Proposal: defer keyword

# Ayush Gupta (6 years ago)

I would like to propose a defer keyword(or something else as the keyword name) which would allow us to "defer" a function which will be executed once the current function either returns or throws.

The idea for this is taken from the Go programming language.

It would allow us to perform cleanup activities in a function which has multiple branches in a single place.

For example, a sample server side code can look like:

function doSomeDbWork() {
    const connection = databasepool.getConnection();
    defer function () { connection.release(); } // function would be called
                                                // no matter when/if the function returns or throws
    //   do your work

Ayush Gupta

# Ben Wiley (6 years ago)

Hey Ayush,

That's an interesting language feature I hadn't heard of before.

Any reason your use case couldn't be covered by a try/catch in the synchronous case, and a promise.finally() in the async case?


Le jeu. 20 sept. 2018 05 h 21, Ayush Gupta <ayushg3112 at> a écrit :

# Ayush Gupta (6 years ago)

It can be covered, but then I'll have to duplicate the connection.release() call in both the try and catch blocks, (and remember, there can be multiple resources to be cleaned up).

Plus, in case that I have a function with multiple if-else branches with returns from multiple branches, I will have to duplicate that in all the branches.

Another benefit of this is that this will help us logically group allocation and deallocation of resources together, for better readability and debuggability.

# Ben Wiley (6 years ago)

If you don't need to do anything in the catch block, you can make it a no-op and put your cleanup statement afterward.

However framing this in terms of a synchronous use case seems odd given that synchronous database operations (your example) are extremely rare and in JavaScript. It seems to me like promises would fit this case pretty well, but I may have missed something.


Le jeu. 20 sept. 2018 05 h 32, Ayush Gupta <ayushg3112 at> a écrit :

# Ayush Gupta (6 years ago)

Apologies, I meant to use async-await in the example but I missed it.

Also, cleanup can be needed in all code, no matter if it's synchronous, uses promises, callbacks, or async-await. I personally believe that while we can have different mechanisms for doing cleanup in all different cases, having a single standard mechanism is better.

# Sultan (6 years ago)

What stops you from doing this with try...finally?

function doSomeDbWork() { try { return databasepool.getConnection(); } finally { connection.release(); } }

# kdex (6 years ago)

So, when is a function supposed to be invoked when deferred in a generator?

# Isiah Meadows (6 years ago)

Could you chime in with this here as an alternative? tc39/proposal-using-statement

Isiah Meadows contact at,

# kai zhu (6 years ago)

how would you handle cleanup after timeouts in tc39/proposal-using-statement? tc39/proposal-using-statement?

when managing io-complexity at the integration-level, i feel the reliable/zero-magic/verifiable way to guarantee cleanup in all scenarios is still to use traditional-callbacks, with a timeout-closure.

here are 2 examples using the recursive-callback approach, where cleanup is guaranteed-to-run in the “default” switch-statement; one is real-world [1], and the other is this working, standalone nodejs code:

[1] real-world example of guaranteed cleanup kaizhu256/node-utility2/blob/2018.9.8/lib.utility2.js#L3320, kaizhu256/node-utility2/blob/2018.9.8/lib.utility2.js#L3320

// example.js
// fully-working standalone code to fetch data from <>
// and cleanup afterwards
/*jslint node: true*/
    GITHUB_TOKEN, authorization, concat, created_at, date, destroy, end, env,
    error, exit, headers, html_url, log, map, on, parse, push, request,
    responseHeaders, responseStatusCode, size, slice, stargazers_count, status,
    statusCode, stringify, updated_at
(function () {
    "use strict";
    var cleanup;
    var chunkList;
    var modeNext;
    var onNext;
    var request;
    var response;
    var timerTimeout;
    cleanup = function () {
        // cleanup timerTimeout
        // cleanup request-stream
        try {
        } catch (ignore) {
        // cleanup response-stream
        try {
        } catch (ignore) {
            "\u001b[31mcleaned up request and response streams\u001b[39m"
    onNext = function (error, data) {
        try {
            // guarantee cleanup on callback-error
            if (error) {
                modeNext = Infinity;
            modeNext += 1;
            switch (modeNext) {
            case 1:
                // guarantee cleanup after 150000ms timeout
                timerTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
                    onNext(new Error("timeout error"));
                }, 15000);
                // fetch json repository-data from
                request = require("url").parse(
                request.headers = {};
                request.headers["user-agent"] = "undefined";
                // add optional oauth-token to increase rate-limit quota
                if (process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN) {
                    request.headers.authorization = (
                        "token " + process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN
                request = require("https").request(
                    // concatenate data-chunks from response-stream
                    function (_response) {
                        chunkList = [];
                        response = _response;
                        .on("data", function (chunk) {
                        .on("end", function () {
                            onNext(null, Buffer.concat(chunkList));
                        // guarantee cleanup on response-error
                        .on("error", onNext);
                // guarantee cleanup on request-error
                request.on("error", onNext)
            case 2:
                // print response data
                        responseStatusCode: response.statusCode,
                        responseHeaders: {
                            status: response.headers.status,
                            "content-type": response.headers["content-type"],
                            "content-length": (
                // print first 5 results of abridged,
                // JSON.parsed concatenated-data
                    .slice(0, 5)
                    .map(function (githubRepo) {
                        return {
                            html_url: githubRepo.html_url,
                            created_at: githubRepo.created_at,
                            updated_at: githubRepo.updated_at,
                            size: githubRepo.size,
                            stargazers_count: githubRepo.stargazers_count
                // guarantee cleanup on successful-operation
            // cleanup
        // guarantee cleanup on misc thrown-error
        } catch (errorCaught) {
    modeNext = 0;

kai zhu kaizhu256 at