Strict Relational Operators

# T.J. Crowder (7 years ago)

I'm sure there must have been discussions of adding strict relational operators (e.g., non-coercing ones, the === versions of <, >, <=, and >=), but I'm not having a lot of luck finding those discussions.

Searching "strict relational site: esdiscuss" and on doesn't turn up anything relevant.

Does anyone have a link handy? I'm not trying to start a new discussion, just keen to read what's already been discussed.


-- T.J. Crowder

# Mark S. Miller (7 years ago)


I do not recall such a discussion. Please do start one! Thanks.

# Isiah Meadows (7 years ago)

I'm not sure there has been prior discussion. A lot of stuff has already been discussed in depth, but that I don't think is one of them.

Isiah Meadows me at

# Michael J. Ryan (7 years ago)

It's definitely an interesting idea... Been trying to consider what character would be added to represent a strict comparison... Perhaps @?

@ <@ <=@ >=@ ...

Not sure how this might conflict with decorators...

# Darien Valentine (7 years ago)

Although I’m unsure if this is wise given there are already eleven symbols that are combinations of = and </>, for symmetry with == and === I’d imagine something like this:

>         =>=     ==>
<         =<=     ==<
>=        =>==    ==>=
<=        =<==    ==<=

Could also follow the pattern >== (strict GT) and >=== (strict GTE), which avoids the awkwardness of the first and third ones sharing opening chars with =>, but that seems more ambiguous since >== doesn’t let you infer whether it means strict GT or strict GTE.

It’d be nice to have this functionality built in, but I wonder if it’d possibly be preferable to provide it through methods of one of the built-in objects, rather than as operators. Functions after all are more flexible.

# felix (7 years ago)

Maybe every operator can have a non-coercing variant?

One possible syntax is to have a modifier on operators x = a (<) b (+) c (&&) (!)d; if (x (!=) y) ...

Another possible syntax is to have a modifier on expressions x = #(a < b + c && !d) if #(x != y) ...

# Michael J. Ryan (7 years ago)

Thinking on it... (Number|Object|String) .strict(Equal|Greater|Less...) Methods (a, b) might be better... If either value isn't a match for the bound type, it's a false, even if both sides are equal...


Number.strictEqual(null, null) false

Object.strictEqual(1, 1) false ...

If you're doing a strict compare, one can presume you should know what you're comparing.

# T.J. Crowder (7 years ago)

Very interesting stuff so far.

My take on some options, organized into sections:

  • Solving it in userland
  • Using symbolic operators
  • Using functions
  • Using non-symbolic operators

Solving it in userland:

Anyone wanting strict relational operators today can readily give themselves functions for it:

const lt = (a, b) => typeof a === typeof b && a < b;


if (lt(a, b)) {
    // ...

So the question is whether the value of having a standard way of expressing this is worth the cost of adding it?

Playing into that is that various options come with varying costs:

  • Using symbolic operators has a cost, but doesn't change fundamentals; I'm not an implementer, but I'd think the cost would be fairly low (but non-zero). Any syntax change rattles parsing cages everywhere, but syntax changes are now fairly regular occurrences in JavaScript.
  • Using functions means no new syntax, which means not rattling parsing cages, and are polyfillable.
  • Using non-symbolic operators rattles cages, and probably more significantly than new symbolic ones, and has been rejected in the past (is/isnt).

So that's in the mix.

Using symbolic operators:


The closest I can come to consistency with ==/=== and !=/!== is:

Loose    Strict
 ==       ===
 !=       !==
 <        <=<
 >        >=>
 <=       <==
 >=       >==

We can think of the = in the middle as being what signifies the strict type aspect. The second < and > on <=< and >=> are a hack, but a reasonable hack that's in the spirit of the original two strict operators. :-)


Because they're like !== and ===, their semantics would have to be in line with !== and ===: The result is true if the operands are of the same type and the relation is true, false otherwise.

Using functions:


Given, value2) there's an argument for putting these on Object as well. But Object is an odd place for them (and indeed for is). Perhaps we need a place for these to go. But sticking with Object for now:, value2), value2)
Object.lte(value1, value2)
Object.gte(value1, value2)


if (, b)) {
    // ...

Verbose, and again, using Object if I'm comparing numbers or strings seems wrong. But it's consistent with the prior practice of

Michael J. Ryan suggested putting them on Number, String, and Object instead, on the theory that if you're being strict, you know what you're comparing. I'm not sure I agree that you do (a generic "take the lower of these two" function, for instance), but there's something there. It doesn't address the verbosity issue. (Presumably we only need Number and String though, unless we're going to introduce a whole mechanism for relational comparison of objects. Or unless the Object version just hands off to the Number or String version based on the first operand type.)


Using functions gives us the opportunity to use slightly different semantics:

  1. true: The operands are the same type and the relation is true
  2. false: The operands are the same type and the relation is false
  3. undefined: The operands are of different types

This takes advantage of the fact undefined is falsy to not get in the way of people just using the result in a condition, but if they examine the result itself, it's possible to differentiate between #2 and #3.

Sadly, (the exposed version of the SameValue algorithm) does not make this distinction.

Non-symbolic operators

JavaScript already has at least one binary operator that isn't symbolic: in. Maybe there's a case for adding more. Brendan Eich is on record five years ago as having issues with them:

modulo, div, divmod, has, extends

These are much better as methods. Polyfillable, but also not subject to weird line terminator restrictions on the left. Same arguments killed is/isnt.

Hence, presumably (the linked discussion was about infix functions, not is). I don't know if that view has shifted in the subsequent five years; there have been big changes in the way JavaScript moves forward. But that was an objection at least then.


lt, lte, gt, and gte. And while we're at it, eq and noteq. So:

if (a lt b) {
    // ...

To avoid breaking the web, the new non-symbolic operators would have to remain valid identifiers, only being operators by context, a bit like how for can be a literal property name (obj.for) as of ES5 because we know from context that it's not the for statement. But I assume (not being a parser guy) that it's more complex to handle the above (those "weird line terminator conditions on the left" Eich mentioned).


Like functions, non-symbolic operators let us consider slightly tweaking the semantics, e.g. that undefined result for operands of different types I mentioned earlier.

Wrap-up thoughts

Unless it's left to userland, the simplest, least cage-rattling approach is to add functions to Object, but it's also ugly to use. It does have the benefit (in my view) of letting us tweak the return value when the types don't match.

It seems to me the second least cage-rattling is to add symbolic operators consistent with === and !==.

-- T.J. Crowder

# T.J. Crowder (7 years ago)

Grr, there's always something. I forgot to mention that solving this with functions is an option because short-circuiting isn't an issue, both operands have to be evaluated by these relational operators anyway. So unlike the motivations for infix functions or macros or whatever, we don't have that issue here.

-- T.J. Crowder

# Alexander Jones (7 years ago)

Personally I think a < b should just become a compile error if the types are not number. TypeScript?

If you want to also check that they are both number (that's surely what we mean here and not that they are both string!) and return false if not, that's a separable concern which should not be part of the operator's behaviour IMO. It would appear to just mask fundamental typing errors, unless I am missing some perspective?


# T.J. Crowder (7 years ago)

Personally I think a < b should just become a compile error if the types are not number. TypeScript?

I'm not following you. JavaScript variables don't have types, so it can't become a compile-time error; and making it one would massively break the web. (Yes, you can use TypeScript to get types if you like, but we're not talking about TypeScript.)

...that's a separable concern which should not be part of the operator's behaviour IMO...

There's no talk of changing how < and > (or <= and >=) work.

But just as we have == (loose, coercing) and === (strict, non-coercing), the discussion is about having strict non-coercing versions of <, >, <=, and >=.

-- T.J. Crowder

# Darien Valentine (7 years ago)

Personally I think a < b should just become a compile error if the types are not number.

Breaking stuff aside, I think this is an important point. The fact that the LT/GT operators do work on strings is a source of bugs. As with default sort, I’ve seen code written a number of times where it was evident the author expected the behavior would be more like

Unless I’m missing some important common use case for comparing strings based on byte values (assert('a' > 'B')), I think, Number.gte,, Number.lte would be a good solution.

# Michael J. Ryan (7 years ago)

That's part of why I suggested it... My mention of Object.* Was mainly that it could defer to a common base class/constructor implementation for comparison. And that a string and number implementation should be provided...

I'm also good with having non-matching types return undefined while matching types is a Boolean.

Object.* could just defer to the prototype implementation of the first value.. null or undefined always returning undefined.

# T.J. Crowder (7 years ago)

FWIW, I think the next steps for this discussion are:

  1. To hear from people whether they feel the need for these operations in their everyday work. It's interesting, you so often hear people saying "Always use ===, not ==!" with...fervor...but apparently strict versions of the relational operators aren't (or weren't) on people's minds. :-)

  2. To hear from implementers about the difficulty level of adding four more symbolic operators (<=<, <==, >=>, and >== or whatever they end up being).

(I like my non-symbolic operators -- lt, lte, and such -- but I doubt they'd pass muster, for the reasons Brendan flagged up in the thread about infix functions.)

If the answer to #1 is "meh," discussions of operators vs. functions is moot; nothing's going to happen. If the answer to #1 is "Oh yes, this would be really useful" and the answer to #2 is "Fairly straightforward", that's a solid steer as well, as is an "Actually, surprisingly hard" to #2 (and it would be surprising, at least to me, but what do I know about implementing a JavaScript engine).

-- T.J. Crowder

# felix (7 years ago)

One common JS problem is NaNs ending up in unexpected places, and it's often difficult to trace back where they came from. Getting a type error instead of a NaN would be nice.

I think this is a reasonable argument for being able to write expressions with non-coercing operators, and this is why I'd lean toward annotating an entire expression as non-coercing, instead of doubling the number of operators.

# Darien Valentine (7 years ago)

One common JS problem is NaNs ending up in unexpected places, and it's often difficult to trace back where they came from. Getting a type error instead of a NaN would be nice.

I’m not sure this would help with that. NaN may be the product of coercion, but NaN itself is a numeric value, and it can be produced without any type coercion, e.g. Infinity/Infinity, (-1) ** 0.5, etc. And the === operator is a strict, non-coercive comparison, but that doesn’t mean it throws type errors.

# felix (7 years ago)

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 7:23 PM, Darien Valentine <valentinium at> wrote:

One common JS problem is NaNs ending up in unexpected places, and it's often difficult to trace back where they came from. Getting a type error instead of a NaN would be nice.

I’m not sure this would help with that. NaN may be the product of coercion, but NaN itself is a numeric value, and it can be produced without any type coercion, e.g. Infinity/Infinity, (-1) ** 0.5, etc. And the === operator is a strict, non-coercive comparison, but that doesn’t mean it throws type errors.

Mysterious NaNs in js are usually due to implicit conversion of random objects to numbers, not normal numeric computation.

It's reasonable for non-coercing === to work on different types, but what would a non-coercing + do with different types? It has to throw an error.

Non-coercing < might throw an error or use some arbitrary ordering of types. I don't have strong feelings about that.

# Darien Valentine (7 years ago)

It's reasonable for non-coercing === to work on different types, but what would a non-coercing + do with different types? It has to throw an error.

Ah, didn’t catch that you were talking about non-relational operators as well. Assuming a strict + was still overloaded for string concatenation, yeah, an error makes sense (whereas if numeric only, NaN might also be considered a reasonable answer).

For strict <, etc, I think it would be unintuitive to get an error or to have arbitrary type order. Rather I’d expect it to be false when the types didn’t match, since, for example, the correct answer to both the questions "is seven greater than an object?" and "is an object greater than 7?" is "no". This would be consistent with the behavior of the existing always-incomparable value, NaN, as well. That said, I think an error would be better than having an arbitrary type order if those were the two choices.

# T.J. Crowder (7 years ago)

I've started a separate thread to discuss felix's idea of an expression mode making all operators within it non-coercing (as it's rather more broad than this topic):

-- T.J. Crowder

# James Treworgy (7 years ago)

I am of the opinion that this isn't really a worthwhile effort in the context of a non-typed language. There are several issues.

First, it doesn't actually create any parity with ===. Triple equals never throws an error, it just returns false if the types are unequal. These constructs would change the way the language works fundamentally in that an expression can cause an error which it currently cannot.

Second, it really just provides a kind of "too late" poor man's type checking. What you really wanted was a guard when the variable was created or the argument passed. It may provide little help about the actual source of the bug.

New syntax and the complexity it creates seems a high price to pay for a little band aid.

If we were going to add some simple syntax to try to help this problem without going full typescript/flow then I'd be much more in favor of simply adding type guard clauses to function arguments that are evaluated at runtime.

# T.J. Crowder (7 years ago)

James, are you commenting on felix's idea of strict expressions (in which case, I suggest the other thread:, or strict relational operators?

Other than felix's strict expressions, I don't think anyone was suggesting that strict relational operators should throw. It would be important that they behave consistently with === and !==: Just result in false when the types don't match.

-- T.J. Crowder

# James Treworgy (7 years ago)

Strict expressions. In the case of always returning false, that seems like little help in avoiding bugs to me, since code flow always continues...

# James Treworgy (7 years ago)

Put another way === is useful because you test for strict equality. Either it is or is not what you need. But always returning false when comparing things with less than or greater than doesn't ensure that you got what you want. A false value can be success as much as a true value.

# T.J. Crowder (7 years ago)

Yeah. I suggested that if we aren't doing symbolic operators but rather functions or something else, they should result in undefined for mixed types, so you can differentiate if appropriate. (Symbolic operators like <=< would need to be consistent with === and !==, though, which don't, sadly, do that; and that won't be changing. :-) ) Functions or non-symbolic operators would have the option of doing that, or throwing, whatever people end up thinking is best.

-- T.J. Crowder

# James Treworgy (7 years ago)

That would seem to make more sense. At the end of the day, for me, I just don't much value in adding new syntax for operators to do this. The only time I can think of in my own code where this would be useful (in the sense that it would have avoided some extra type check to ensure things work as I want) is evaluating >= 0, where the current Javascript behavior is


null >= 0 // true undefined >= 0 // false

But for most situations, it doesn't help much, you still need to do a manual type check to avoid unexpected behavior. If I'm comparing a counter to a limit, a loop might just run forever. If I'm comparing one thing to another for sorting, it just puts all non-typed things first. The behavior of many things will be different, but unlikely better. It doesn't help you write code that avoids unwanted code paths.

I also feel like the problem of "are a and b of the same type, and is a greater than/less than b" is very easily solved with a helper:

if (,, v)) { } if (,, b)) { }

What we REALLY need is runtime type checking. I write lots of code like this (or using helpers to accomplish the same with less boilerplate) in public APIs:

function(a, b) {

  • assert.ok(typeof a === 'number')*
  • assert.ok(typeof b === 'string')*
  • ...* }

I don't see why we can't have a flow-like syntax that is syntactic sugar for this:

function(a: string, b: number) {

  • let c: string[] = [a, 'foo']* }

Yeah - different discussion - but I feel like addding indirect ways to check types with new expression or operator syntax, rather than just addressing the problem head-on by allowing runtime type checking at variable declaration & function invocation time, is just going to further confuse matters and make code quality and readibility worse, not better.

# Jordan Harband (7 years ago)

Perhaps a simpler approach (short of type systems) would be a single binary operator that returned true only when the Type() of each operand was the same?

In other words (using "=@=@=" to avoid bikeshedding on the syntax itself):

a =@=@= b would be equivalent to (a === null || b === null) ? (a === null && b === null) : typeof a === typeof b - then you could use the operator to explicitly guard any comparison operators where you wanted the type to be the same, and throw, return false, or coerce to your heart's content.

# Dawid Szlachta (7 years ago)

Well, I think we won't see type system in ES anytime soon, as 1) it is a huge design process and discussion; 2) part of the committee seems to be against type system in the language (I can remember such statement written on this list by someone from TC39).

The =@=@= operator is probably easier to add and won't break the web. Also, some basic pattern matching for functions would be useful and time saving feature:

function setClientName(name)
  given String { = name }
  given * { throw "Name should be a string" }


2017-04-14 2:15 GMT+02:00 Jordan Harband <ljharb at>:

# doodad-js Admin (7 years ago)

I prefer the idea of keyword operators, like :

a lt 1 // strict < 1

a lte 1 // strict <=1

a gt 1 // strict > 1

a gte 1 // strict >= 1


That’s easier to understand and memorize.

From: Dawid Szlachta [mailto:dawidmj.szlachta at] Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 5:12 AM To: Jordan Harband <ljharb at <mailto:ljharb at> >

Cc: es-discuss <es-discuss at <mailto:es-discuss at> >

Subject: Re: Re: Strict Relational Operators


The =@=@= operator is probably easier to add and won't break the web. Also, some basic pattern matching for functions would be useful and time saving feature:


# Isiah Meadows (7 years ago)

So far, the only decent proposal I've seen here is the keyword operator idea. It looks operator-y, and it actually reads like what you expect. Few nits about the general idea, and most of these would probably keep TC39 from considering them:

  1. neq is better than noteq. 2 fewer characters for a common operation.

  2. JS is a weakly typed language, and coerces nearly everything. It normally calls .valueOf() (if it exists) and coerces the result to numbers for the comparison operators. Strong type checking has generally only been reserved for scenarios that can't be optimized well otherwise (like the length of typed arrays) or that require specific guarantees that coercion prevents (like uniqueness for weak collections).

  3. TypeScript and Flow both literally don't have this issue at all, and several members of TC39 actively use these in mission-critical code.

  4. JS has historically avoided keyword operators, electing to remain close-ish to its curly brace and punctuation-driven roots. Consider =>, && and ||, function *, etc. Up to date, the only keyword

operators have been exclusively unary, such as typeof, await, and yield. So this would face a potentially steep slope to acceptance.

Just a bit of pessimistic pragmatism here.

Isiah Meadows me at

# T.J. Crowder (7 years ago)

Happy with neq.

Up to date, the only keyword operators have been exclusively unary, such as typeof, await, and yield.

Not quite. :-) As I mentioned when suggesting them originally, there is one binary non-symbolic operator already: in

if ("foo" in obj)

So the concept of non-symbolic binary operators isn't entirely new to the parsing/grammar infrastructure.

-- T.J. Crowder

# Jordan Harband (7 years ago)

There's also instanceof.

# Isiah Meadows (7 years ago)

Okay, I stand corrected... (I forgot about those)

# Matthew Robb (7 years ago)

Also there was once the is/isnt operators and they lasted in ES6 for a very long time and went pulled for reasons like this.