Where is the evaluation starting point in the spec?

# Alan Schmitt (6 years ago)


Back in ES5.1, there was a specification to evaluate programs (www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/index.html#sec-14). What is the corresponding starting point in the current spec? Is it tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-scripts ?



# Alan Schmitt (6 years ago)

On 2019-08-15 10:53, Alan Schmitt <alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org>


Back in ES5.1, there was a specification to evaluate programs (www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/index.html#sec-14). What is the corresponding starting point in the current spec? Is it tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-scripts ?

Thanks to the handy Reference links in the spec, I found it: tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-runjobs

Sorry for the noise.



# Cyril Auburtin (6 years ago)

You can also have a look at engine262/engine262, an interesting way to learn the spec

# Gus Caplan (6 years ago)

It's worth noting that engine262 doesn't use the RunJobs implementation it has, it uses a separate entrypoint in api.mjs. There is some work going on to get rid of RunJobs entirely, as no implementations actually use it ( tc39/ecma262#735)

# Alan Schmitt (6 years ago)

Hello Cyril,

On 2019-08-17 21:29, Cyril Auburtin <cyril.auburtin at gmail.com>


You can also have a look at engine262/engine262, an interesting way to learn the spec

Thank you for the suggestion. Our goal is to modernize JSExplain (gitlab.inria.fr/star-explain/jsexplain) to be closer to the spec (as we display spec text when interpreting programs), so we need to refer directly to the spec.



# Alan Schmitt (6 years ago)

On 2019-08-17 23:03, Gus Caplan <me at gus.host> writes:

It's worth noting that engine262 doesn't use the RunJobs implementation it has, it uses a separate entrypoint in api.mjs. There is some work going on to get rid of RunJobs entirely, as no implementations actually use it ( tc39/ecma262#735)

Thanks, I was not aware of this PR. I guess we should not invest too much effort on the jobs infrastructure at the moment.

