
# Jordan Osete (15 years ago)

How about standardizing something like RegExp.escape() ?

It is trivial to implement, but it seems to me that this functionality belongs to the language - the implementation obviously knows better which characters must be escaped, and which ones don't need to.

# Kris Kowal (13 years ago)


# Steven Levithan (13 years ago)

+1, again.

Although this is only a minor convenience since you can do something like text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|]/g, "\\$&"), the list of special characters is subject to change. E.g., if ES adds /x, whitespace (and possibly #) must be added.

# Erik Corry (13 years ago)

In perl the recommended version is

text.replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/g, "\\$1")

which is future-proof and safe and I think this also works for JS.

# Steven Levithan (13 years ago)

It's probably future-proof and safe, but it escapes 65,520 characters more than necessary.

Anyway, no big deal if this isn't added. I have, however, seen a lot of developers get this wrong when trying to do it themselves (e.g., the blog post that started this thread was not safe until it was updated 4+ years later, and it wasn't the worst I've seen).

# Steven Levithan (13 years ago)

For the record, most languages with modern regular expressions include a built in method for this.

For instance:

  • Perl: quotemeta(str)
  • PHP: preg_quote(str)
  • Python: re.escape(str)
  • Ruby: Regexp.escape(str)
  • Java: Pattern.quote(str)
  • C#, VB.NET: Regex.Escape(str)
# T.J. Crowder (13 years ago)

On 23 March 2012 12:12, Steven Levithan wrote:

It's probably future-proof and safe, but it escapes 65,520 characters more than necessary.

Anyway, no big deal if this isn't added. I have, however, seen a lot of developers get this wrong when trying to do it themselves (e.g., the blog post that started this thread was not safe until it was updated 4+ years later, and it wasn't the worst I've seen).

I've seen at least three that missed things out as well. The "all but alnums" approach doesn't seem to occur to people.

On 23 March 2012 12:37, Steven Levithan wrote:

For the record, most languages with modern regular expressions include a built in method for this.

Indeed. +1 for RegExp.escape in ES.

# AJ ONeal (13 years ago)

YES. PLEASE put this in!

function escapeRegExp(str) {
  return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");

I'm doing my best to reply to every single question that pops up on stackoverflow and point them to this answer... but there are just too many wrong answers out there.

# David Herman (13 years ago)

On Mar 23, 2012, at 8:16 AM, Steven Levithan wrote:

Although this is only a minor convenience since you can do something like text.replace(/[-[]{}()*+?.,\^$|]/g, "\$&"), the list of special characters is subject to change.

That sounds like another good argument for standardizing.

The only challenge I see is how to fudge the spec enough to mandate that any extended, non-standard operators that the engine provides should also be escaped.

# C. Scott Ananian (11 years ago)

One more for the "it's too late for ES6" train: most other programming languages have a convenient "safe" way to turn a string into a regular expression matching that string. RegExp.escape is often suggested as the function name. I think this is worth adding to the standard library because it helps patch a "candy machine interface" -- that is, I've seen the following too often (including again today, hence this message):

function replaceTitle(title, str) {
  return str.replace(new RegExp(title), "...");

There ought to be a standard simple way of writing this correctly.

Has this been discussed in the context of ES6/ES7 before?

# Mathias Bynens (11 years ago)

On 21 Mar 2014, at 16:38, C. Scott Ananian <ecmascript at> wrote:

function replaceTitle(title, str) {
 return str.replace(new RegExp(title), "...");

There ought to be a standard simple way of writing this correctly.

I’ve used something like this in the past:

RegExp.escape = function(text) {
  return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');

It escapes some characters that do not strictly need escaping to avoid bugs in ancient JavaScript engines. A standardized version could be even simpler, and would indeed be very welcome IMHO.

# Kris Kowal (11 years ago)

Continuing a 2 year old thread.

# C. Scott Ananian (11 years ago)

Thanks for the back-reference, Kris. So, everyone seemed to be in favor of this, it just never got formally added.

@rwaldron, are you interested in championing this for ES7 as well?

# Rick Waldron (11 years ago)

Not until someone writes something like this:, which I don't have the time to do myself.

# Juriy Zaytsev (11 years ago)

How about this --

Made it loosely based on B.2.1.1 (escape)

# Benjamin Gruenaum (10 years ago)

Reviving this, a year passed and I think we still want this.

We have even more validation than we had a year ago (added by libraries like lodash) and this is still useful.

What would be the required steps in order to push this forward to the ES2016 spec?

# Alexander Jones (10 years ago)

At risk of bikeshed, I think I would prefer syntax for it, personally, e.g.:

let myRegExp = /\d+\./{arbitrary.js(expression)}/SOMETHING$/;

(ASI issues notwithstanding) vaguely matching the idea of template strings. I prefer this kind of thing to be structured at the parse-level rather than relying on runtime string stitching and hoping for a valid parse.

# Jordan Harband (10 years ago)

The primary advantage to making it be a function (also doing it as syntax would be great too!) is that it's polyfillable, which means that all browsers could instantly take advantage of known-safe regex escaping.

# Kris Kowal (10 years ago)

I believe you need to champion the issue. Create a Github repository and start editing the fragment of the spec. I do not believe that the issue is contentious. The color of the shed is obvious. The only thing missing is a champion willing to do the writing.

# Benjamin Gruenaum (10 years ago)

You know what? Why not. I'm going to try to champion this.

I talked to Domenic and he said he's willing to help me with this which is a big help (this would be my first time).

I'll open a GitHub repo and see what I can come up with.

# Juriy Zaytsev (10 years ago)

I made this gist back in the days — — and I believe Rick was going to bring it up at one of the meetings. I don't have time to set up repo and work with TC39 member so if you can continue carrying that torch, that would be awesome!

# Benjamin Gruenaum (10 years ago)

I made an initial repo benjamingr/RexExp.escape/blob/master/

I've added a reference to that gist - I'll start poking around and have scheduled to meet with some local people interested in helping next week. I'll keep you updated.

# C. Scott Ananian (10 years ago)

@Alexander Jones: no new syntax is needed to implement what you want; we already have Template Strings. For example, you could define a new function RegExp.join (which takes either an array or a string as its first argument, see below):

var pattern = RegExp.join`^(abc${ "someString, escaped" }|def${ /a reg|exp/
// apply flags?
var pattern = RegExp.join('x')` abc | def \$`;

RegExp.escape() would be used internally to handle the interpolation of an string into the regexp. But these features are orthogonal.

# Benjamin Gruenbaum (10 years ago)

Ok, with a ton of help from Domenic I've put up

Less cool coloring but more links and motivating examples and so on at benjamingr/RexExp.escape

As this is my first attempt at this sort of thing - any non-bikeshed feedback would be appreciated :)

# Mark S. Miller (10 years ago)

Nice! Inspired

  // Based on
  function re(template, ...subs) {
    const parts = [];
    const numSubs = subs.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < numSubs; i++) {
      parts.push(subs[i].replace(/[\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'));
    return RegExp(parts.join(''));
# C. Scott Ananian (10 years ago)

A slight tweak allows you to pass flags:

function re(flags, ...args) {
  if (typeof template !== 'string') {
     // no flags given
     return re(undefined)(flags, ...args);
  return function(template, ...subs) {
    const parts = [];
    const numSubs = subs.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < numSubs; i++) {
      parts.push(subs[i].replace(/[\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'));
    return RegExp(parts.join(''), flags);

Use like this:

var r = re('i')`cAsEiNsEnSiTiVe`;
# Mark S. Miller (10 years ago)

Good idea bug infinite recursion bug. Fixed:

  function re(first, ...args) {
    let flags = first;
    function tag(template, ...subs) {
      const parts = [];
      const numSubs = subs.length;
      for (let i = 0; i < numSubs; i++) {
        parts.push(subs[i].replace(/[\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'));
      return RegExp(parts.join(''), flags);
    if (typeof first === 'string') {
      return tag;
    } else {
      flags = void 0;  // Should this be '' ?
      return tag(first, ...args);
# Mark S. Miller (10 years ago)


  function re(first, ...args) {
    let flags = first;
    function tag(template, ...subs) {
      const parts = [];
      const numSubs = subs.length;
      for (let i = 0; i < numSubs; i++) {
        const subst = subs[i] instanceof RegExp ? subs[i].source :
            subs[i].replace(/[\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
      return RegExp(parts.join(''), flags);
    if (typeof first === 'string') {
      return tag;
    } else {
      flags = void 0;  // Should this be '' ?
      return tag(first, ...args);
# Mark S. Miller (10 years ago)

The point of this last variant is that data gets escaped but RegExp objects do not -- allowing you to compose RegExps: re${re1}|${re2}*|${data} But this requires one more adjustment:

>   function re(first, ...args) {
>     let flags = first;
>     function tag(template, ...subs) {
>       const parts = [];
>       const numSubs = subs.length;
>       for (let i = 0; i < numSubs; i++) {
>         parts.push(template.raw[i]);
>         const subst = subs[i] instanceof RegExp ?

               `(?:${subs[i].source})` :

>             subs[i].replace(/[\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\amp;');
>         parts.push(subst);
>       }
>       parts.push(template.raw[numSubs]);
>       return RegExp(parts.join(''), flags);
>     }
>     if (typeof first === 'string') {
>       return tag;
>     } else {
>       flags = void 0;  // Should this be '' ?
>       return tag(first, ...args);
>     }
>   }
# Domenic Denicola (10 years ago)

All of these should be building on top of RegExp.escape :P

# Mark S. Miller (10 years ago)

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Domenic Denicola <d at> wrote:

All of these should be building on top of RegExp.escape :P

I am not yet agreeing or disagreeing with this. Were both to become std, clearly they should be consistent with each other. At the time I wrote this, it had not occurred to me that the tag itself might be stdized at the same time as RegExp.escape. Now that this possibility has been proposed, I am realizing lots of flaws with my polyfill. It's funny how, by considering it as leading to a proposal, I quickly saw deep flaws that I was previously missing.

  • The big one is that the literal template parts that are taken to represent the regexp pattern fragments being expressed should be syntactically valid fragments, in the sense that it makes semantic sense to inject data between these fragments. Escaping the data + validating the overall result does not do this. For example:

    const data = ':x';
    const rebad = RegExp.tag`(?${data})`;
    console.log(rebad.test('x')); // true

    is nonsense. Since the RegExp grammar can be extended per platform, the same argument that says we should have the platform provide RegExp.escape says we should have the platform provide RegExp.tag -- so that they can conisistently reflect these platform extensions.

  • Now that we have modules, I would like to see us stop having each proposal for new functionality come at the price of further global namespace pollution. I would like to see us transition towards having most new std library entry points be provided by std modules. I understand why we haven't yet, but something needs to go first.

  • ES6 made RegExp subclassable with most methods delegating to a common @exec method, so that a subclass only needs to consistently override a small number of things to stay consistent. Neither RegExpSubclass.escape nor RegExpSubclass.tag can be derived from aRegExpSubclass[@exec]. Because of the first bullet, RegExpSubclass.tag also cannot be derived from RegExpSubclass.escape. But having RegExpSubclass.escape delegating to RegExpSubclass.tag seem weird.

  • The instanceof below prevents this polyfill from working cross-frame. Also, when doing RegExpSubclass1.tag`xx${aRegExpSubclass2}yy, where RegExpSubclass2.source produces a regexp grammar string that RegExpSubclass1 does not understand, I have no idea what the composition should do other than reject with an error. But what if the strings happen to be mutually valid but with conflicting meaning between these subclasses?

# Jordan Harband (10 years ago)

Would it help subclassing to have the list of syntax characters/code points be on a well-known-symbol property? Like RegExp.prototype[@@syntaxCharacters] = Object.freeze('^$\\.*+?()[]{}|'.split('')); or something? Then @exec could reference that, and similarly RegExp.escape and RegExpSubclass.escape` could reference it as well?

# Benjamin Gruenbaum (10 years ago)

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 9:07 PM, Mark S. Miller <erights at> wrote:

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Domenic Denicola <d at> wrote:

All of these should be building on top of RegExp.escape :P

It's funny how, by considering it as leading to a proposal, I quickly saw deep flaws that I was previously missing.

That was a big part of making a proposal out of it - to find these things :)

the overall result does not do this. For example:

const data = ':x';
const rebad = RegExp.tag`(?${data})`;
console.log(rebad.test('x')); // true

is nonsense. Since the RegExp grammar can be extended per platform, the same argument that says we should have the platform provide RegExp.escape says we should have the platform provide RegExp.tag -- so that they can conisistently reflect these platform extensions.

This is a good point, I considered whether or not - should be included for a similar reason. I think it is reasonable to only include syntax identifiers and expect users to deal with parts of patterns of more than one characters themselves (by wrapping the string with () in the constructor). This is what every other language does practically.

That said - I'm very open to allowing implementations to escape more than SyntaxCharacter in their implementations and to even recommend that they do so in such a way that is consistent with their regular expressions. What do you think about doing that?

I'm also open to .tag wrapping with () to avoid these issues but I'm not sure if we have a way in JavaScript to not make a capturing group out of it.

  • Now that we have modules, I would like to see us stop having each proposal for new functionality come at the price of further global namespace pollution. I would like to see us transition towards having most new std library entry points be provided by std modules. I understand why we haven't yet, but something needs to go first.

I think that doing this should be an eventual target but I don't think adding a single much-asked-for static function to the RegExp function would be a good place to start. I think the committee first needs to agree about how this form of modularisation should be done - there are much bigger targets first and I would not like to see this proposal tied and held back by that (useful) goal.

  • ES6 made RegExp subclassable with most methods delegating to a common @exec method, so that a subclass only needs to consistently override a small number of things to stay consistent. Neither RegExpSubclass.escape nor RegExpSubclass.tag can be derived from aRegExpSubclass[@exec]. Because of the first bullet, RegExpSubclass.tag also cannot be derived from RegExpSubclass.escape. But having RegExpSubclass.escape delegating to RegExpSubclass.tag seem weird.

Right but it makes sense that escape does not play in this game since it is a static method that takes a string argument - I'm not sure how it could use @exec.

  • The instanceof below prevents this polyfill from working cross-frame. Also, when doing RegExpSubclass1.tagxx${aRegExpSubclass2}yy, where RegExpSubclass2.source produces a regexp grammar string that RegExpSubclass1 does not understand, I have no idea what the composition should do other than reject with an error. But what if the strings happen to be mutually valid but with conflicting meaning between these subclasses?

This is hacky, but in my code I just did argument.exec ? treatAsRegExp : treatAsString.

# Mark S. Miller (10 years ago)

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 11:39 AM, Benjamin Gruenbaum <benjamingr at>


On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 9:07 PM, Mark S. Miller <erights at> wrote:

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Domenic Denicola <d at> wrote:

All of these should be building on top of RegExp.escape :P

It's funny how, by considering it as leading to a proposal, I quickly saw deep flaws that I was previously missing.

That was a big part of making a proposal out of it - to find these things :)

Indeed! Much appreciated.

the overall result does not do this. For example:

const data = ':x';
const rebad = RegExp.tag`(?${data})`;
console.log(rebad.test('x')); // true

is nonsense. Since the RegExp grammar can be extended per platform, the same argument that says we should have the platform provide RegExp.escape says we should have the platform provide RegExp.tag -- so that they can conisistently reflect these platform extensions.

This is a good point, I considered whether or not - should be included for a similar reason. I think it is reasonable to only include syntax identifiers and expect users to deal with parts of patterns of more than one characters themselves (by wrapping the string with () in the constructor). This is what every other language does practically.

That said - I'm very open to allowing implementations to escape more than SyntaxCharacter in their implementations and to even recommend that they do so in such a way that is consistent with their regular expressions. What do you think about doing that?

I'm also open to .tag wrapping with () to avoid these issues but I'm not sure if we have a way in JavaScript to not make a capturing group out of it.

Better or different escaping is not issue of this first bullet, but rather, validating that a fragment is a valid fragment for that regexp grammar. For the std grammar, "(?" is not a valid fragment and the tag should have rejected the template with an error on that basis alone.

  • Now that we have modules, I would like to see us stop having each proposal for new functionality come at the price of further global namespace pollution. I would like to see us transition towards having most new std library entry points be provided by std modules. I understand why we haven't yet, but something needs to go first.

I think that doing this should be an eventual target but I don't think adding a single much-asked-for static function to the RegExp function would be a good place to start. I think the committee first needs to agree about how this form of modularisation should be done - there are much bigger targets first and I would not like to see this proposal tied and held back by that (useful) goal.

I agree, but this will be true for any individual proposal.

Perhaps we need a sacrificial "first penguin through the ice" proposal whose only purpose is to arrive as a std import rather than a std primordial. (Just kidding.)

  • ES6 made RegExp subclassable with most methods delegating to a common @exec method, so that a subclass only needs to consistently override a small number of things to stay consistent. Neither RegExpSubclass.escape nor RegExpSubclass.tag can be derived from aRegExpSubclass[@exec]. Because of the first bullet, RegExpSubclass.tag also cannot be derived from RegExpSubclass.escape. But having RegExpSubclass.escape delegating to RegExpSubclass.tag seem weird.

Right but it makes sense that escape does not play in this game since it is a static method that takes a string argument - I'm not sure how it could use @exec.

I agree that defining a class-side method to delegate to an instance-side method is unpleasant. But because we have class-side inheritance, static methods should be designed with this larger game in mind.

  • The instanceof below prevents this polyfill from working cross-frame. Also, when doing RegExpSubclass1.tagxx${aRegExpSubclass2}yy, where RegExpSubclass2.source produces a regexp grammar string that RegExpSubclass1 does not understand, I have no idea what the composition should do other than reject with an error. But what if the strings happen to be mutually valid but with conflicting meaning between these subclasses?

This is hacky, but in my code I just did argument.exec ? treatAsRegExp : treatAsString.

Yes, as with instanceof, that's the difference between the quality needed in a polyfill for personal use vs a proposed std.

# Mark Miller (10 years ago)

Perhaps. I encourage you to draft a possible concrete proposal.

# Benjamin Gruenbaum (10 years ago)

What about that part in particular?

That said - I'm very open to allowing implementations to escape more

than SyntaxCharacter in their implementations and to even recommend that they do so in such a way that is consistent with their regular expressions. What do you think about doing that?

If we go with .escape (and not tag at this stage) - implementations extending the regexp syntax(which is apparently allowed?) to add identifiers should be allowed to add identifiers to escape?

This sounds like the biggest barrier at this point from what I understand. I'm also considering a bit of as if to allow implementations to, for example, not escape some characters inside [...] as long as the end result is the same.

# C. Scott Ananian (10 years ago)

To throw some more paint on the bikeshed:

The "instanceof RegExp" and "RegExp(...)" parts of the "perfect" implementation of RegExp.tag should also be fixed to play nicely with species.

I think Allen and I would say that you should not use the species pattern for instantiating the new regexp (because this is a factory), but you should be doing new this(...) to create the result, instead of RegExp(...). (Domenic might disagree, but this is the pattern the ES6 spec is currently consistent with.)

The instanceof RegExp test might also be reviewed. It might be okay, but perhaps you want to invoke a toRegExp method instead, or just look at source, so that we used duck typing instead of a fixed inheritance chain. You could even define String#toRegExp and have that handle proper escaping. This pattern might not play as nicely with subtyping, though, so perhaps using this.escape(string) (returning an instance of this) is in fact preferable. Everything other than a string might be passed through new this(somethingelse).source which could cast it from a "base RegExp" to a subclass as necessary. You could handle whatever conversions are necessary in the constructor for your subclass.

If we did want to use the species pattern, the best way (IMO) would be to expose the fundamental alternation/concatenation/etc operators. For example, RegExp.prototype.concat(x) would use the species pattern to produce a result, and would also handle escaping x if it was a string. The set of instance methods needed is large but not too large: concat, alt, mult, and group (with options) might be sufficient.

# Allen Wirfs-Brock (10 years ago)

On Jun 13, 2015, at 1:18 PM, C. Scott Ananian wrote:

To throw some more paint on the bikeshed:

The "instanceof RegExp" and "RegExp(...)" parts of the "perfect" implementation of RegExp.tag should also be fixed to play nicely with species.

I think Allen and I would say that you should not use the species pattern for instantiating the new regexp (because this is a factory), but you should be doing new this(...) to create the result, instead of RegExp(...). (Domenic might disagree, but this is the pattern the ES6 spec is currently consistent with.)

Absolutely, new this(...) is a pattern that everyone who whats to create inheritable "static" factory methods needs to learn. It's how such a factory says: I need to create an instance of the constructor I was invoked upon.

species is very different. It is how an instance method says: I need to create an new instance that is similar to this instance, but lack its specialized behavior.

The instanceof RegExp test might also be reviewed. It might be okay, but perhaps you want to invoke a toRegExp method instead, or just look at source, so that we used duck typing instead of a fixed inheritance chain. You could even define String#toRegExp and have that handle proper escaping. This pattern might not play as nicely with subtyping, though, so perhaps using this.escape(string) (returning an instance of this) is in fact preferable. Everything other than a string might be passed through new this(somethingelse).source which could cast it from a "base RegExp" to a subclass as necessary. You could handle whatever conversions are necessary in the constructor for your subclass.

Originally, ES6 had a @@isRegExp property that was used to brand objects that could be used in context's where RegExp instances were expected. It was used by methods like String.prototype.match/split/search/replace to determine if the "pattern" argument was an "regular expression" rather than a string. Latter @@isRegExp was eliminated and replaced with @@match, @@search, @@split, and @@replace because we realized that the corresponding methods didn't depend upon the full generality of regular expressions, but only upon the more specific behaviors. When we did that, we also decided that we would use the present of @@match a property as the brand to identify regular expression like objects. This is captured in the ES6 spec. by the IsRegExp abstract operation which is used at several places within the ES6 spec.

So, the property ES6 way to do a cross-realm friendly check for RegExp like behavior is to check for the existence of a property whose key is Symbol.match

If we did want to use the species pattern, the best way (IMO) would be to expose the fundamental alternation/concatenation/etc operators. For example, RegExp.prototype.concat(x) would use the species pattern to produce a result, and would also handle escaping x if it was a string. The set of instance methods needed is large but not too large: concat, alt, mult, and group (with options) might be sufficient.


Again, the key difference is whether we are talking about a request to a constructor object or a request to an instance object.

MyArraySubclass.of(1,2,3,4) //I expect to get an instance of MyArraySubclass, not of Array or some other Array-like species>f(from)) //I expect to get something with Array behavior but it may not be an instance of MyArraySubclass

# Allen Wirfs-Brock (10 years ago)

(typo correction)

# Benjamin Gruenbaum (10 years ago)

As a cross-cutting concern I'd like the feedback of more people on benjamingr/RegExp.escape#29

Basically we've got to make a design choice of readable output vs. potentially safer output.

# Bucaran (10 years ago)

I have never written a proposal before, but I would love if it was possible to do the following in JavaScript:

// This code exposes a function that when called bound to an `object` inserts a method in that `object`.
// The following are 3 ways to do this, the last one being my proposal. Note that I am using CommonJS
// require style to include modules, but that is simply to illustrate how I came up with thi. Using `export default function…` 
// does not really address my use case, but just for completeness I have included an example using the new `import` 
// `export` system as well.

// Disclaimer: This is a simple plugin-like system example, but notice I am not checking whether the 
// method already exist in `object`. You can ignore this.

// Idiomatic JavaScript

module.exports = function () {
  let method = require("./lib/method")
  this.method = function (…args) {
    return => method(arg))

// Clumsy, but without using `let` variables

module.exports = function () {
  this.method = function (…args) {
    return (function (method) {
      return => method(path))

// My proposal is to allow blocks to receive arguments (similar to the non-standard let blocks) and
// whatever you return inside the block is the return value of the enclosing function. Also, there
// should be no need to write `return` as it will always return the result of the last expression.

module.exports = function () {
  this.method = function (…args) {
    (method) { => method(arg)) }(require("./lib/method")

// Just for completeness, but not really related to what I am proposing (although it 
does solve this particular case very neatly) using import & exports

import method from "./method"

exports default function () {
  this.method = function (…args) {
    return => method(arg))

If you think this is a good or bad idea, please let me know your comments and observations.


# Benjamin Gruenbaum (10 years ago)

Why is this a comment on the RegExp.escape discussion?

# Benjamin Gruenbaum (10 years ago)

I'd like to give benjamingr/RegExp.escape#29 another week please, if you have a strong opinion voice it after which we'll settle on a hopefully final API for RegExp.escape in terms of the escaped parts.

Some parts so you won't have to read the whole thread (debated issues):

  • Numeric literals are escaped at the start of the string to not interfere with capturing groups (yes/no)
  • Hex characters ([0-9a-f]) are escaped at the start of the string to not interfere with unicode escape sequences (yes/no)
  • / is escaped to support passing a RegExp string to eval (yes/no)?

And so on.

# Mark S. Miller (10 years ago)

Safety over readability please. If there is a single fully escaped form that is safe to use in all the expected contexts, let's choose that. The results of RegExp.escape are not very readable anyway, and rarely read. So compromising safety for some contexts in exchange for incremental readability improvements of something that won't be read is not a good idea.

If there is not a clearly most escaped form that is safe in all expected contexts, then first, let us enumerate all the relevant contexts and the escaping demands of each.

# Allen Wirfs-Brock (10 years ago)

On Jun 27, 2015, at 9:17 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

Safety over readability please. If there is a single fully escaped form that is safe to use in all the expected contexts, let's choose that. The results of RegExp.escape are not very readable anyway, and rarely read. So compromising safety for some contexts in exchange for incremental readability improvements of something that won't be read is not a good idea.

If there is not a clearly most escaped form that is safe in all expected contexts, then first, let us enumerate all the relevant contexts and the escaping demands of each.

Alternatively, an optional options object argument could be used to adapt a single 'escape' function to differing use case requirements.

# Benjamin Gruenbaum (10 years ago)

This is currently discussed at benjamingr/RegExp.escape#29 .

Adding my comment from there to here too:

Some languages (PHP for example) do this (optional parameter with additional parameters) so it's not unprecedented.

The question we should ask ourselves is whether it would be a significant improvement over the user just doing a .replace to escape these characters for the more fine grained cases (where the language will support the more general one).

Also, I wonder what that options argument would look like (I think accepting any iterable over characters would be good and would allow an array or string or set etc).

# C. Scott Ananian (10 years ago)

Please, not an iterable over characters. (Or at least, "not only".) Use a RegExp. Imagine trying to ensure that any characters over \u007f were escaped. You don't want an iterable over ~64k characters.

In addition, a RegExp would allow you to concisely specify "hex digits, but only at the start of the string" and some of the other oddities we've considered. --scott ​

# Benjamin Gruenbaum (10 years ago)

I meant something like RegExp.escape(str, "☺") (also escapes ). Since strings are iterable by code points via the new iteration protocol this sounds like the natural choice. I'm not sure such a second argument would be a good idea.

# C. Scott Ananian (10 years ago)

And I'm suggesting that RegExp.escape(str, /[image: ☺]/ug) is a much better idea.​

# Benjamin Gruenbaum (10 years ago)

Why? What advantage would it offer?

# Mathias Bynens (10 years ago)

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 9:04 PM, Benjamin Gruenbaum <benjamingr at> wrote:

Why? What advantage would it offer?

See Scott’s previous email:

# Benjamin Gruenbaum (10 years ago)

I'm still not sure if it's worth it, after all it's just sugar for RegExp.escape(str).replace(/[a-z]/gu, m =>\${m})

# C. Scott Ananian (10 years ago)

On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 3:46 AM, Benjamin Gruenbaum <benjamingr at>


I'm still not sure if it's worth it, after all it's just sugar for RegExp.escape(str).replace(/[a-z]/gu, m =>\${m})

I think you're making my point! And I hope your version of RegExp.escape doesn't use hexadecimal or unicode escapes. (And that no one extends it to do so in the future.)

Over at benjamingr/RegExp.escape#29 I also suggested that you consider:

RegExp.escape(str, /[0-9]$/)


RegExp.escape(str).replace(/[0-9]$/, /* what goes here? */);

and then what happens with the latter code if str is "\\010" (ie, using a literal backlash) or $ (since RegExp.escape('$') == "\\024").

It would also be nice to be able to do:

str.replace(/something/, (c) => RegExp.escape(c, /[^]/g));

that is, to be able to easily get a version of RegExp.escape that safely encodes every character it is given.

Let's give programmers powerful tools that aren't footguns, instead of making them play with String#replace after the fact and risk losing toes on the corner cases.

# richard.gibson at (7 years ago)

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# richard.gibson at (7 years ago)

Reviving this thread a third time, is there any love left for introducing RegExp.escape? The previous attempt was abandoned because of a so-called "even-odd problem", but that can be fixed: backslash-escape every SyntaxCharacter, then wrap the full result in a new form of non-capturing group that is only valid as a unit (and therefore protected from otherwise dangerous preceding fragments). For example, (?](?)…) is a good candidate because preceding such content with a right bracket (starting a CharacterClass) and/or a backslash (escaping special treatment of the initial parenthesis) would produce invalid syntax by exposing the "(?)".

As a result, new RegExp(RegExp.escape("")) is valid (i.e., /(?](?)foo\.bar)/, equivalent in evaluation to /(?:foo\.bar)/) but new RegExp("\\" + RegExp.escape("")) and even new RegExp("([\\" + RegExp.escape("")) would throw SyntaxErrors.

The upside of such a change is getting safe access to desired language functionality. The downside, of course, is the new pattern's supreme ugliness.

Sample polyfill:

const regExpSyntaxCharacter = /[\^$\\.*+?()[\]{}|]/g;
RegExp.escape = function( value ) {
	return "(?](?)" + (value + "").replace(regExpSyntaxCharacter, "\\$&") + ")";
# Richard Gibson (7 years ago)

Or even better: (?]**foo) ("]" still terminates character classes; "**" is a less ugly normally-invalid sequence).