operator overloading proposal

# Kevin Barabash (8 years ago)

I've been working on implementing operator overloading and would like to submit a proposal.

I think operator overloading would be a useful addition to the language. In particular I think it would be useful for defining operations on common mathematical object types such as complex numbers, vectors, matrices, and sets.

I've create a working prototype that consists of:

  • babel plugin that rewrites operators as function calls
  • a polyfill which defines these functions and which call the correct argument-specific function based on the arguments' prototypes
  • Function.defineOperator which can be used to define which function an operator should use for the specified types
  • "use overloading" directive which allows users to opt-in

More details can be found at kevinbarabash/operator-overloading. The babel plugin can be found at kevinbarabash/babel-plugin-operator-overloading. I also have a demo project at kevinbarabash/operator-overloading-demo.

The design was inspired by some of the slides from www.slideshare.net/BrendanEich/js-resp.

# Kevin Barabash (8 years ago)

I forgot to mention in my last email that I'm looking for a champion for this proposal.

# G. Kay Lee (8 years ago)

I'd say it's way too early to ask for a champion on this because just a quick skimming revealed a lot of places that didn't add up. For example, the proposal suggested that overloading is primarily targeted at making it easier to work with user-defined classes, but curiously a Function.defineOperator() method is proposed instead of some syntax that feels more tightly integrated with the class definition syntax.

class Point {
    constructor(x, y) {
        Object.assign(this, { x, y });

    toString() {
        return `(${this.x}, ${this.y})`;
Function.defineOperator('+', [Point, Point], (a, b) => new Point(a.x +

b.x, a.y + b.y));

The demo code made this flaw evident - it looks like a giant step backward to define an instance method like this, don't you agree?

It's also apparent that the @operator decorator part of the proposal is an effort trying to address this issue, but it really is not the responsibility of the standard to try to define such a thing.

What I'd suggest is that perhaps you should rethink your proposed syntax and redesign it to become an extension of the ES6 class definition syntax.

Another thing is that, IMHO, currently there are too much quirks/conventions in the proposal that feel non-evident and non-flexible which is destined to trip people over from time to time. It would be great to make a proposal that's simple and don't include too much assumptions.

Finally, I'm not sure about the current status of macros, but last I heard of it, they say it's going to make its way into the standard pretty soon (TM), and macros can do much of the things overloading could, and much more.

# Kevin Barabash (8 years ago)

I should update the demo code to show the @operator decorator in addition to Function.defineOperator.

Initially I started out with just the @operator decorator, but that meant that each class would have to have knowledge of each of the classes it might want to interact with before hand. Having a separate defineOperator function avoids this situation.

It means that prototype style classes must be converted to the new class syntax before operator overloading could be used. Lastly, there may be some cases where it makes sense to overload operators with existing 3rd party code or built-in classes, e.g. adding set operations to Set using operator overloading.

It's also apparent that the @operator decorator part of the proposal is an effort trying to address this issue, but it really is not the responsibility of the standard to try to define such a thing.

Why not? The standard defines well-known symbols. Maybe @operator could be a well known decorator (assuming decorators get approved).

Slide 15 from www.slideshare.net/BrendanEich/js-resp shows syntax for defining operators in value types which could be adapted as follows for regular classes:

class Point {
   constructor(x, y) {
       this.x = +x;
       this.y = +y;
   Point + Number (a, b) {
       return new Point(a.x + b, a.y + b);
   Number + Point (a, b) {
       return new Point(a + b.x, a + b.y);
   Point + Point (a, b) {
       return new Point(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);

Having to define + twice for Point + Number and Number + Point seems like busy work, but maybe it's better to be explicit. What are you thoughts about this syntax?

Another thing is that, IMHO, currently there are too much quirks/conventions in the proposal that feel non-evident and non-flexible which is destined to trip people over from time to time. It would be great to make a proposal that's simple and don't include too much assumptions.

Could you elaborator what quirks/conventions might trip people up?

Finally, I'm not sure about the current status of macros, but last I heard of it, they say it's going to make its way into the standard pretty soon (TM), and macros can do much of the things overloading could, and much more.

Could you post a link any more info? Will it be something like sweet.js?

# G. Kay Lee (8 years ago)

Why not? The standard defines well-known symbols. Maybe @operator could

be a well known decorator (assuming decorators get approved).

Well... you make something into the standard with proposals, not why-nots, so in order to make that happen you need to draft another proposal for well-known decorators. And remember that decorators are essentially just a syntax to apply functions to objects/classes at design time, so what you're proposing is essentially some new global function, which is going against the current trend and effort to better modularize/namespace all these utility functions/methods. And maybe a new mechanism could be drafted for these new well-known decorators, so that we can hide these new functions somewhere... but by now I hope it's becoming clear that it's introducing way too much new surface area for the language in exchange for one small feature.

I haven't seen any proposals for macros, could you post a link?

It has been mentioned and discussed in numerous places over the years, you can find more info on this with some casual googling. For example: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2983420

# Kevin Barabash (8 years ago)

And remember that decorators are essentially just a syntax to apply

functions to objects/classes at design time, so what you're proposing is essentially some new global function, which is going against the current trend and effort to better modularize/namespace all these utility functions/methods.

That's a really good point.

It has been mentioned and discussed in numerous places over the years,

you can find more info on this with some casual googling. For example: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2983420

Thanks for the link. I played around with sweet.js a bit over the weekend. Using macros should work if we went with Python style operator overloading. Instead of defining methods like ADD, SUB etc. we could create some well-known symbols, maybe Symbol.plus, Symbol.times, etc.

class Point {
  constructor(x, y) {
    Object.assign(this, {x, y});

  [Symbol.add](other) {
    return new Point(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);

const u = new Point(5, 10);
const v = new Point(1, -2);

const w = u + v;  // desugars to u[Symbol.add](v)
console.log(w);   // { x: 6, y: 8 };

This would require default implementations to be defined on Object.prototype for Symbol.plus, Symbol.times, etc.

# G. Kay Lee (8 years ago)

Yes, I think exposing operators through well-known symbols is an interesting idea worthy of more exploration because it's precisely the purpose of well-known symbols to expose and allow manipulation to previously inaccessible internal language behaviors.

# Isiah Meadows (8 years ago)

I would prefer syntax + internal slots, since you'll know at creation time whether the object has overloaded operators. It's much simpler for the engine to figure out, and it's more performant because you only need to check one thing instead of worrying about inheritance, own properties, etc.

Also, it would be IMHO easier to read than a symbol (the computed property syntax is ugly IMO). Using a different concept than symbols would also fit better with value types whenever any of those proposals make it into the language (either the struct or special syntax).

# Brian Barnes (8 years ago)

A note on this from somebody who's entire existence seems dedicated to stopping as much stuff as possible from getting GC'd, the example below:

const u = new Point(5, 10); const v = new Point(1, -2);

const w = u + v; // desugars to uSymbol.add console.log(w); // { x: 6, y: 8 };

Could += be a special case? i.e.,


would call:

Class Point { ... other stuff ... whatever the syntax is { this.x+=pt.x; this.y+=pt.y; } }

instead of desugaring to:

u=u+v; // which would cause the creation of an object and // leave the other to be collected

For all I know, += might be doing such anyway in some engines, but for my stuff which is a lot of 3D math that could be a performance killer. It would be nice to be able to just add points and such, as long as the overhead is negligible.

[>] Brian

# Isiah Meadows (8 years ago)

Here's my thought, if we go with syntax.

class Point {
    // constructor, etc.

    operator +(other) {
        assert(other instanceof Point)
        return new Point(
            this.x + other.x,
            this.y + other.y)

    operator +=(other) {
        assert(other instanceof Point)
        this.x += other.x
        this.y += other.y
# kdex (8 years ago)

@Isiah: Comparing your syntax proposal to Function.defineOperator, it appears to me that overloading an operator multiple times (e. g. unary/binary plus operator) might become painful, assuming that the semantics follow the same variadic approach that regular functions do.

That is, of course, unless you intend to handle all operator overloads in a single operator +(...args) {} definition. But then again, something like Function.defineOperator seems cleaner and suggests implicit (optional?) type checks with its second argument.

# Isiah Meadows (8 years ago)

You're correct in that the operator doesn't do any type checking (it dispatches from its first argument, but that's just traditional OO).

# Kevin Barabash (8 years ago)

I would prefer syntax + internal slots, since you'll know at creation time whether the object has overloaded operators. It's much simpler for the engine to figure out, and it's more performant because you only need to check one thing instead of worrying about inheritance, own properties, etc.

Will operators defined on a class work with instances of a subclass?

Could += be a special case? i.e.,

For sure. We could define Symbol.assignPlus, Symbol.assignTimes, etc. with u += v; desugaring to u = u[Symbol.assignPlus](v). The reason why we can't do something do u[Symbol.assignPlus](v) is that there's no way to define a method on Number, String, etc. that would reassign their value.

it appears to me that overloading an operator multiple times (e. g. unary/binary plus operator) might become painful, assuming that the semantics follow the same variadic approach that regular functions do.

Another pain point is handling cases where you want one class to interoperate with another. In one of the example above methods are defined that allow Points and Numbers to be added to each other. In order to maintain the commutativity of + we need to define operator+ / [Symbol.add] methods on both Point and Number. One potential solution to this problem is create Symbol.plusRight, Symbol.timesRight for all of the commutative/symmetric operators. I feel like this ends up making things more complex because there are more methods to implement and the methods have to be more complex b/c they have to do type checking when overloaded.

Maybe operator+ could work like the @operator decorator by calling Function.defineOperator behind the scenes. In this situation, instead of methods being added to classes, the Function object has well-defined methods that look up the correct function to call based on the argument types. u + v desugars to Function[Symbol.plus](u, v). This is definitely slower than internal slots, but if we're doing runtime type checking in the method we may as well have it be automatic. My hope is to eventually use static typing (flow b/c I'm using babel) to remove the lookup cost.

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 7:07 PM, Isiah Meadows <isiahmeadows at gmail.com>


# Isiah Meadows (8 years ago)
  1. Yes, they would be inherited, but not on the prototype itself (it would technically be parasitic). It would be modeled with internal slots, so that the properties are themselves immutable and transparent, so the only way to inherit would be via the class syntax or Reflect.construct. Engines could model this similarly to prototypes internally, while still appearing to conform to spec, since there's no other way to access the function without explicit reference via a decorator. And if it's not decorated, you can transparently fast path the calls automatically and optimize the function at compile time for exactly the number of arguments (any different is a syntax error, like with getters and setters).

  2. I'm intentionally trying to avoid any semantics that would rely on adding more values to the global scope. First, it's harder to optimize a hasOwnProperty check. Second, when you allow properties to be dynamically added, you make it impossible to lower foo + bar to a single instruction if they're both numbers, because someone can change the Number prototype to have one of the operators on it, and now, the assumption, previously prevalent, is now invalid. Third, we shouldn't need to add 15+ new symbols to accommodate a simple operation.

  3. If it's pure syntax, you won't have the edge cases of x += y having to desugar to x = x[Symbol.assignPlus](y) and so on. You just look for an [[OpAssignPlus]] on x, and if it exists, call it as x.[[OpAssignPlus]](y). Else, you check for [[OpPlus]], and set x to x.[[OpPlus]](y). If neither exists, you fall back to the old algorithm. This can be easily optimized by the fact engines only need to check this if the value is an object. Numbers and strings don't have this slot.

Note: If the right side has an operator defined, but the left side doesn't, and if the operator checked for isn't an assignment one, the right side's operator is checked and called. Or basically, beyond assignment, the mere existence of a slot takes precedence over no slot, to make transitivity easier with primitives. To clarify, in the below case:

class C {
    constructor(x) { this.x = x }
    operator +(x) {
        if (x instanceof C) {
            return this + x.x * 2
        return this.x + x

assert(new C(1) + 1 === 1 +1)
assert(1 + new C(1) === 1 + 1)
assert(new C(1) + new C(2) === 1 + 2*2)
assert(new C(2) + new C(1) === 2 + 1*2)
# Jordan Harband (8 years ago)

Why would you ever want to violate the algebraic properties of operators, such that a += b wasn't exactly equivalent to a = a + b, a *= b not equivalent to a = a * b, etc? I'm quite confident that any proposal that allowed for that would get tons of pushback.

# Isiah Meadows (8 years ago)

Efficiency and optimization. If you're stupid enough to want to violate those priorities in a public API, it's your own fault. But if you want to optimize updating a collection (i.e. zero allocation update for a persistent map) or increment a vector by another without having to create an intermediate vector, you'll want to implement the assignment operator as well as the standard math operator.

# Dawid Szlachta (8 years ago)

But, do we really need operator overloading? A method can be used instead, I think.

2016-05-11 8:53 GMT+02:00 Isiah Meadows <isiahmeadows at gmail.com>:

# Isiah Meadows (8 years ago)

That's the current state of things. I think the main issue at hand is ergonomics. Haskell, the MLs, and Swift solved it by allowing inline functions and operators as functions (that wouldn't work in a dynamic language). Scala solved it by magic methods for unary operations and the fact nearly every character is a valid identifier for binary ones (JS can't use that because of back compat issues). Lua, Ruby, Python, and Kotlin solved it by using magic methods. C++ solved it with the operator keyword.

# Kevin Barabash (8 years ago)

@Isiah: Great points. One potential edge case though:

class A {
    operator+ (other) { }

class B {
    operator+ (other) { }

const a = new A();
const b = new B();
const c = a + b;

In the case where both the left and right side have [[OpPlus]] do we prefer the left side?

But, do we really need operator overloading? A method can be used instead, I think.

@Dawid: Suppose I create a class to represent complex numbers that looks like this:

class Complex {
    constructor(re, im) {
         Object.assign({ }, { re, im });
    add(other) {
        return new Complex(this.re + other.re, this.im + other.im);

I might want to create instance of Complex with plain old numbers or I might want to use BigNumber instances. Without operator overloading this means that I would have add methods to Number.prototype or wrap each number in an object with methods. Neither of which are particular appealing.

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 1:28 AM, Isiah Meadows <isiahmeadows at gmail.com>


# Michael Theriot (8 years ago)

What if you used a target parameter to indicate assignment?

operator +(a, b, target = new obj()) {
  target.val = a.val + b.val;
  return target;

// or... no arrow functions...

operator +(other, target = new obj()) {
  target.val = this.val + other.val;
  return target;

// or... just a boolean

operator +(other, assign) {
  let target = assign ? this : new obj();
  target.val = this.val + other.val;
  return target;

And throw a TypeError if an assignment does not return the same object.

# Isiah Meadows (8 years ago)

If both have the operator, the left side would be used (I thought I said that, but I may have not). I'm thinking, instead, static methods should be used. It would be more versatile.

class Vec2 {
    constructor(x, y) {
        this.x = x
        this.y = y

    // `this` and `Vec2` are interchangeable
    operator this + this(x, y) {
        return new this(x.x + y.x, x.y + y.y)

    operator this + #number(x, y) {
        return new this(x.x + y, x.y + y)

    operator this += this(x, y) {
        x.x += y.x
        x.y += y.y

    operator this += #number(x, y) {
        x.x += y
        x.y += y

    // #number += this -> x = x + this

    operator -this(x) {
        return new this(-x.x, -x.y)

    // etc...

class Vec3 {
    // ...
    operator this + Vec2(x, y) {
        return new this(x.x + y.x, x.y + y.y, x.z)
    // etc...

A few notes on this:

  1. If an operator doesn't reference this or the containing class at least once, an early error is thrown.
  2. To reference a primitive, you use the hash symbol + the typeof value. The valid ones include #string, #boolean, #number, #symbol, #object, #function, and #undefined. If value types with custom typeof values are introduced, you have to reference the type directly.
  3. All type references must be either this, identifiers, or member expressions that do not reference this. It is an early error otherwise. Member expressions are evaluated at class definition time as well, so that can produce visible side effects if a proxy is referenced or a getter is called.
  4. The operators are checked via instanceof. This means, for those that define operators, the behavior can become visible to previous code if the other type specified has a static Symbol.hasInstance method.

The reason I provided the this alias is for anonymous classes, so you can create anonymous objects. It's also helpful in case you have a longer class name (possibly by convention) that you now don't have to type out.

# Kevin Barabash (8 years ago)

@Michael Theriot:

It seems like this model can be abused in the same way that having separate methods for assign operators can be abused. I think having separate operators and automatically using [[plusOp]] if [[assignPlusOp]] doesn't exist is an easier programming model. People who need the extra performance can go the extra mile and define both operators.

# Kevin Barabash (8 years ago)

I'm thinking, instead, static methods should be used. It would be more versatile.

I like the idea of passing both operands as arguments (mainly from an aesthetics/symmetry point of view), but I can't think of case where it would be more versatile than instance methods seeing as at least one argument has to be this. Could you give an example of when this would be more versatile?

Since the new syntax is describing what each type should be, maybe we could leverage existing type syntax from Flow/TypeScript.

class Vec2 {
    constructor(x, y) {
        this.x = x
        this.y = y

    operator+ (x: Vec2, y: Vec2) {
        return new this(x.x + y.x, x.y + y.y)

    operator+ (x: Vec2, y: number) {
        return new this(x.x + y, x.y + y)

    operator+= (x: Vec2, y: Vec2) {
        x.x += y.x
        x.y += y.y

    operator+= (x: Vec2, y: number) {
        x.x += y
        x.y += y

    // #number += this -> x = x + this

    operator- (x: Vec2) {
        return new this(-x.x, -x.y)

    // etc...

class Vec3 {
    // ...
    operator+ (x: Vec3, y: Vec2) {
        return new this(x.x + y.x, x.y + y.y, x.z)
    // etc...

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 12:33 PM, Isiah Meadows <isiahmeadows at gmail.com>


# John Lenz (8 years ago)

I have some concerns. With the short circuiting operators:

  Commutative operators, +, *, &&, ||, &, |, ^, automatically flip the

order of operands when their types are different.

&& and || can not "flip" and routing them through a method is not compatible with short-circuiting.

Generally, there are a lot of things that can go wrong in interop with existing code: unlike some other languages in JavaScript operators are often used to coerse to a know type: "+value" to a number, "x|0" to an 32-bit integer, etc. These kinds of guarantees are what "asm.js" is based on, for example, and having to wait until type feedback is available to perform its optimizations is likely to be a non-starter.

# Isiah Meadows (8 years ago)

That is a valid concern. As good as having this feature might sound, could this discussion be revisited after static types are addressed and we see how WebAssembly pans out? The reason I ask the latter is because of the above concern about asm.js, which WebAssembly aims to replace in an IMHO far superior way. Depending on the uptake of WebAssembly a few years down the road, it may later become practical to break forward compatibility in that way due to lack of usage. It's not a common use case, though, to send an object of unknown type to an asm.js function, and replacing native methods fails validation, so the risk isn't as high as it might seem.

# Kevin Barabash (8 years ago)

Good point. In my original post I mentioned introducing a "use overloading" directive. We could throw when trying to use this directive with the "use asm" directive.

We can definitely wait on this.

Definitely looking forward to static typing. Is sirisian/ecmascript-types the proposal to be following?

# Isiah Meadows (8 years ago)

Maybe, maybe not - it largely depends on how TypeScript and ES end up converging, and how the efforts for strong typing (like floats, longs, structs, etc.) end up. Also, TypeScript has quite a few warts remaining, including with its type system. For example, there's no way at the moment to properly type check Function.prototype.bind, you have to either have variadic generics with up to two arguments or a Turing-complete type system.

But on the other hand, -1 for a new directive, though. They're ugly, and most the community's leaders agree. And I highly doubt we will need them.

# John Lenz (8 years ago)

The Closure Compiler type checker just special cases .bind unfortunate. My experiment to make the type checker extensible to avoid special cases (the Type Transformation Language) works but is too complex for normal usage. On May 20, 2016 7:44 PM, "Isiah Meadows" <isiahmeadows at gmail.com> wrote:

Maybe, maybe not - it largely depends on how TypeScript and ES end up converging, and how the efforts for strong typing (like floats, longs, structs, etc.) end up. Also, TypeScript has quite a few warts remaining, including with its type system. For example, there's no way at the moment to properly type check Function.prototype.bind, you have to either have variadic generics with up to two arguments or a Turing-complete type system.

But on the other hand, -1 for a new directive, though. They're ugly, and most the community's leaders agree. And I highly doubt we will need them.

# Isiah Meadows (8 years ago)

For the TypeScript end, check out Microsoft/TypeScript#5453. The aim is to produce something general purpose, because of several functional libraries and some frameworks that need this as well. Rx.js, Lodash, Underscore, and Ramda (I think) all need this.

# Igor Baklan (8 years ago)

I think it would be also nice to have some "low level API" that would allow to provide some interceptor object, which will trap all operators invocations in some block of code. (at least for cases when both/some arguments of operation are not primitives). Then if this particular interceptor can't handle given arguments, it should be able to delegate execution of this operation to some "outer scope", assuming that at the out-most level is present some default handler that always executes/evaluates operations as it is specified now in JS.

So in code it may look like:

const localOperatorsInterceptor = Object.freeze({
  __proto__: null, // to prevent scope pollution when using this object with ``with``-statement
  [Symbol.operatorsInterceptor]: Object.freeze({
    ["_+_"]: function(a, b, proceed) {
      console.log("operation(a+b):", a, b);
      return proceed(a,b);
    ["+_"]: function(a, proceed) {
      console.log("operation(+a):", a);
      return proceed(a);
    ["++_"]: function(a, proceed) {
      console.log("operation(++a):", a);
      // returned value will be assigned back to "target" variable/expression 
      // and returned as result of (++_)
      return proceed(a);
    ["_++"]: function(a, proceed) {
      console.log("operation(a++):", a);
      // returned value will be assigned back to "target" variable/expression
      // former value of "target" variable/expression will become result of (_++)
      return proceed(a);
    // etc

with(localOperatorsInterceptor) {
  var res = {x:"y"} + {a:"b"}; // this should log: operation(a+b): ({x:"y"}) ({a:"b"})
  console.log(res); // res should become NaN since interceptor delegates execution to default operators handler
  var doInc = function(x) {
    return ++x;
  res = doInc({foo: "bar"}); // this should log: operation(++a): ({foo: "bar"})
  console.log(res); // res should stay equal NaN since interceptor delegates execution to default operators handler

It is proposed to use with statement to localise block of code to which this interceptor is applied. Interceptor may be organised as frozen object with only one property which name is some "well-known symbol", for an instance Symbol.operatorsInterceptor. Since it is not assumed that interceptor has "normal" (string named) properties (and has __proto__ == null) it should generally not pollute code block scope with some extra names, but only affect how operators are executed/evaluated inside that block of code. Also if interceptor itself and handlers object too will be both frozen, then it should not break engine optimisation capabilities. Meaning that if some function expression is defined inside that with-statement, than all operators inside that function can be resolved at function expression evaluation time (since all "withed" objects contents are final). Also it can be specified that even if interceptor handler object is not frozen, then anyway some snapshot of it state can be taken (and actually that handler snapshot may be used as effective operators handler for with-ed block of code).

So if this operators interceptor feature would be available then it would be possible to implement any custom system of symbol to operation mapping in different "third-party" operators overloading libraries, which can be also good at first time - to let people do some experiments in this area.

Also for me it looks like a good thing to have possibility to control whether some system of operators will be applied to some code or not. In case of with-based approach it is controlled "very" explicitly - unless you specify some with(someOperatorsInterceptor) no operators overloading will be applied to your code. An if you want override some operators in some sub-block of code, you can always span that sub-block with some other with(anotherOperatorsInterceptor) statement and anotherOperatorsInterceptor interceptor will take precedence over previous/outer one in target sub-block of code.

Of course it would be more nice to use something like import instead of with, like for example in Scala, import may serve like more convenient form of with: Scala( { import obj._; /*some code*/ } ) <==> Js( with (obj) { /*some code*/ } ) [1], [2] But since import is reserved for modules I am not sure whether it can be adapted to serve for this purposes too.

# Igor Baklan (8 years ago)

Speaking about well-known symbols for operators, I would rather propose more complex but less ambiguous solution. I think better approach is to provide some advanced mapping object, that implements following mapping:

(operatorName, ...argumentsTypes) <==> operatorSymbol <==> OperatorDescriptor(operatorName, ...argumentsTypes)

In code it may look like

var symbol_any_plus_any = operators.symbols["_+_"]();
var symbol_point_plus_point = operators.symbols["_+_"](Point, Point);
assert(symbol_point_plus_point == operators.symbols["+"](Point, Point));
var symbol_any_plus_point = operators.symbols["_+_"]("_", Point);
var symbol_point_plus_any = operators.symbols["_+_"](Point);
assert(symbol_point_plus_any == operators.symbols["+"](Point, "_"));
var symbol_this_plus_point = operators.symbols["this+_"](Point);
var symbol_this_plus_any = operators.symbols["this+_"]("_");
assert(symbol_this_plus_any == operators.symbols["this+_"]();
// etc

var descriptor_any_plus_any = operators.descriptors[symbol_any_plus_any];
assert(descriptor_any_plus_any.shortName == "+" && descriptor_any_plus_any.fullName == "_+_");
// etc

If this (operatorSignature <==> operatorSymbol <==> operatorDescriptor)

mapping would be implemented using WeakMap then it should also allow types (and appropriate operators signature/descriptor records) to be garbage collected when they are no longer needed (if that situation ever happen).

Then definition of overloaded operator implementation may look like:

var someObj = {
  /* ... some code ... */
  [operators.symbols["this+_"](Point)] : function(point) {
    /* ... implementation of (this+Point) should be here ... */

const PointUtil = {
  /* ... some code ... */
  [operators.symbols["+"](Point, Point)] : function(point0, point1) {
    return new Point(point0.x + point1.x, point0.y + point1.y);

And of course if we not limit our self in language syntax changes, for me it would be more pleasant if operator keyword usage was more like function keyword usage, but with "," symbol replaced with underlying operation symbol. So in code it should be something like:

const PointUtil = {
  /* ... some code ... */
  operator ((p0:Point) + (p1:Point)) {
    return new Point(p0.x + p1.x, p0.y + p1.y);

const TypelessPointUtil = {
  /* ... some code ... */
  operator (p0 + p1) {
    if ((p0 instanceof Point) && (p1 instanceof Point)) {
      return new Point(p0.x + p1.x, p0.y + p1.y);
    } else {
      // undefined can be used as a marker to delegate operation handling to outer scope in handlers chain
      // assuming that on the "out-most" level there are always available default JS operators implementations
      return undefined;

var someObj = {
  /* ... some code ... */
  operator ((this) + (point:Point)) {
    /* ... implementation of (this+Point) should be here ... */
  operator ((num:Number) + (this)) {
    /* ... implementation of (Number+this) should be here ... */
    // for Number,Boolean,String,Function some exceptional type matching
    // should be applied - using typeof instead of instanceof operator

This approach should cover more transparently left-binary and right-binary operation (on instance level) and also easily separate ++_ and _++ operations, like: operator(this + x){} , operator(x + this){} , operator(++this){} , operator(this++){} , etc. (By the way, as I remember in C++ language operators ++_ and _++ are distinguished in definition in some very strange way - by adding extra "dummy" boolean parameter in signature of one of them).

# Benjamin Gruenbaum (8 years ago)

I see some discussion is happening - that's good.

As I don't want to see the tremendous amount of work people put into value types and operator overloading go to waste - let's bring Brendan and Christian into this discussion and start with a link to Brendan's 2013 slides:


Let's consider value semantics for this.

I've been working on implementing operator overloading and would like to

submit a proposal.

I think operator overloading would be a useful addition to the language.

In particular I think it would be useful for defining operations on common mathematical object types such as complex numbers, vectors, matrices, and sets.

I've create a working prototype that consists of:

babel plugin that rewrites operators as function calls a polyfill which defines these functions and which call the correct

argument-specific function based on the arguments' prototypes

Function.defineOperator which can be used to define which function an

operator should use for the specified types

"use overloading" directive which allows users to opt-in More details can be found at kevinbarabash/operator-overloading. The

babel plugin can be found at kevinbarabash/babel-plugin-operator-overloading. I also have a demo project at kevinbarabash/operator-overloading-demo.

The design was inspired by some of the slides from www.slideshare.net/BrendanEich/js-resp.

# Christian Plesner Hansen (8 years ago)

I'm not sure I'll be able to contribute much -- I've not kept up with JS since around the time of the original discussion in 2009 and the language has evolved a lot since then. But I have given the proposal some thought since so I'll put those reflections out there in case they're relevant to the discussion.

The original idea sprang from a discussion about adding a decimal type to JS. I didn't think a decimal type belonged in the core of the language and the suggestion was meant as a lesser evil. A way to support decimal -- and longer term other types -- as libraries such that there would be less pressure to put new types in the core language. (It wasn't a hidden agenda either, in context; I talk about decimal in the original email[1]) Then decimal went away which reduced that pressure. Without decimal as a greater evil I'm not sure I would have thought operator overloading was a good idea even back then.

Today I don't think the proposal is very good. For one thing it's in the flavor of 2009-era JS, and even back then it felt a little backward- looking. It also conflates two things which should probably be orthogonal: operator overloading and multiple dispatch. Operator overloading is conceptually a simple mechanism, lots of languages similar to JS has it. Multiple dispatch can be really powerful (in practice if not in theory) but also potentially incredibly complex. There are hard unsolved problems around it, particularly modularity.

If I was to put together a proposal today I would put the operator overloading aspect aside first and focus on multiple dispatch. If there is a solution, great -- but then I'd suggest providing that as a full language feature in itself instead of conflating it with a convenient operator syntax. Multiple dispatch is useful and if it can be supported cleanly there is no reason to restrict it to methods with a particular syntax -- that just creates a perverse incentive to express things in terms of operators to get the multiple dispatch behavior when the incentive should be purely that the syntax is appropriate. Or maybe no acceptable multiple dispatch mechanism can be designed, or maybe adding one isn't desirable even if there is a design. Either way the design space for operator overloading has shrunk considerably, in bother cases ideally to a thin syntactic layer on top of normal methods.


On Sun, Jun 5, 2016, at 03:22 PM, Benjamin Gruenbaum wrote:

I see some discussion is happening - that's good.

As I don't want to see the tremendous amount of work people put into value types and operator overloading go to waste - let's bring Brendan and Christian into this discussion and start with a link to Brendan's 2013 slides:


Let's consider value semantics for this.

I've been working on implementing operator overloading and would like to submit a proposal.

I think operator overloading would be a useful addition to the language. In particular I think it would be useful for defining operations on common mathematical object types such as complex numbers, vectors, matrices, and sets.

I've create a working prototype that consists of:

babel plugin that rewrites operators as function calls a polyfill which defines these functions and which call the correct argument-specific function based on the arguments' prototypes Function.defineOperator which can be used to define which function an operator should use for the specified types "use overloading" directive which allows users to opt-in More details can be found at kevinbarabash/operator-overloading. The babel plugin can be found at kevinbarabash/babel-plugin-operator- overloading. I also have a demo project at kevinbarabash/operator-overloading- demo.

The design was inspired by some of the slides from www.slideshare.net/BrendanEich/js- resp.

es-discuss mailing list es-discuss at mozilla.org, mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/es-discuss


  1. esdiscuss.org/topic/operator
# Bruno Jouhier (8 years ago)

A big +1 for moving this forwards.

I don't have any proposal to push and I don't want to add noise to the debate. Just say I would love to see this in JS, especially overloading of arithmetic operators. This is a must in domains where these operators are just "natural": decimals, complex numbers, vectors, etc.

I don't mind if the implementation or an operator is somewhat ugly/heavy. Operators will be implemented once by some clever dude but then they will be ubiquitous in the code. What matters here is the ease of use for consumers.


# Michael Theriot (8 years ago)

What about extending proxies to have operator traps?

# Keith Cirkel (7 years ago)

Hello all!

While I am aware that previous proposals for operator overloading exist, I thought I'd attempt to write one which I consider to be simpler and more extensible - utilising Symbols.


It'd be great to get some feedback to this, and discuss the opportunity of getting a champion to work with me on this!

# kdex (7 years ago)

Your README.md reads:

Where an operator is used with two operands of the same type, […]

How would a binary operator work with operands of different type (by which I assume we mean its constructor)?

# Oriol _ (7 years ago)

Some problems I noticed at first glance:

Prefix/Postfix Unary Increment: ++

But postfix and prefix increments are supposed to return different values. How does this work if they are the same symbol?

Loose inequality Comparison: !=

You didn't include it for consistency. Shouldn't ! also be excluded, then?

Future: Extending of operators

I don't think this can work if you don't define a way to determine the operands.

# kai zhu (7 years ago)


javascript operator-overloading is a solution in search of a problem. there is virtually no real-world use-case where this feature would would not cause surprises and code-bloat (from bloated and unmaintainable polymorphic classes dealing with all the edge cases).

just imagine all the “fun” you would have debugging everyone else’s projects with operators your not completely confident will behave as expected.

# Boris Cherny (7 years ago)

javascript operator-overloading is a solution in search of a problem.

Why is JS different than languages that treat operators as methods, and make heavy use of overloading (Scala, Haskell, ...)? There seem to be lots of good use cases, same as in other languages.

# Bruno Jouhier (7 years ago)

javascript operator-overloading is a solution in search of a problem.

No. It is a solution to a problem I have today: arithmetic on decimal values.

# kai zhu (7 years ago)

No. It is a solution to a problem I have today: arithmetic on decimal values.

would you enjoy debugging someone else’s production-code with overloaded decimal operators? or would you prefer them having the courtesy to use method-calls, thus saving the headache of having to inspect every arithmetic expression?

# Isiah Meadows (7 years ago)

Two primary concerns:

  1. JS uses proxies for a few similar hooks (like foo["prop"] and foo()) now. Python uses __getattr__ and __call__ for those, but JS doesn't use magic methods for those.

  2. Performance is going to be much harder to ensure, especially if you can mutate the operator methods them after creation. Scala, Haskell, C++, and the like can get away with operator functions/methods without a perf cliff, since they assume the operator to never change. You don't have that luxury with JS symbols - they can change. This is no different than in Python, and it's part of why PyPy is much slower than JS. LuaJIT only handles them well because a) Lua is very simple to begin with, and b) it does highly sophisticated analysis not seen in any other runtime, engineered by one of the top JIT and assembly experts in the field. (See Luafun for an example of its abilities, including its source code.)

# Isiah Meadows (7 years ago)

It would actually be of substantial benefit to readability if you could overload operators for numeric, vector, and matrix-like types. In particular, I'd strongly prefer if SIMD types, if added, did use overloaded operators similarly to the BigInt proposal - it's honestly ridiculous why people use SIMD intrinsics for things that equate to vector addition (in the math sense).

In particular, here's a couple examples of what I mean from a math standpoint:

Vector (3D point) addition:

<a, b, c> + <x, y, z> = <a+x, b+y, c+z>

Matrix multiplication (2D):

[a, b] [x, y] [c, d] × [z, w] =

[ax+bz, ax+bw] [cx+dz, cx+dw]

Complex number division:

(a + bi) ÷ (c + di) =

(ac+bd) + i(bc - ad)


Set symmetric difference (i.e. exclusive or):

{1, 2, 3} ⊕ {1, 2, 4} = {3, 4}

I'd strongly prefer an operator variant over any method version, because it matches the math notation much better. You shouldn't actually need to learn some naming idiom just to add two things.

# kai zhu (7 years ago)

overloaded simd-operators is again a solution in search of a problem. complex-arithmetic and matrix-operators has no significant application in the web-industry.

also, my experience with numeric javascript apps has been that generic matrix operations never quite do what i want, and the scope of handling NaN / Infinity / transpose edge-cases can be overwhelming. its more robust, efficient, and maintainable to handle these edge-cases with custom for-loop code than a mashup of matrix operations.

# Bruno Jouhier (7 years ago)

No. It is a solution to a problem I have today: arithmetic on decimal values.

would you enjoy debugging someone else’s production-code with overloaded decimal operators? or would you prefer them having the courtesy to use method-calls, thus saving the headache of having to inspect every arithmetic expression?

Well, my context is business apps (accounting). Lots of developers writing lots of rules doing arithmetics on decimal quantities (JS number is not an option). Operators will keep the code concise, readable and familiar.

Code will be TypeScript so there will be typing hints everywhere (tooltips too) and debug-ability should not be an issue.

# Michał Wadas (7 years ago)

To be honest, I recommend to abandon all ideas of operator overloading for arbitrary types - that's extremely unlikely to happen. It's heavily affects optimization possibilities, requires extensive type checks. Moreover, there is no interest from browser vendors to implement it.

However, I expect that in far future we will be able to overload operators if we get structs (having native complex numbers and matrices would be great).

# Bruno Jouhier (7 years ago)

You mean this? www.slideshare.net/BrendanEich/int64 (slide 12 and following) This would be cool.