Some questions regarding proposals.

# Henrik Sommerland (7 years ago)


I have some questions regarding submitting proposals. I found this old mail [1] regarding how one should submit proposals, but it is fairly old and I was just wondering if there has been any changes to the proposal submission process? Where is the best place to find information about previous rejected proposals?

I have some experience with programming language development from Uppsala University and I have some ideas for some features that I think would integrate nicely into JavaScript.

Also I saw here [2] that there was a proposal to add vats to ECMAScript. What kind of vats are these, are they the ones invented by Clarke and Wrigstad [3]? If so what decision was made?


// Henrik "TheGrandmother" Sommerland

[1] esdiscuss/2013-April/029615 [2] [3]

# Jordan Harband (7 years ago)

The proposals list is tc39/proposals , contributing guidelines are tc39/proposals/blob/master/

The old tc39 wiki is outdated; anything not on the proposals repo above isn't active.