Standard module API/specification?

# Isiah Meadows (10 years ago)

Where would I be able to find specifications on (proposed) standard modules such as @iter? Google isn't being my friend in finding these (except for @iter, which I knew where to look).

# Axel Rauschmayer (10 years ago)

The specification of these modules has been delayed, it won’t be in ES6.

# Isiah Meadows (10 years ago)

I was also looking for proposals. I know of the @iter proposal, but that's about it. I also found a 2 year old proposal, but it is similar to my own proposal(-ish) here, except that I focused more on the existing standard globals in potentially making the global scope a little safer in case of collisions (e.g. someone makes rsvp.Promise a global in their own code, stupidly attaching it to window).