance? I don’t think it is nor is that a good reason. Every property access in JavaScript takes inheritance into account and there are thousands more than a Object.assign call here and there.

But what's bugging me every time more, is that somebody had a very bad idea to spread Object.assign as something good for inheritance or object cloning.

Where does this come from? Object.assign retrieves properties and ignore getters and setters, is the last tool you want to use as substitution principle because it breaks.

Ignores getters? You mean merely reads them? That’s not ignoring. Getters are an implementation detail of an interface. Prototypes aren't only useful for sharing behavior. They’re just as useful for data objects and value types. Nothing breaks when you clone or assign them around.

Object.assign just read properties from one object and assign them to another. Something you used to do by hand. It’s just shorter to type assign(A, B) than type all properties of B out manually. If it’s not meant to be the function-equivalent of for (var key in source) target[key] = source[key] then that’s too bad as my money is on it’s going to be used as such. I definitely want to use it for that.

But what's bugging me every time more, is that somebody had a very bad idea to spread Object.assign as something good for inheritance or object cloning.

Are you dealing with prototypes and Object.assign ? You gonna have way more problems than a missed flattered structure. Can you explain what is your goal ? Wouldn't this work?

Inheritance? Inheritance is an implementation detail. A function receiving an object must not care about its inheritance tree as long as it fulfills the required interface. That’s what the LSP says as well. Even though JavaScript has no explicit concept of interfaces or types, they’re implicit in any function call.

My goal is to save people from having to think every time they call a function whether this 3rd party function ignores inherited properties or not. If the callee uses Object.assign, it strips them out, if not, the dot-operator takes it into account. Surely no-one’s expecting everyone to prefix every obj.name use with hasOwn: obj.hasOwnProperty(“name”) && obj.name. Why do it in Object.assigns then is beyond me. Inconsistent and uncalled for.


# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

noone? JSLint doesn't even let you write a for/in loop if you don't have obj.hasOwnProperty(key) in it, and usually nobody wants inherited properties (included methods from old classes/ahem prototypes) reassigned everywhere.

If you deal with data objects and dictionaries yuo'll always have a flat structure, right? If you don't care about properties descriptors (getters and setters) you can always use a for/in

function flatEnumerables(a) {
  for (var c, k, i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    for (k in (c = arguments[i])) a[k] = c[k];
  return a;

This would do what you are looking for (which is the first time I personally read/hear about somebody wanting Object.assign to behave like a for/in)

Would that work?


# Leon Arnott (10 years ago)

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 10:56 PM, Andri Möll <andri at dot.ee> wrote:

Prototypes aren't only useful for sharing behavior. They’re just as

useful for data objects and value types.

They, er, sort of aren't. One big deal is that you can't JSON.stringify() them, because that ignores inherited properties. Additionally: you can't delete properties from them reliably because you don't know whether they're inherited. You can't Object.freeze() them to guarantee their property interface will never be modified afterward, because the prototypes could still be altered (this could be construed as a feature, but I think it too badly wounds the "guarantee" that Object.freeze offers). You also can't Object.freeze() the first prototype, because then its properties can't be easily overridden on its inheritors due to the override "bug".

The main use-case for Object.create()ing data objects seems to be virtual duplication of the properties. Suggestion: switch to exclusively using actual duplication via Object.assign() whenever possible.

Granted, I actually do have a personal project that uses the prototype chain to make a data structure, but I don't consider its use to be common or robust enough to be standardised, yet.


Object.assign was designed specifically to "pave a cowpath" - that is, to take a very common third-party function and exactly replicate its semantics in the standard, as a drop-in replacement in future projects. (Object.create and Function.prototype.bind arose from a similar upbringing.) The semantics it replicates are jQuery.extend, PrototypeJS's Object.extend and similar .extend methods, which only copy enumerable own non-symbol properties. I don't quite like it, myself, because I think the 'non-symbol' restriction is a bit of a dated decision from back when symbols were "private members" instead of the more general unique property identifiers they are now - but it's still my most commonly used ES6-shim method.

If you're interested in a rough idea of where TC39 stands on data object copying, see these notes about object rest destructuring:

MM: In ES3, assumption is there's all sorts of gunk on Object.prototype

because no way to get rid of it. Reason it was restricted to own-ness was because there was a desire to not iterate stuff on Object.prototype

YK: There's a notion of copying today that means "enum, own"

AWB: Notions in JS today are diff from notions 5 years ago and 5 years

from now

MM: We can't accomodate legacy in this way forever. We're in a history

dependent trap, we should make this (enumerable + own)?[verify]

# Andri Möll (10 years ago)

noone? JSLint doesn't even let you write a for/in loop if you don't have obj.hasOwnProperty(key) in it, and usually nobody wants inherited properties (included methods from old classes/ahem prototypes) reassigned everywhere.

Huh? Old prototypes? Those prototypes have their properties set as non-enumerable since how long now? You yourself said one shouldn’t use Object.assign for objects with behavior in the inheritance chain. And I agree. It’s pretty much only useful for data objects (a.k.a plain). Those have no methods in the inheritance chain one needs to ignore.

Again, I ask, what is the problem to which ignoring inherited properties is the solution to?

I posit everyone wants inherited properties. Just half of the people have been FUDed into being afraid of inheritance. But arguments based on assumptions on what other people want are irrelevant because naive people are easy to influence.

JSLint is how Douglas Crockford writes his code. That’s not an argument for right APIs. JSON.stringify is equally retarded with its inconsistent handling of inheritance, but that’s another matter.

And as I said below: until everyone also prefixes their obj.name uses with hasOwn: obj.hasOwnProperty(“name”) && obj.name, skipping inherited properties is a fool’s errand. It causes inconsistent APIs because you don’t run your options et alii objects through inheritance strippers every time. And you shouldn’t. Or does anyone disagree with that?

This is a bigger problem than my use of Object.assign. Proliferation of Object.assign will prevent everyone else from relying on inheritance. And in a prototypal language I find that bad API design.


# Andreas Rossberg (10 years ago)

On 27 February 2015 at 15:22, Andri Möll <andri at dot.ee> wrote:

noone? JSLint doesn't even let you write a for/in loop if you don't have obj.hasOwnProperty(key) in it, and usually nobody wants inherited properties (included methods from old classes/ahem prototypes) reassigned everywhere.

Huh? Old prototypes? Those prototypes have their properties set as non-enumerable since how long now? You yourself said one shouldn’t use Object.assign for objects with behavior in the inheritance chain. And I agree. It’s pretty much only useful for data objects (a.k.a plain). Those have no methods in the inheritance chain one needs to ignore.

Again, I ask, what is the problem to which ignoring inherited properties is the solution to?

The fragile base class problem is one.

# Andri Möll (10 years ago)

They, er, sort of aren't. One big deal is that you can't JSON.stringify() them, because that ignores inherited properties.

Indeed, I too think JSON.stringify is poorly designed in that respect, especially because, adding insult to injury, inheritance is considered when searching for toJSON. As I said, inconsistent as hell. :-) Those of us, and apparently you included, accept the delete-freeze nuances. People who find copying sufficient, can carry on — inheritance won't affect them.

Object.assign was designed specifically to "pave a cowpath" - that is, to take a very common third-party function and exactly replicate its semantics in the standard, as a drop-in replacement in future projects

Reasonable approach to stdlib design. Except this cowpath isn’t paved the way cows walked: Both jQuery.extend and Underscore.extend do consider inheritance. And if the world’s most popular JS library has taken inheritance into account for at least 7 years now (that was the last time I tried to prefix everything with hasOwnProperty), where’s the problem?

On Feb 27, 2015, at 16:34, Andreas Rossberg <rossberg at google.com> wrote:

The fragile base class problem is one.

That’s a problem of the caller, not the callee, the user of Object.assign. If I decide to use inheritance, that’s my risk. And because a mutable Object.prototype is every object’s ancestor anyway, ignoring intermediary inheritance in Object.assign doesn’t fix anything.

If you're interested in a rough idea of where TC39 stands on data object copying, see these notes about object rest destructuring:

Thanks! I didn’t get much out of it, sadly. I see some vague references to “people do this” and “community does that”, which translates to “people I agree with” and “my community”. The worrying about Object.prototype.hostile = true is also a fool’s errand, because every object inherits from Object.prototype and every person uses the dot-operator to read values. Every obj.hostile returns true no matter how many times you run it through Object.assign. That is security theatre.

I did find an argument I haven’t addressed directly: because a future record type won’t support inheriting from, it follows that neither should it be supported for regular objects. Well, no. That’s a non sequitur. Inheritance is an implementation detail. A callee must not care how properties of a pre-agreed upon interface are implemented. Object.assign even agrees to half of it — it doesn’t care whether a property is plain or implemented as a getter. Now it just needs to iterate over inheritance and all’s dandy.


# Andreas Rossberg (10 years ago)

On 27 February 2015 at 16:16, Andri Möll <andri at dot.ee> wrote:

The fragile base class problem is one.

That’s a problem of the caller, not the callee, the user of Object.assign. If I decide to use inheritance, that’s my risk.

You would like it to be that way, but that's not how it plays out in practice. Once dependencies have been created, you often can't afford to break them, no matter how much a problem is their fault.

# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

answering inline ...

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Andri Möll <andri at dot.ee> wrote:

noone? JSLint doesn't even let you write a for/in loop if you don't have obj.hasOwnProperty(key) in it, and usually nobody wants inherited properties (included methods from old classes/ahem prototypes) reassigned everywhere.

Huh? Old prototypes? Those prototypes have their properties set as non-enumerable since how long now?

nope, I was rather talking about user-land defined "classes" through prototypes. in ES3 these are all enumerable, you don't want methods copied all over your objects each time because that's the entire point of having prototypal inheritance, right? If instead of inheriting and composing you copy everything as enumerable, writable, and configurable, that's your choice, not what I believe we all need.

You yourself said one shouldn’t use Object.assign for objects with behavior in the inheritance chain. And I agree. It’s pretty much only useful for data objects (a.k.a plain). Those have no methods in the inheritance chain one needs to ignore.

meaning you are good to go with assign or the function I wrote for you.

Again, I ask, what is the problem to which ignoring inherited properties is the solution to?

[ 1 ] What is the problem in accessing inherited values?

If you don't want to distinguish them, just don't and use a for/in

Why do you want now to change Object assign instead of simply using for/in? This requirement is available since 1999

I posit everyone wants inherited properties. Just half of the people have been FUDed into being afraid of inheritance. But arguments based on assumptions on what other people want are irrelevant because naive people are easy to influence.

You seem to be afraid of inheritance since you want to ignore it and flat all the properties per each copied/enriched object. I am back with previous [ 1 ] question then.

JSLint is how Douglas Crockford writes his code. That’s not an argument for right APIs. JSON.stringify is equally retarded with its inconsistent handling of inheritance, but that’s another matter.

You can define you rtoJSON method that returns the result of the for/in based function I've written for you. Is that retarded?

Moreover, you can recreate instances at parse time with a specialized reviver: gist.github.com/WebReflection/87e41c09691edf9432da Is that retarded? ( maybe this one is :P )

And as I said below: until everyone also prefixes their obj.name uses with hasOwn: *obj.hasOwnProperty(“name”) && obj.name <http://obj.name>*, skipping inherited properties is a fool’s errand. It causes inconsistent APIs because you don’t run your options et alii objects through inheritance strippers every time. And you shouldn’t. Or does anyone disagree with that?

actually, following your logic you should never access that unless you are sure it's also enumerable so ...

*obj.hasOwnProperty("name")** && **obj.propertyIsEnumerable("name") && **obj.name <http://obj.name/>*`

This is a bigger problem than my use of Object.assign. Proliferation of Object.assign will prevent everyone else from relying on inheritance. And in a prototypal language I find that bad API design.

Precisely ! So use inheritance instead of flattening/hiding it everywhere. Use dictionaries and for/in when all this does not matter.

I really don't see, with all possibilities you have to write the way you want, and a function I wrote for you that does what you need, why bothering Object.assign


# Andri Möll (10 years ago)

ES3 these are all enumerable, you don't want methods copied all over your objects each time because that's the entire point of having prototypal inheritance, right? If instead of inheriting and composing you copy everything as enumerable, writable, and configurable, that's your choice, not what I believe we all need.

Umm, that’s one tactic for sharing behavior. Yep. But I thought we agreed Object.assign is more useful for data/record objects than for objects with behavior. Ignoring inheritance because of methods is not an argument then.

You yourself said one shouldn’t use Object.assign for objects with behavior in the inheritance chain. And I agree. It’s pretty much only useful for data objects (a.k.a plain). Those have no methods in the inheritance chain one needs to ignore.

meaning you are good to go with assign or the function I wrote for you.

Sadly not. Inheritance should not be conflicted with sharing behavior (methods). Entirely orthogonal concepts. It’s very useful to inherit from various data/record objects and pass those around. The receiver of such an object need never know there’s inheritance involved.

[ 1 ] What is the problem in accessing inherited values? If you don't want to distinguish them, just don't and use a for/in Why do you want now to change Object assign instead of simply using for/in? This requirement is available since 1999

They thing to remember here is other people’s code. My code perfectly honors your inheritance chains when iterating or accessing properties. But me doing that doesn’t imply everyone else won’t use Object.assign to set up their defaults as is very convenient: person = Object.assign({name: “”, age: 0}, person). You think they won’t? They already do so with Object.keys when it’s entirely unnecessary for 9/10 use-cases.

You seem to be afraid of inheritance since you want to ignore it and flat all the properties per each copied/enriched object. I am back with previous [ 1 ] question then.

Nah, I’m saying inheritance is an implementation detail of my object. It’s none of the receiver’s/callee’s business how I implemented that particular interface (any agreed upon set of properties is an interface). But the moment someone passes my object to Object.assign, they get the wrong output. Even if it should’ve been a no-op: options = Object.assign({}, options).

You can define you rtoJSON method that returns the result of the for/in based function I've written for you. Is that retarded?

I’ll leave JSON out of this discussion. Yeah, I’d like to set Object.prototype.toJSON, but I’m afraid there’s code somewhere that depends on it serializing only own properties. Ugh.

Precisely ! So use inheritance instead of flattening/hiding it everywhere. Use dictionaries and for/in when all this does not matter. I really don't see, with all possibilities you have to write the way you want, and a function I wrote for you that does what you need, why bothering Object.assign

But it’s not me who wants to flatten stuff. It’s the people who will write functions or APIs that use Object.assign while setting their defaults. I don’t mind them flattening, but only if they don’t lose half of the properties to inheritance stripping while doing so.

Am I explaining the problem wrong? I’m still surprised there are people who don’t find the following behavior retarded:

function logPerson(person) { console.log(“%s is from %s.”, person.name, person.country) } 
function logTraveler(person) { logPerson(Object.assign({name: “Traveller”}, person)) } 

var PERSON = {name: “Unnamed”, country: “Estonia"}
var john = Object.create(PERSON)
john.name = “John”

logPerson(john) // => John is from Estonia.

logTraveler(john) // => John is from undefined.

While a little contrived, like I said, Object.assign and its equivalents from libraries are already used to set defaults. Just in case: please don’t propose replacing every Object.create with Object.assign.


# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

That is not what people relying in Object.assign and ES6 will write, because you cannot define properties in a generic class, only methods.

Moreover, back to your ES5/3compat example, if you have a person object, you never inherit name, you always have your own name as you explicitly set "John".

You eventually inherit the surname, but that's indeed not your own so it should not be copied as such, it should stay there inherited unless you explicitly go to the inheritance office (the property descriptor officer) and ask for an own surname.

Same is for all people from Estonia, they all inherit their native country when born, they have to hide it explicitly at the same "descriptor office" in order to make them their own country.

But all this goes down to why/how/where you need to retrieve these info. That is the place you log through a for/in in order to reach all exposed (read enumerables) properties. That is where you log passing whatever it is through the function I've written.

Before? country isan accessible info, as the surname and other inherited properties eventually would be, and only if re-set on top, will become own properties.

At the end of the day, Object.assign has been already adopted and polyfilled and used for some time now, changing it now will probably break all code based on it.

Again, I think this is the first time I hear someone wanting a new method being exactly like a for/in ... use for/in if that's what you need ( KISS ? )


# Andri Möll (10 years ago)

That is not what people relying in Object.assign and ES6 will write, because you cannot define properties in a generic class, only methods.

Classes are just syntactic sugar over prototypes after all. I’m definitely going to continue promoting use of plain old prototypical approaches in addition to that because they're simple and elegant: why waste computation power in constructors when you can do so once on the prototype. I find that an advantage of prototypal languages over classical ones.

A bit of a plug in this regard, check out this simple observable implementation that supports inheritance: moll/js-concert Boy does this save computation. No need to bind listeners for every object (e.g. domain model) instance: Model.prototype.on(“change”, onChange) is all you need. Beautiful, isn’t it? ;-)

At the end of the day, Object.assign has been already adopted and polyfilled and used for some time now, changing it now will probably break all code based on it.

Well, that didn’t seem to prevent changing class method enumerability just a little time ago.

That is where you log passing whatever it is through the function I've written.

Sweet story you made out of the example. :-) Coming back to non-prose for a sec, unless you get everyone to ignore Object.assign and use your function, there’s no point in proposing your functions. That’s what I’ve now repeated plenty of times. It’s going to hurt us prototype-uses because others will use Object.assign where they need not.

Again, I think this is the first time I hear someone wanting a new method being exactly like a for/in ... use for/in if that's what you need ( KISS ? )

Umm, that was already explained by Leon Arnott’s email: Object.assign is cowpath pavement. Everyone seems to like a for-in assignment helper. Two of most popular assign/extend implementation mentioned (jQuery, Underscore) have supported inheritance for at least 7 years. Do you not find that as evidence “from the field"?

Or am I preaching to the choir? Are you personally already in favor of supporting inheritance in Object.assign? Given what I’ve read from you so far you won’t be affected by it as it seems to me you prefer to use this prototypal language in a classical way.


# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

FWIW I do like prototypal inheritance ... but ...

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 8:45 PM, Andri Möll <andri at dot.ee> wrote:

That is not what people relying in Object.assign and ES6 will write, because you cannot define properties in a generic class, only methods.

Classes are just syntactic sugar over prototypes after all.

except finally these behave like natives always have: non enumerable methods / accessors ... those that even you said don't want on your way

I’m definitely going to continue promoting use of plain old prototypical approaches in addition to that because they're simple and elegant:

objects will still be used for composing and whenever you Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(other)) you are still using prototypal inheritance.

None of this has ever been solved in Object.assign though ...

why waste computation power in constructors when you can do so once on the prototype.

'cause 99% of the time you need to initialize your PERSON with a name property, as example ... do that in the object creation through an implicit initializer as constructor is: done!

I find that an advantage of prototypal languages over classical ones.

I guess you like init methods too then

A bit of a plug in this regard, check out this simple observable implementation that supports inheritance: moll/js-concert Boy does this save computation. No need to bind listeners for every object (e.g. domain model) instance: Model.prototype.on(“change”, onChange) is all you need. Beautiful, isn’t it? ;-)

Check what DOM offered since about ever: EventListener interface: www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/events.html#Events-EventListener

You inherit this:

class EventListener {
  handleEvent(e) {
    var type = 'on' + e.type;
    if (type in this) this[type](e);

And BOOM, every class inheriting that will be able to create instances usable as handlers, no need bind listeners to anything anymore!

class DaClicker extends EventListener {
  constructor(el) {
    el.addEventListener('click', this);
  onclick(e) {
    alert([e.type, this instanceof DaClicker]);

var driver = new DaClicker(document);

How cool is that? Now, let's go back to Object.assign ...

Well, that didn’t seem to prevent changing class method enumerability just

a little time ago.

and didn't affect Object.assign behavior ... we all agreed here enumerability had to be changed in order to be consistent with native classes and be able to extend them without causing unexpected behaviors ... it was the last window before breaking classes forever, while Object.assign is a method based on old ES3 concepts that has not much to do with ES6 and that was never meant to be used to extend objects. It's the wrong tool for the job, accessors are lost in the process, and everything else is ignored, including inheritance.

Sweet story you made out of the example. :-) Coming back to non-prose for a sec, unless you get everyone to ignore Object.assign and use your function, there’s no point in proposing your functions. That’s what I’ve now repeated plenty of times. It’s going to hurt us prototype-uses because others will use Object.assign where they need not.

There's no point in proposing Object.assign to deal with inheritance, prototypal inheritance, and de-facto extend ability. Object.assing has one well defined use case: copy own enumerable properties, that's it ... really ... that's just it. Good for setup or config options, nothing else!

Umm, that was already explained by Leon Arnott’s email: Object.assign is cowpath pavement. Everyone seems to like a for-in assignment helper. Two of most popular assign/extend implementation mentioned (jQuery, Underscore) have supported inheritance for at least 7 years. Do you not find that as evidence “from the field"?

common extend do not loop over inherited properties, if these do is because these were written in an era where Object.getPrototypeOf and Object.setPrototypeOf where missing.

You talked about computation power and you want to loop over everything per each Object.assign call ... I am sorry I don't follow you anymore here!

Or am I preaching to the choir? Are you personally already in favor of supporting inheritance in Object.assign?

Object.assign has nothing to do with inheritance, that's what I am saying, not just supporting.

Given what I’ve read from you so far you won’t be affected by it as it seems to me you prefer to use this prototypal language in a classical way.

No, I do like prototypal inheritance and I love the fact it's still the root of JS inheritance.

What is my personal position here is that Object.assign is the wrong method/tool/function to do anything prototypal or classical inheritance related.

Developers should understand it, and I am realizing they don't ... like not at all!


# Andri Möll (10 years ago)

Object.assign has nothing to do with inheritance, that's what I am saying, not just supporting. What is my personal position here is that Object.assign is the wrong method/tool/function to do anything prototypal or classical inheritance related.

Are we entirely missing each other? I’ve said a few times now: it’s none of the callee’s business if I use inheritance in my options, config, setup or any other plain object (one without behavior). Object.assign must honor that.

I asked in my first email: What is the problem to which ignoring inherited properties is the solution to? If you have an argument that I haven’t refuted yet, please share.

Just search GitHub’s code for assign usage and you’ll see it fucking up inheritance all over the place. There’s even a IO.js issue for the same problem that I’m definitely going to help fix: iojs/io.js#62.

Andri Möll:

Nah, I’m saying inheritance is an implementation detail of my object. It’s none of the receiver’s/callee’s business how I implemented that particular interface (any agreed upon set of properties is an interface). But the moment someone passes my object to Object.assign, they get the wrong output. Even if it should’ve been a no-op: options = Object.assign({}, options).

Ignores getters? You mean merely reads them? That’s not ignoring. Getters are an implementation detail of an interface. Prototypes aren't only useful for sharing behavior. They’re just as useful for data objects and value types. Nothing breaks when you clone or assign them around.

Inheritance? Inheritance is an implementation detail. A function receiving an object must not care about its inheritance tree as long as it fulfills the required interface. That’s what the LSP says as well. Even though JavaScript has no explicit concept of interfaces or types, they’re implicit in any function call.


# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

I think your issue is not real, since the bug you linked is indeed closed and the one you opened has been exhaustively answered bu John who's the main person behind lo-dash, the drop-in replacement for underscore. joyent/node#7587

and the "let it go" part is the one I'd like to +1 joyent/node#7587

There's nothing to add here, and this came after a discussion/link you should probably have linked before.

I understand your library was born believing Object.assign would have been the answer to all your problems, I'm afraid JS descriptors and inheritance are a bit more complicated than just own, enumerable, writable, properties.


# Andri Möll (10 years ago)

Oh, I’ve forgotten we’ve had this argument with you over at the Node.js bug a while back. Long time no see.

  1. Did you even read the issue I linked to? It ended with agreement that IO.js should support inherited properties.
  2. @jdalton did not “exhaustively” answer with arguments relating to inheritance. He’s fortunately not someone to give final statements in Node.js behavior, and even if he were, discussions need to be over arguments and not on personalities or someone’s feelings. This isn’t kindergarten.
  3. There are more people in the world than us two to, so even if you and I reach a standstill, it doesn’t mean this shouldn’t be further discussed and acted upon.

Saying Object.assing assign is so because of Lodash.assign and Lodash.assign is so because of Object.assign is circular and meaningless. This thread here is precicely criticism of Object.assign’s behavior and needs to be discussed with arguments and counter-arguments relating only to inheritance.

Ignore my utility libraries. I don’t want to write libraries for a living. :-)

I understand your library was born believing Object.assign would have been the answer to all your problems, I'm afraid JS descriptors and inheritance are a bit more complicated than just own, enumerable, writable, properties.

[citation needed]. Seriously. Please share your counter-arguments and if I can, I’ll counter them or if not, agree. Relating to Object.assign in this thread, of course.


# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

lodash has more downloads than underscore and it does not suffer these kind of "little gotchas": twitter.com/jdalton/status/568575738086993920

It's a huge community and JD agrees with Leon Arnott points, after all points he, me, and others, alrThiseady made about this matter.

This discussion landed here after tons of bikesheds already, and I'm fool enough to keep answering but few already probably thought "get a room" or something similar, so I'll happily stop here.

This is the outcome from my point of view: twitter.com/WebReflection/status/571442010265149441

Please try to understand you are targeting the wrong method to implement what you suggest, or feel free to explain to everyone here how inheritance should work in JS, I'm pretty sure we all don't have a clue so you can tell us how is that.


# Rick Waldron (10 years ago)

On Fri Feb 27 2015 at 5:31:51 PM Andri Möll <andri at dot.ee> wrote:

Object.assign has nothing to do with inheritance, that's what I am saying, not just supporting.

What is my personal position here is that Object.assign is the wrong method/tool/function to do anything prototypal or classical inheritance related.

Are we entirely missing each other? I’ve said a few times now: it’s none of the callee’s business if I use inheritance in my options, config, setup or any other plain object (one without behavior). Object.assign must honor that.

I asked in my first email: What is the problem to which ignoring inherited properties is the solution to? If you have an argument that I haven’t refuted yet, please share.

Just search GitHub’s code for assign usage and you’ll see it fucking up inheritance all over the place.

So there is code misusing Object.assign? This operation is not for inheritance, it's for batch property assignment of own properties.

# Andri Möll (10 years ago)

So there is code misusing Object.assign? This operation is not for inheritance, it's for batch property assignment of own properties.

Sorry, I assumed my point was clear from previous emails and used "fucking up inheritance” as a reference. I meant not that it doesn’t create a new object with the same inheritance tree, but that it ignores inherited properties in the source when assigning them. Properties that when using the dot operator would’ve been taken into account:



opts = Object.assign({}, opts)

What’s the argument for not assigning all enumerable properties? What’s the more important use case over those I’ve described in my previous emails?


# Jorge (10 years ago)

On 27/02/2015, at 16:16, Andri Möll wrote:

because every object inherits from Object.prototype

[ {} instanceof Object, Object.create(null) instanceof Object ] -> [true, false]