stability of javascript design-patterns for dictionary-based compression

# kai zhu (5 years ago)

there's a discussion to web-standardize zstandard-compression, which digressed somewhat on javascript language-stability [1]. they want to improve performance over existing zlib using context-specific js/html/css/etc dictionaries. however, the primary author of zstandard [and lz4] laments that over a 10-year span studying [albeit small number of] websites, there were no stable design-patterns suitable for “permanent” dictionaries (not just js, but html and everything else as well). anyway, he provided snippet of keys used in the current js-dictionary, which i found interesting and wanted to share:

js: return true; return false} Number.isInteger d.type="text/javascript"; which is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 */ window.console&&window.console.log

[1] stability of javascript design-patterns for dictionary-based compression mozilla/standards-positions#105

kai zhu kaizhu256 at