Property Iteration in JSON serialization

# Brian Kardell (15 years ago)

Because the serialized form (json text) and the native source form (a specific subset of object literals) are essentially the same, I have occasionally heard people "in the wild" refer to both literals themselves and instances of an object parsed from json text as "json". Clearly the two are different things which leads me to my question: With new built in json supports one can serialize an instance of an object as json text and provide some serialization criteria (a whilelist or a replacer function) - on the other end easily de-serialize that back into instance. Great! One of the great things about json is that it's quite a readable format and, as Doug Crockford points out, expresses things in ways that they are naturally thought about in most modern (especially C-family) languages - so it's very easy to parse from a machine point of view too and get right to a useful instance instead of some DOM tree of string values.

So - keeping in mind that the instance and the serialization are separate things - what if I would like to order my serialization keys (property names) in natural order? It has no impact on the parsing or internal representation, but imposing a known order on the serialization, even a trivial one, makes things easier to find and documentation easier to understand. We've implemented this in a few local serializers in multiple languages and, since during serialization we are writing them out by iterating the keys, it's actually quite trivial to merely call sort() on the keys before iteration. Likewise, since this only has to be done once per type - not once per instance, there is very, very minimal overhead (you are generally sorting less than 20 keys regardless of the number of instances).

There are potentially some additional practical upshots beyond human readability to this which I won't get into here until I find out: Is it even plausible to accomplish this with new built in JSON supports?

To be specific, if it's not clear... Given an instance of an order object, I would like to serialize it like this:

{ "items": [ { "description": "A bottle of rum", "itemId": 13523, "price": 12.94, "quantity": 6 }, { "description": "A bottle of whiskey", "itemId": 23423, "price": 6.95, "quantity": 24 } ], "orderNumber": 1234123, "shipTo": { "city": "Seattle", "name": "Jane Doe", "state": "Washington", "streetAddress": "123 Main Street", "zip": 12345 } }

# David-Sarah Hopwood (15 years ago)

Brian Kardell wrote:

So - keeping in mind that the instance and the serialization are separate things - what if I would like to order my serialization keys (property names) in natural order? It has no impact on the parsing or internal representation, but imposing a known order on the serialization, even a trivial one, makes things easier to find and documentation easier to understand. We've implemented this in a few local serializers in multiple languages and, since during serialization we are writing them out by iterating the keys, it's actually quite trivial to merely call sort() on the keys before iteration. Likewise, since this only has to be done once per type - not once per instance, there is very, very minimal overhead (you are generally sorting less than 20 keys regardless of the number of instances).

Well, JS doesn't have types in that sense. So, unless an implementation were to exploit any internal optimizations it has for recognizing objects of the same "shape" [*], it would indeed have to sort the keys of every instance.

[*] Do any common implementations actually do that, other than for packed arrays?

# Graydon Hoare (15 years ago)

David-Sarah Hopwood wrote:

[*] Do any common implementations actually do that, other than for packed arrays?

Yes. All the fast ones. Nitro (nee sfx), v8 and spidermonkey all synthesize structural type descriptors ("shapes") at runtime and store packed instances, tagged by shape. It's an old trick and pays off well.

(This comment is orthogonal to any conversation about JSON, mind you.)

# Luke Smith (15 years ago)

On Oct 13, 2009, at 9:24 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:

There are potentially some additional practical upshots beyond human readability to this which I won't get into here until I find out: Is it even plausible to accomplish this with new built in JSON supports?

To be specific, if it's not clear... Given an instance of an order object, I would like to serialize it like this:

{ "items": [ { "description": "A bottle of rum", "itemId": 13523, "price": 12.94, "quantity": 6 }, { "description": "A bottle of whiskey", "itemId": 23423, "price": 6.95, "quantity": 24 } ], "orderNumber": 1234123, "shipTo": { "city": "Seattle", "name": "Jane Doe", "state": "Washington", "streetAddress": "123 Main Street", "zip": 12345 } }

It is possible to sort object keys in a replacer function. See

Currently FF3.5.4 doesn't properly apply replacer functions, but
Safari 4, WebKit, IE8, and Chrome 3 work fine for this task.


# Brian Kardell (15 years ago)

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Luke Smith <lsmith at> wrote:

On Oct 13, 2009, at 9:24 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:

There are potentially some additional practical upshots beyond human readability to this which I won't get into here until I find out:  Is it even plausible to accomplish this with new built in JSON supports?

To be specific, if it's not clear... Given an instance of an order object, I would like to serialize it like this:

{   "items": [       {           "description": "A bottle of rum",           "itemId":  13523,           "price": 12.94,           "quantity": 6       },       {           "description": "A bottle of whiskey",           "itemId":  23423,           "price": 6.95,           "quantity": 24       }   ],   "orderNumber": 1234123,   "shipTo": {       "city": "Seattle",       "name": "Jane Doe",       "state": "Washington",       "streetAddress": "123 Main Street",       "zip": 12345   } }

It is possible to sort object keys in a replacer function.  See

Currently FF3.5.4 doesn't properly apply replacer functions, but Safari 4, WebKit, IE8, and Chrome 3 work fine for this task.


But I guess your example gets to the gist (ironically, given the url) of the question: It seems to be implying that there is a specific (insertion) order maintained by the instance itself and reflected in iteration... The difference being something more like a TreeMap than a HashMap - but is that part of the specification? I thought that it specifically wasn't.

# Oliver Hunt (15 years ago)

Currently FF3.5.4 doesn't properly apply replacer functions, but
Safari 4, WebKit, IE8, and Chrome 3 work fine for this task.

For the purpose of discussion webkit and safari (and epiphany, and
arora, ...) are synonymous -- chrome represents the only version of
webkit using a unique JS engine. I think for that reason it's better
to distinguish based on JS engine rather the browser: SpiderMonkey,
JavaScriptCore, V8, and JScript all support JSON natively nowadays --
unsure about any opera betas atm, nor what the JS engine in O is named,

That said, the Safari 4 branch of webkit (which i believe is used as
the stable branch for WebKit/qt as well) has a bug where it provides
the global object rather than the holder object as the this argument
to the replacer function.

# Oliver Hunt (15 years ago)

But I guess your example gets to the gist (ironically, given the url) of the question: It seems to be implying that there is a specific (insertion) order maintained by the instance itself and reflected in iteration... The difference being something more like a TreeMap than a HashMap - but is that part of the specification? I thought that it specifically wasn't.

All ES implementations are required to enumerate object properties in
the order of insertion, regardless of internal representation, and the
JSON object definition defines the replacer execution in terms of that
standard object enumeration.

# Brian Kardell (15 years ago)

Awesome - just the answer I was looking for Oliver -

# Patrick Mueller (15 years ago)

On Oct 14, 2009, at 2:42 AM, Oliver Hunt wrote:

All ES implementations are required to enumerate object properties
in the order of insertion, regardless of internal representation,
and the JSON object definition defines the replacer execution in
terms of that standard object enumeration.

I understand that's what all (or most) of the implementations actually
do, but the ES5 spec I'm looking at - Ecma/TC39/2009/043 - doesn't
actually say it's required.

In 12.6.4 discussing the for-in statement, it says: "The mechanics and
order of enumerating the properties (step 6.a in the first algorithm,
step 7.a in the second) is not specified."

In discussion Object.keys(), it says: "If an implementation
defines a specific order of enumeration for the for-in statement, that
same enumeration order must be used in step 5 of this algorithm."

In 15.12.2 discussing JSON.parse(), it says: "The ordering of the
Strings should be the same as that used by the Object.keys standard
built-in function."

In 15.12.3 discussing JSON.stringify(), it says: "The ordering of the
Strings should be the same as that used by the Object.keys standard
built-in function."

Sorry, property ordering is an unfortunate pet peeve of mine. :-)

Patrick Mueller -

# Brian Kardell (15 years ago)

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:41 AM, Patrick Mueller <pmuellr at> wrote:

On Oct 14, 2009, at 2:42 AM, Oliver Hunt wrote:

All ES implementations are required to enumerate object properties in the order of insertion, regardless of internal representation, and the JSON object definition defines the replacer execution in terms of that standard object enumeration.

I understand that's what all (or most) of the implementations actually do, but the ES5 spec I'm looking at - Ecma/TC39/2009/043 - doesn't actually say it's required.

In 12.6.4 discussing the for-in statement, it says: "The mechanics and order of enumerating the properties (step 6.a in the first algorithm, step 7.a in the second) is not specified."

In discussion Object.keys(), it says: "If an implementation defines a specific order of enumeration for the for-in statement, that same enumeration order must be used in step 5 of this algorithm."

In 15.12.2 discussing JSON.parse(), it says: "The ordering of the Strings should be the same as that used by the Object.keys standard built-in function."

In 15.12.3 discussing JSON.stringify(), it says: "The ordering of the Strings should be the same as that used by the Object.keys standard built-in function."

Sorry, property ordering is an unfortunate pet peeve of mine.  :-)

Patrick Mueller -

Uh oh... Patrick looking at the same parts as me reacting the same way (I believe older pre-5 docs also said something similar)... When Oliver said "All ES implementations are required to..." I assumed that I missed something in the new 5 docs - not that everyone just seems to have implemented roughly the same thing...

Is it required - or is it not?

# Brendan Eich (15 years ago)

We talked about requiring it. It's a de-facto standard, followed for
direct ("own") properties of most objects. Exceptions may include
arrays (possibly only dense) and host object (of course)!

I'm committed to helping ensure we get better for-in specification --
and meta-programming -- in Harmony. For now the de-facto standard of
for-in enumerating in insertion order is pretty strong without a de- jure spec.

# hallvord at (15 years ago)

Siterer Brendan Eich <brendan at>:

All ES implementations are required to enumerate object properties in the order of insertion, regardless of internal representation

Is it required - or is it not?

It's not (yet) a spec requirement but in our experience it is
definitely required if you want to handle web content. Opera used to
return properties in some implementation-specific order (apparently
random from the script's point of view) and we had to change it
because it caused bugs on GMail and several other sites. (Though I
think we still return numerical properties on regular objects in an
unexpected order and haven't had as many problems with those).

  • Hallvord R.
# Waldemar Horwat (15 years ago)

Brian Kardell wrote:

Uh oh... Patrick looking at the same parts as me reacting the same way (I believe older pre-5 docs also said something similar)... When Oliver said "All ES implementations are required to..." I assumed that I missed something in the new 5 docs - not that everyone just seems to have implemented roughly the same thing...

Is it required - or is it not?

It is not required. We were planning to make it required for ES5 but it turns out that implementations do not match each other and implementations do not follow insertion order for some kinds of properties such as things that could be used as array indices. Requiring insertion order would make iterating over arrays weird.

# Brian Kardell (15 years ago)

It sounds to me like there is wide agreement in the sense that at least the basics rules and only disagreement on the fringes... Otherwise no one on this list in particular would be suggesting that there is anything remotely like a "de facto" implementation... It seems that at least those basic rules are required just to function with the existing expectations everywhere.

It also seems that those expectations aren't likely to change any time soon for the "default" for-each iteration order whether more robust and interesting proposals are adopted...

So can't that much be formalized and documented regardless of whether or not new introductions are made to over-ride "other" predictable iterators to be used in for-each (or perhaps even some new mechanism entirely)? The simple fact that conforming to the spec would currently create a non-workable solution seems to argue that at least the "de facto" parts should be included...


# Brendan Eich (15 years ago)

The issue is not overriding default for-in behavior (as you can do in
JS1.7 via iterator). The issue is the default behavior.

Waldemar's right, browsers differ on Array enumeration, for some or
all Arrays. My observation to TC39 when we last discussed this is that
most arrays are populated front to back (0 to high index) so insertion
order matches index order, and that most programmers (all I've ever
polled or heard from) want array enumeration to use index order.

It's conceivable that we could standardize insertion order for named
properties, index order for indexed properties (for all objects, not
just for Arrays). I don't know how this will fly; some VMs already
optimize this way (v8 does, IIRC). I think it's a good compromise,
since the edge case behavior in different browsers does not allow edge- case-testing scripts to interoperate today.

But this will take someone (my name was on it at the end of the last
TC39 meeting) writing up a proposal. I will make time this month for it.

# Waldemar Horwat (15 years ago)

Brian Kardell wrote:

It sounds to me like there is wide agreement in the sense that at least the basics rules and only disagreement on the fringes... Otherwise no one on this list in particular would be suggesting that there is anything remotely like a "de facto" implementation... It seems that at least those basic rules are required just to function with the existing expectations everywhere.

It also seems that those expectations aren't likely to change any time soon for the "default" for-each iteration order whether more robust and interesting proposals are adopted...

So can't that much be formalized and documented regardless of whether or not new introductions are made to over-ride "other" predictable iterators to be used in for-each (or perhaps even some new mechanism entirely)? The simple fact that conforming to the spec would currently create a non-workable solution seems to argue that at least the "de facto" parts should be included...


No. As I wrote, there is no de-facto implementation order because the implementations do not agree on the order in general, and what you call "fringes" such as numbers do matter. Trying to force, say, insertion order would likely break compatibility.

# Jeff Walden (15 years ago)

On 10/13/2009 10:54 PM, Luke Smith wrote:

Currently FF3.5.4 doesn't properly apply replacer functions, but Safari 4, WebKit, IE8, and Chrome 3 work fine for this task.

How precisely are replacer functions not properly applied in Firefox? I remember reporting at least one bug on the replacer-function implementation that was fixed for 3.5 or a beta of it, and to the best of my knowledge they work fine, outside of a few cases such as for circular data structures (and the semantic difference there, if you're not looking for it, probably won't matter much anyway). Have you reported a bug for this at

# Mike Shaver (15 years ago)

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Waldemar Horwat <waldemar at> wrote:

No.  As I wrote, there is no de-facto implementation order because the implementations do not agree on the order in general, and what you call "fringes" such as numbers do matter.  Trying to force, say, insertion order would likely break compatibility.

IIRC, Firefox before FF3 used insertion order for arrays as well as objects, and changed to index order for arrays in FF3. I don't recall any compat problems on either side of the transition with respect to array iteration order.


# Mike Shaver (15 years ago)

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Jeff Walden <jwalden+es at> wrote:

On 10/13/2009 10:54 PM, Luke Smith wrote:

Currently FF3.5.4 doesn't properly apply replacer functions, but Safari 4, WebKit, IE8, and Chrome 3 work fine for this task.

How precisely are replacer functions not properly applied in Firefox?  I remember reporting at least one bug on the replacer-function implementation that was fixed for 3.5 or a beta of it, and to the best of my knowledge they work fine, outside of a few cases such as for circular data structures (and the semantic difference there, if you're not looking for it, probably won't matter much anyway).  Have you reported a bug for this at

Yes, he did:


# Allen Wirfs-Brock (15 years ago)

It's probably too late for us to take advantage of this, but it did just occur to me (too much document.all discussion) that since for-in is a syntactic construct its behavior could be different in strict mode, potentially allowing us to define a for-in enumeration order that isn't tried to legacy behavior.

Similarly, rather than trying to fully specifying for-in enumeration order (and invariably causing potentially breaking changes for some implementations) we could specify a new enumeration statement that uses a strictly specified order. By suggest for this would be: for names (n in expr) ... and for values (v in expr) ...

avoiding conflicts with the existing for-in and E4X for-each.

# Brian Kardell (15 years ago)

Sure, but again... Without any changes it currently reads:

"The mechanics and order of enumerating the properties (step 6.a in the first algorithm, step 7.a in the second) is not specified. "

Which isn't really necessary even currently (pre-5 I think) doesn't accurately describe what seems to be the de-facto standard. It should be relatively easy to merely codify what is already implemented everywhere which sounds like without any disagreement or "new" proposals it could say something along the lines of:

"For objects containing no indexed properties the mechanics and default order of enumerating the properties (step 6.a in the first algorithm, step 7.a in the second) is specified as insertion order. For reasons of historical compatibility, the default order of enumerating the properties of objects which contain indexed properties is not specified. "

That's not to say that no further effort should be made to take it even further, but I for one would find something like the above a lot more comforting and realistic than nothing at all if it comes to that.

# Brian Kardell (15 years ago)

Sorry... somehow Waldemar's comment got closed up in my Gmail conversation stack and I missed this comment...

If Oliver and Hallvord and Brendan are wrong on the idea that it is at least largely already a de facto standard for non-indexed properties then I suppose it is a moot point...

# Brendan Eich (15 years ago)

On Oct 14, 2009, at 7:01 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

Similarly, rather than trying to fully specifying for-in enumeration
order (and invariably causing potentially breaking changes for some

I'm focusing on your parenthetical aside: we have precedent in Harmony
(functions in blocks) for finding room to create a better standard
where browsers do not agree, and therefore unless browser detection is
going on, cross-platform JS on the web cannot depend on the
intersection semantics (the empty set).

I think we should investigate breaking changes. The IE JScript
deviations document linked from


contains some amazing details of IE"s for-in behavior:

  • Enumerate properties on immediate prototype in reverse order (w.r.t
    the order in which they were added)

  • Enumerate properties in-order on rest of the objects on the
    prototype chain

  • Enumerate properties in-order on present object.

Reverse insertion order on the immediate prototype properties, not
something other engines do.

Array element enumeration details are lacking, but again if the
observation that array elements are almost always created in index
order, then insertion order == index order. The exceptions may or may
not work as expected on insertion-order-only implementations. Firefox
3+ uses index order. We're not receiving bug reports.

There's room to find a better common semantics here, it seems to me.

# Brendan Eich (15 years ago)

On Oct 14, 2009, at 8:34 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:

Sorry... somehow Waldemar's comment got closed up in my Gmail conversation stack and I missed this comment...

If Oliver and Hallvord and Brendan are wrong on the idea that it is at least largely already a de facto standard for non-indexed properties then I suppose it is a moot point...

Waldemar did not cite non-indexed property counter-examples to
insertion order, and insertion order is the rule among browsers.
However, I did just posted a reference to:

  • Enumerate properties on immediate prototype in reverse order (w.r.t
    the order in which they were added)

  • Enumerate properties in-order on rest of the objects on the
    prototype chain

  • Enumerate properties in-order on present object.

from the first pdf link in


to highlight Pratap's revelation that IE JScript (at least some
versions) use reverse-insertion order for the immediate prototype's
enumerable properties.

But so what? Enumerable prototype properties are rare and they are
considered bad practice. IE alone behaves in this exceptional manner
for the direct prototype's properties. As far as I know, all other
implementations use insertion order for non-indexed properties.

We are not going to standardize this anomaly, and cross-browser JS
can't count on it. So we should standardize something saner, possibly
insertion order for named properties, index order for indexed.

# Maciej Stachowiak (15 years ago)

On Oct 14, 2009, at 8:34 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:

Sorry... somehow Waldemar's comment got closed up in my Gmail conversation stack and I missed this comment...

If Oliver and Hallvord and Brendan are wrong on the idea that it is at least largely already a de facto standard for non-indexed properties then I suppose it is a moot point...

Historically, the areas where JS engines in the major browsers have
diverged on enumeration order have been properties with index- like names, and properties on the prototype chain. I made a test case
to study some of these differences.

Current JavaScriptCore and SpiderMonkey seem to get identical results
on this, other browsers all have slight variations:

Here are some of the variations I found:

== Index properties on non-arrays == JSC/Safari - insertion order SpiderMonkey/Firefox - insertion order Futhark/Opera - insertion order V8/Chrome - numeric sorted order JScript/IE - insertion order

== Index properties on arrays == JSC/Safari - numeric sorted order SpiderMonkey/Firefox - numeric sorted order Futhark/Opera - insertion order V8/Chrome - numeric sorted order JScript/IE - insertion order

== Objects with enumerable properties in the prototype chain == JSC/Safari - own properties in insertion order, followed by prototype
properties from most direct prototype to least direct (each prototypes
properties in insertion ordr) SpiderMonkey/Firefox - same Futhark/Opera - same V8/Chrome - properties are re-ordered, even own properties, but I
don't understand the rule(*) JScript/IE - prototype properties are reported before own properties;
own properties are in order, but properties on every other prototype
are reversed (I think?)

(*) - If you use constructor functions to make an object with
properties named (x, y, z) added in that order, with a prototype that
has properties (a, b, c), and in turn has a prototype with properties
(q, r, s), JSC and SpiderMonkey report "x y z a b c q r s" but V8
gives "x z y a c b q r s". I'm not sure what rule would give that
output. I'm not even sure if this behavior is intentional or a bug.

The common behavior subset here is: for objects with no properties
that look like array indices, and no enumerable prototype properties, enumeration returns properties in insertion order. That
particular behavior is a de facto standard and required for Web
compatibility. A future standard should specify at least that much.

All the browsers besides Chrome also seem to report index-like
properties on arrays in insertion order, and report own properties in
insertion order even when there are enumerable prototype properties
(though the prototype properties may be before or after). Perhaps
somewhat self-servingly, I think the Safari/Firefox behavior is the
most sensible overall, so if we ever fully standardize the enumeration
order, that is what I would suggest.

Here's my test case if you want to try for yourself:

# Maciej Stachowiak (15 years ago)

On Oct 14, 2009, at 10:47 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

(*) - If you use constructor functions to make an object with
properties named (x, y, z) added in that order, with a prototype
that has properties (a, b, c), and in turn has a prototype with
properties (q, r, s), JSC and SpiderMonkey report "x y z a b c q r
s" but V8 gives "x z y a c b q r s". I'm not sure what rule would
give that output. I'm not even sure if this behavior is intentional
or a bug.

Correction: on further testing, it appears that Chrome's ordering
anomaly is for own properties added by a constructor function, whether
or not there's a prototype with enumerable properties. Chrome reports
"a c b" for the following, whereas other browser which reports "a b c".

<pre> <script>

function Construct() { this.a = "a"; this.b = "b"; this.c = "c"; }

var constrObj = new Construct();

function printProperties(description, o) { document.write(description + ":"); for (var pname in o) { document.write(" " + pname); } document.write("\n"); }

printProperties("constructed object", constrObj); </script> </pre>

# Brian Kardell (15 years ago)

For even more fun try out the code below which has mixed content and still appears to function (surprisingly) the same in FF 3.5/Safari4 (OSX) and IE8 (XP) -- but seems to order the keys differently in Chrome 3 - though seemingly still as explained earlier (except that the negative index is last??):

function Construct(){ this["-1"] = "holy cow"; //This surprises me" this.a = "a"; this[1] = "what"; this.b = "b"; this["1"] = "the"; this["2"] = "heck"; this.c = "c"; }

var constrObj = new Construct(); constrObj["3"] = "I don't even know what this is supposed to be!";

function printProperties(description, o) { var str = ""; str += description; for (var pname in o) { str += " " + pname + " - " + o[pname] + "\n"; } alert(str); alert(o[1]); alert(o[-1]); }

printProperties("constructed object:\n", constrObj);

# Brian Kardell (15 years ago)

On something saner: It does seem quite rational - and as you point out, it's bad practice and should be rarely used... It also stands to reason that it is rarely used as IE still maintains the dominant share and does it differently, yet no one seems to be screaming about it... unlike the general rule regarding non-indexed (vanilla) properties which Opera found they had to change just in order to keep things running.

# Allen Wirfs-Brock (15 years ago)

I'm not particularly defending IE's legacy enumeration order, we were initially on board with ES5 adopting the de facto order used by other browsers. My recollection is that the decision to table defining a strict enumeration order for ES5 was made after we discovered that Opera for its optimized arrays did not follow the expected order and and many other messages in that thread.

We definitely should try to define a rational enumeration order. It is a secondary issues as to whether we impose it as a potentially breaking change upon the existing for-in or introduce it via new syntax. I think the second alterative is an approach we should at least consider not just in this situation but in all similar situations. Sometimes it will make sense and other times it won't.

# Maciej Stachowiak (15 years ago)

On Oct 15, 2009, at 10:23 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

I'm not particularly defending IE's legacy enumeration order, we
were initially on board with ES5 adopting the de facto order used by
other browsers. My recollection is that the decision to table
defining a strict enumeration order for ES5 was made after we
discovered that Opera for its optimized arrays did not follow the
expected order and and many other messages in that thread.

I think my email on this thread summarized the current areas of
divergent behavior (complete with test cases). It basically amounts to:

  • Different behavior for index-like properties (either insertion order
    or numeric order, in some implementations different between arrays and
    non-arrays). Firefox and Safari seem to agree, no other two browsers
    agree with each other.
  • Different behavior for prototype properties in IE.
  • Properties created by a constructor are enumerated in arbitrary
    order, in Chrome only (I assume this is a bug, so I'm going to ignore
    it in the discussion below).

We definitely should try to define a rational enumeration order. It
is a secondary issues as to whether we impose it as a potentially
breaking change upon the existing for-in or introduce it via new
syntax. I think the second alterative is an approach we should at
least consider not just in this situation but in all similar
situations. Sometimes it will make sense and other times it won't.

Even if we don't fully specify the order for, there is a
significant intersection of behavior that Web content depends on,
namely that own properties which don't look like indices get
enumerated in insertion order. Even if we don't fully specify the
order, we should at least specify that much in a future ES spec.

I also think removing the differences in handling of index properties
and prototype properties is unlikely to be a breaking change for
anyone, so I believe we could fully specify the order in a future ES

, Maciej

# liorean (15 years ago)

If I recall correct, Opera has a weird behaviour where it follows a certain predictable ordering - unless you're deleting/removing a property (or use prototype functions that do that in their operation) on an object, which radically changes the sorting order in a way that is only predictable with knowledge of how the object looked at the time of the deleting/removing of a property. IIRC the properties present on the object before the delete got shuffled to the end of the enumeration order.