What was said in this sentence?
On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 5:15 AM, Maxim Vaarwel <paloshmax at gmail.com> wrote:
"Whether the toString function can be applied successfully to a host object is implementation-dependent". What "implementation-dependent"
What does this sentence say? What kind of implementation are we talking about (The algorithm toString is concrete described)?
The most recent spec I can find with that sentence is the 5th edition, which is 3-4 editions out of date. I suggest using the latest draft standard as your primary reference.
To answer your question: The implementation in question is the
implementation of the host object, not toString
. In the 5th edition,
"host object" is defined as:
object supplied by the host environment to complete the execution
environment of ECMAScript
For instance, a DOM object in a browser. ECMAScript cannot say that
applying Array.prototype.toString
or Object.prototype.toString
to a
host object will necessarily work as described (for instance,
); it depends on the
implementation of the host object.
-- T.J. Crowder
Wow, thank you, I'm grateful to your answer. Thank you for helping me.
What does this sentence say? What kind of implementation are we talking about (The algorithm toString is concrete described)?