[[Set]] and inherited readonly data properties

# Jason Orendorff (10 years ago)
"use strict";
function Pony() {}
Pony.prototype.toString = function () { return "Pony"; };

The last line here throws a TypeError in ES5 and ES6.* Can we change it? To me, it stands to reason that you should be able to freeze Object.prototype and not break your other code, as long as that code doesn't actually try to modify Object.prototype.

This bit some Mozilla hackers in bugzil.la/980752.

Compatibility: Changing from throwing to not-throwing is usually ok. In addition, I don't think Chrome implements this TypeError. So presumably the web can't be depending on the exception.

Patch: Step 5.a of [[Set]] could be changed like from: a. If ownDesc.[[Writable]] is false, return false. to: a. If ownDesc.[[Writable]] is false and O and Receiver are the same object, return false.


*Why I think it throws:


Pony.prototype.[[Set]] reaches step 4.c. and tail-calls Object.prototype.[[Set]], which reaches step 5.a. and returns false.

The TypeError is thrown from step 6.d. of PutValue: people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-putvalue

which is called from step 1.f. from AssignmentExpression Evaluation: people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-assignment-operators-runtime-semantics-

# David Bruant (10 years ago)

The last line here throws a TypeError in ES5 and ES6.* Can we change it? To me, it stands to reason that you should be able to freeze Object.prototype and not break your other code, as long as that code doesn't actually try to modify Object.prototype.

It looks like the "override mistake". strawman:fixing_override_mistake Mark Miller agrees with you. I agree with you. The consensus is apparently that it is the desired behavior. Threads on the topic: esdiscuss/2012-January/019562, esdiscuss/2013-March/029414 (there might be meeting notes on this topic too)

This bit some Mozilla hackers in bugzil.la/980752.

Compatibility: Changing from throwing to not-throwing is usually ok. In addition, I don't think Chrome implements this TypeError.

I can observe it does in Chrome 33. (the REPL doesn't consider the "use strict"; wrap in an IIFE to see the error being thrown)

# Allen Wirfs-Brock (10 years ago)

On Mar 26, 2014, at 11:24 AM, Jason Orendorff wrote:

Compatibility: Changing from throwing to not-throwing is usually ok. In addition, I don't think Chrome implements this TypeError. So presumably the web can't be depending on the exception.

This change would not just eliminating a throw in strict mode. It is also change sloppy mode behavior where such assignments have been silently ignored since ES1. It would be a fundamental change to the meaning of the [[Writable]] property attribute.

see strawman:fixing_override_mistake (and links from that page) also see the recent discussion at getify/You-Dont-Know-JS#91

So far we have not been able to reach a consensus on changing this. I don't know whether report actually adds any new information or whether it will help develop a consensus.

# Mark S. Miller (10 years ago)

This mistake is my single biggest regret from the ES5 days. We had a chance to get this right when it would have been rather painless and we blew it.

Although it can no longer be fixed without a lot of pain, I still think the pain of not fixing it will be greater. However, I'm sick of arguing about this one and have become resigned to using tamperProof < code.google.com/p/google-caja/source/browse/trunk/src/com/google/caja/ses/repairES5.js#338>

rather than freeze. Using tamperProof rather than freeze, your example will work.

If enough others become convinced that this still can and should be fixed, we should still fix this. However, someone else would need to volunteer to champion it within TC39. Any volunteers?

# Brendan Eich (10 years ago)

Mark S. Miller wrote:

This mistake is my single biggest regret from the ES5 days. We had a chance to get this right when it would have been rather painless and we blew it.

Indeed, as JSC and (therefore, at the time it was copying semantics) V8 did implement a "fix" to the "override mistake".

Have to let this one go, and look to the future.

Although it can no longer be fixed without a lot of pain, I still think the pain of not fixing it will be greater. However, I'm sick of arguing about this one and have become resigned to using tamperProof code.google.com/p/google-caja/source/browse/trunk/src/com/google/caja/ses/repairES5.js#338 rather than freeze. Using tamperProof rather than freeze, your example will work.

If enough others become convinced that this still can and should be fixed, we should still fix this. However, someone else would need to volunteer to champion it within TC39. Any volunteers?

Wasn't there another idea, which doesn't help code that must run in old browsers, but which could help down the road? I mean the := operator as define-property not put. Didn't we defer that without prejudice?

# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

I am not sure I understood: is not throwing and a silent failure preferred? 'cause that method won't be there anyway...

I need to write chapter 3 of my quadrilogy of posts related to descriptors and inheritance* but you can "simply" avoid that problem via Object.defineProperty(Pony.prototype, 'toString', {value: function () {}})

This will most likely work everywhere except in old mobile browsers such Palm Pre and Android 2.2 or 2.3, cannot remember, where this bug will show up:

var hasConfigurableBug = !!function(O,d){
  try {
  } catch(e) {
    return true;
}(Object, 'defineProperty');

Accordingly, with these browsers the following code will fail:

Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'test', {
  get: function () {
    return Object.defineProperty(this, 'test', {
      value: 'OK'

but not this one:

var proto = {};
Object.defineProperty(proto, 'test', {
  get: function () {
    if (hasConfigurableBug) {
      var descriptor = Object
        .getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, 'test');
      delete proto.test;
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'test', {
      value: 'OK'
    if (hasConfigurableBug) {
      Object.defineProperty(proto, 'test', descriptor);
    return this.test;

The key is keep properties configurable so that these can be deleted and put back later on ... although this goes against that feeling of security Object.freeze(Object.prototype) or Object.freeze(global) gives us ... but I still believe that few edge cases a part these operations should be avoided.

Anyway, please update this thread whenever a decision has been taken so I can point to this one in one of these posts.

part 3 with solutions to this problem coming soon

# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

actually writable:false is OK, it's only the get case that is buggy, as well as set

on Android 2.3.6 (or lower) you can try this page which will show an alert like

4,     // the length
true, // has enumerable bug
OK,  // code works anyway deleting in proto
456, // test value is correct
      // probably undefined, no idea why is empty
      // but the value is not there

last test is something like Object.create(Object.defineProperty({},'test',{set:Object}),{test:{value:456}}).test which won't show 456 in these devices ... it actually does nothing, not even throwing, it's just undefined.

So, whatever decision will be taken about not writable, if you want to consider old browsers .. these are ok with writable:false because it's possible to reconfigure them without needing to delete the prototype first.

Sorry for the initial false alarm, at least I am sure few didn't know about the getters and setters bug in actually quite recent Android 2 browsers.


# Brendan Eich (10 years ago)

Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

Sorry for the initial false alarm, at least I am sure few didn't know about the getters and setters bug in actually quite recent Android 2 browsers.

Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) may be quite recent on a lower-end phone, but it is incredibly out of date and not being maintained. Especially its old WebKit fork. V8 was backported, but that was in 2010 -- pretty sure it is not patched up to anywhere near current level.


# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

I know it won't get updated any time soon but unfortunately, and specially in some emerging market, these kind of phones are still quite common ... you guys should speed up spreading FirefoxOS on $25 deals !!!

Anyway, I was just saying Android 2.x is like the IE6 of these days, IMO ... and I am not sure it will go away any time soon.


# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

For the sake of examples, I honestly find current V8 hack, tested in node.js inconsistent, kinda pointless, and quite disturbing, with or without strict code.

function Class(value) {
  this.value = value;
Object.defineProperties(Class.prototype, {
  value:  {value: null},
  method: {value: Class}

var a = new Class(123);
a.value; // 123 ... why?

var b = Object.create(Class.prototype);
Class.call(b, 123);

b.value; // null ... I mean ... **null**

Even worst when it comes to default values ...

function A(value) {
  this.value = value;
  {value: 0}

function B(value) {
  if (value) {
    // best of all .. it won't assign
    // and it won't throw neither
    // congrats?
    this.value = value;
  {value: 0}

var a = new A(123);
a.value; // 123
a.value = 456;
a.value; // 456

var b = new B;
b.value; // 0
b.value = 456;
b.value; // 0

var b = new B(123);
b.value; // 0
b.value = 456;
b.value; // 0

Why JavaScript engines need so much fragmentation with these kind of unspeced behavior ... this, as a developer, I've never got it.


# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

actually, if the value is passed, the B constructor will throw, but not in A

Properties that has been directly assigned have no reason to be specified as default in the prototype, if the constructor needs to directly assign them ... right?

function A(value) {
  this.value = value || 0;

That's it, there is no reason to introduce an inconsistent behavior that behaves in a completely unexpected way with properties maybe meant to be inherited as non writable, as the specification, rightly or wrongly, say.

Will this ever be fixed? I start a post of 4 parts about descriptors, and the more I write and test, the less I can explain people that ES5.1 is actually a good standard ... there are so many little different things ... but above one, I really don't get who even thought about it and why.

Apologies for the rant, I stop here, but I really hope this mess will be cleaned up pretty soon.


# Andreas Rossberg (10 years ago)

On 28 March 2014 23:00, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea.giammarchi at gmail.com> wrote:

For the sake of examples, I honestly find current V8 hack, tested in node.js inconsistent, kinda pointless, and quite disturbing, with or without strict code.

I don't know what your notion of "current" is, but this bug has been fixed long ago. And being pointless is the nature of bugs.

Why JavaScript engines need so much fragmentation with these kind of unspeced behavior ... this, as a developer, I've never got it.

Just to annoy developers, of course. It's got nothing to do with the byzantine complexity of the language.

# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

It's in the latest node v8 and i thought it was a hack introduced on purpose as mentioned before, apparently it's not, but still around.

Sent from my Windows Phone From: Andreas Rossberg Sent: 3/31/2014 5:33 To: Andrea Giammarchi Cc: Brendan Eich; es-discuss Subject: Re: [[Set]] and inherited readonly data properties On 28 March 2014 23:00, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea.giammarchi at gmail.com> wrote:

For the sake of examples, I honestly find current V8 hack, tested in node.js inconsistent, kinda pointless, and quite disturbing, with or without strict code.

I don't know what your notion of "current" is, but this bug has been fixed long ago. And being pointless is the nature of bugs.

Why JavaScript engines need so much fragmentation with these kind of unspeced behavior ... this, as a developer, I've never got it.

Just to annoy developers, of course. It's got nothing to do with the byzantine complexity of the language.

# Michał Gołębiowski (10 years ago)

Isn't such a behavior of Object.freeze potentially future-hostile? One of the reasons why with went away was that adding new methods to standard prototypes could break the code (what happened with Array.prototype.values). But if Object.freeze is used to prevent others from messing with builtins, as a way of defensive programming, the effect could be the same. Imagine the code:

// ...
var a = {};
a.field = 2;

If now some future ES version adds Object.prototype.field, this code starts to break.

It seems that in its current definition freezing builtins should be discouraged as future-hostile. Am I getting something wrong?

# Mark S. Miller (10 years ago)

Yes. This cure is worse than the disease. Object.freeze is important for defensiveness for at least the reasons you state. The problem isn't just new assignments like a.field = .... It is also old assignments like

function Point(....) {....}

Point.prototype.toString = function() {....}; // fails

Unless the committee revisits the override mistake, which seems unlikely, the only way to cope that I know of is to use tamperProof(obj) where you would have used freeze(obj).

Not fixing the override mistake was our biggest mistake in ES5. My apologies for not raising the alarm until late, and not making the case forcefully enough before it was too late. This is my single biggest regret of all the time I've spent

# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

my 2 cents, I think Object.freeze() is OK if used with objects that should be frozen, most likely instances, not prototypes.

What's future and environmentally hostile is actually freezing the Object.prototype not because of freeze(), rather because the same way we should not extend to not break other libraries code, we should not feel the owner of the Object.prototype freezing it.

I find both cases very obtrusive.


# Mark Miller (10 years ago)

For a non-prototypical object, obj, tamperProof(obj) is the same thing as freeze(obj).

# Andrea Giammarchi (10 years ago)

Mark I agree that writable:false, once inheritance is in the middle, is the worst thing ever shipped in ES5 but once again this tamperProof(obj) you keep mentioning won't work with IE9 Mobile (low share), webOS (disappearing), and Android 2.3.X and lower (30% of Android web share) so it's a not so good solution.

What is good is that as I've made protoypal.Class [1] function compatible with Object.freeze(Object.prototype) so that your Point example would be:


var Class = require('prototypal').Class;

var Point2D = Class({
  constructor: function (x, y) {
    this.x = x || 0;
    this.y = y || 0;
  toString: function () {
    return '[object Point2D]';

'' + new Point2D; // [object Point2D]

anyone else could learn how to use Object.defineProperty which does not suffer from frozen prototypes.

Long story short, writable:false is annoying, but not that difficult to avoid for "classes" like architectures.

# Axel Rauschmayer (10 years ago)

On 01 Apr 2014, at 4:47 , Mark S. Miller <erights at google.com> wrote:

Unless the committee revisits the override mistake, which seems unlikely, the only way to cope that I know of is to use tamperProof(obj) where you would have used freeze(obj).

What library does tamperProof() come from? I can’t seem to find it in Caja.



# Mark S. Miller (10 years ago)

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 3:09 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <axel at rauschma.de> wrote:

On 01 Apr 2014, at 4:47 , Mark S. Miller <erights at google.com> wrote:

Unless the committee revisits the override mistake, which seems unlikely, the only way to cope that I know of is to use tamperProof(obj) where you would have used freeze(obj).

What library does tamperProof() come from? I can’t seem to find it in Caja.

Once Caja (or just SES) is loaded, it is at cajaVM.tamperProof.

It's defined at < code.google.com/p/google-caja/source/browse/trunk/src/com/google/caja/ses/repairES5.js#338>

and made available on the cajaVM object at < code.google.com/p/google-caja/source/browse/trunk/src/com/google/caja/ses/startSES.js#1351>.

See also < code.google.com/p/google-caja/source/browse/trunk/src/com/google/caja/ses/repairES5.js#241>

and < code.google.com/p/google-caja/source/browse/trunk/src/com/google/caja/ses/startSES.js#468>

to understand some of the intricacies of getting the initialization order of this right for SES purposes.

Often, tamperProof is used indirectly by Caja or SES code via cajaVM.def(obj) < code.google.com/p/google-caja/source/browse/trunk/src/com/google/caja/ses/startSES.js#1099>

which applies tamperProof to obj, and to all objects reachable from obj via transitive reflective property and prototype traversal.