Status of Chrome Proxy in face of Object.observe removal

# Simon Blackwell (8 years ago)

In the face of the announcment that the Object.observe standard proposal is being revoked and commentary that seems to indicate that at a minimum either Proxy or Object.observe is needed, does anyone know the status of re-introduction of Proxy into Chrome and v8?

To support both Firefox and Chrome we actually have bi-directional polyfills, e.g. Proxy in terms of Observe form Chrome and Observe in terms of Proxy for Firefox. Having neither in Chrome and v8 will be quite painful. We could override get/set on all properties for all objects and re-define Object.create to accomplish what we need in Chrome, but that seems pretty invasive and risky. We are trying to move our codebase away from doing such things.

# Andreas Rossberg (8 years ago)

On 6 November 2015 at 19:16, Simon Blackwell <syblackwell at> wrote:

In the face of the announcment that the Object.observe standard proposal is being revoked and commentary that seems to indicate that at a minimum either Proxy or Object.observe is needed, does anyone know the status of re-introduction of Proxy into Chrome and v8?

We currently have like half a dozen people working on bringing proxies to V8. It's a lot of work that leaves almost no stone unturned. But we hope to be able to ship them early next year. Removing O.o will actually help.

# Simon Blackwell (8 years ago)

I had a request for the locations of the polyfills, here they are (both MIT license):

anywhichway/proxy-observe, anywhichway/chrome